He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1228 Elledo vs. Lizard King!

Da da da! !

Da da da! !

The two humanoid Pokémon rushed towards each other at the same time, and their galloping feet stomped on the lawn, making muffled noises.

Then came the same sharp green light sickle, chopping together.


Elledo's Leaf Blade Slash is a backhand knife extending from the elbow, sideways to contend with the Lizard King's frontal slash.

The two immediately retracted their sabers in a similar way, and as their bodies moved and jumped, the slashing trajectory changed accordingly, and they slashed at each other again.


Clang! !

On the grass arena, every time there is a collision, you can see a burst of green light flashing, and the sound of cutting metal knives can be heard next to your ears.


But in the end, the Lizard King let out a low cry, and the light on the knife on the back of his hand rose sharply, and Elle Duo was thrown out.

After all, it is of the grass attribute, and the blade blade is more powerful.

"In this case, try this trick...Use continuous cutting!!"

It was not annoyed when it was fully charged, and soon launched a new round of attack.

Once he fought side by side with his own Elledo, he seemed to be a different person, full of self-confidence.

The gray-green elbow knife slashed obliquely, but the Lizard King only took a small step back following the trajectory, and tilted his head accordingly.

Whoosh...! !

The dangerous continuous cut just fell through, streaking through the air.

see through!

Whoosh! ! Whoosh! !

Next, Elle Duo's consecutive shots of the worm's sharp blade were all seen through and avoided by the Lizard King.

It was Tetsuya's tactics in the previous game, constantly defending to see through, dodging moves, and looking for opportunities to attack.

Seeing through is not protection or not protection, it is a dodge move for a period of time.


The latter's open and closed elbow knife slash also gave the Lizard King a chance, and he slashed out mercilessly with a single blow of Ye Renzhan! !

"We also use see through!!"

Manchu suddenly shouted in a low voice.

The next moment, Elle Duo's eyes also flickered, and he dodged the knife sideways in a thrilling manner.

For fighting Pokémon, seeing through is not a difficult move to master.

This time, even Elle Duo raised the elbow knife and was about to slash at the opponent.

Just waiting for the Lizard King to use the same move to dodge.

"Now, use a feint!!"

Manchu suddenly said, and changed a trick.

Whoosh! !

Elle Duo completely predicted the lizard king's dodge action, temporarily changed the direction of his cutting trajectory, and finally slashed horizontally on the lizard king's chest.

This feint attack sent the Lizard King flying, and he retreated repeatedly on the lawn.


Seeing an extra mark on the Lizard King's chest, Elledo even made a provocative voice.

Feint attack, this is a move that can see through the opponent, that is, see through the opponent's see through.

"Let's talk...!!"

This also completely aroused the Lizard King's anger, and he rushed up again, opening his arms when he leaped high, and the energy sickle extending from the back of his hand was already covered with dangerous purple light.

This time it's Cross Fang! !

"Block it, Elledo, let's use Poison Strike!!"

Facing the Lizard King's cross-cut strike, Elledo rushed out sideways, stabbing back with his right hand.

The extended elbow knife was also covered with dangerous purple light, and finally hit the intersection of the cross fangs.

Clang! !

Two similar moves, once again stalemate there.

Manchu's trump card Pokémon has a much higher level than other Pokémon.

"Ai Lu!!"

Elle Duo even took advantage of the opponent's impact to jump backwards abruptly.

Then he swung his dagger arms wildly, piercing the air.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Then came a series of blue and white air sickle weasel, condensed into shape, came out from the elbow, and flew away in unison!

Air chop! !

It can be said that the Lizard King is at a complete disadvantage in terms of attributes, insects, poison, flying... the moves of these three attributes can cause outstanding damage to the former.

Boom boom boom...!!

The wildly dancing air slash directly engulfed the Lizard King's figure completely, stirring up countless dust and grass blades on the spot.

It's just that when everyone's eyes were focused on the bottom, a figure appeared behind Elle Duo in a strange way.

It is the Lizard King.

You must know that the latter is good at disguising, not to mention that this is the field of grass at this moment, it is like a fish in water.

"Now, use Leaf Blade Slash!!"

The Lizard King jumped up high, and the extended sharp blade shone everywhere, which was extremely dazzling.

"Hurry up and use the spiritual blade to block it!!"

Elle Duo quickly turned back and slashed out a purple light energy blade.

It's just that the mental sharp blade that has been condensed in a hurry was smashed to pieces by the Lizard King in just an instant.

The strength of the leaf blade slash continued, and Elle Duo could only forcefully raise the knife in his hand to resist, but he was still sent flying backwards by this force, and fell heavily on the field.


This time, it was the Lizard King's turn to speak provocatively.


Two very similar Pokémon, both of which were extremely cool and handsome, set off waves of cheers throughout the arena.

But Man Chong was not in the mood to pay attention to his surroundings at all. He wiped off the sweat on his brow and commanded:

"Elledo, use the spiritual blade!!"

Unexpectedly, even if he used his trump card at this moment, he still couldn't suppress his opponent smoothly.

Buzz... Whoosh!

This time, Elledo did not slash out an energy attack, but completely condensed the energy of the spiritual blade on the elbow knife, turning it into a pink-purple long-bladed sickle.


Immediately, he stomped on the lawn and rushed out with a knife!

"Lizard King, we use Leaf Blade Slash!!"

Naturally, Xiaozhi refused to admit defeat, and the lizard king in front of him also rushed up to meet his opponent with a green light sickle.

Clang! !

Clang! !

Clang! !

For a moment, the arena seemed to return to the beginning, and once again fell into countless frontal slashing collisions.

There are repeated explosions of metal collisions, and every slash can trigger a burst of energy sputtering.



Only this time, when the two Pokémon were slashing, their eyes and minds were not on the slashing, but they were looking for the opponent's flaws.

"Ai Lu!!"

In the end, it was Elle Duo who was the first to discover the opponent's attack flaw, and flexibly dodged the opponent's leaf blade with a tilt of the elbow knife.

Whoosh! !

Then the spiritual blade was drawn out, and it was slashing right at the Lizard King's chest!


However, the Lizard King accepted the move abruptly with his chest, propping his lower limbs on the ground to resist it forcefully.

But the eyes became extremely sharp, and the corners of the mouth raised a strange arc.

Whoosh! !

Leaf Blade Zhan immediately slashed back, and also slashed at Elle Duo's chest!

The slashes of the two sides were carried out almost at the same time. The Spirit Blade and Leaf Blade Slash passed by in a flash, and the two Pokémon also passed by each other, flying to the two ends of the arena, standing back to back.

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