He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1231 Huayan monster, misfortunes never come singly!

"Mie Dang~!!"

The giant metal monster let out a low growl, and its four steel arms converged into one, completely condensing in front of its body.

Boom boom whoosh! !

Afterwards, the whole body was covered with dazzling blue light, and streams of energy meteors swirled and entwined, coming with an unstoppable force! !

"Flower rock monster, use shadow to sneak attack and dodge!!"

This time, Huayan Monster took the first step to hide in the shadow, avoiding the blow very dangerously.

Whoa whoa...!!

The empty Comet Fist created a long ravine on the ice, which shows how powerful it is!

Turning around, the Huayan monster appeared in the shadow behind the giant metal monster again, with a very ghostly figure.

"Use the wave of evil!!"

In the vortex of ghost shadows, a shock wave composed entirely of black halos shot out violently, and exploded on the back of the giant metal monster!

The effect is outstanding! !

"Damn it, keep using Comet Fist!!"

Zhe was also disgusted by the latter's weird movement, so he could only continue to attack.

However, Huayan Monster just repeated his tricks and slipped into the shadows again to avoid the terrible Comet Punch.

"Wait a minute, that thing..."

But the keen Tetsuya quickly noticed that the vortex ghost above was always changing.

But the stone pier on the ice has been standing in place.

I just don't know why, but just after the battle, my golden monster started to pant?

"It doesn't matter, Metagross, use Comet Fist on the stone pier!!"

This sentence also made Xiaozhi's complexion change slightly.

Indeed, no matter how the flower rock ghost ghost potted plant changes, the main body cannot be moved...

"In that case, carry it head-on!!"

The flower rock monster simply stopped running around and grew on the stone pier again.

Bang bang! !

The next moment, the comet punch covered with blue meteors, one punch... no, this is already four punches.

The giant metal monster's four fists are close together and impacting, the power is extremely terrifying! !


At the moment of contact, the ghost of the Huayan monster, together with the stone pier of its body, retreated continuously on the ice surface, drawing a long trace.

"It's now, use it to share the pain!!"

However, Xiaozhi suddenly spoke.

Huayan Monster's eyes suddenly became dangerous and strange, and he smiled miserably.

Strange ghosts came out of the body, and landed on the giant gold monster and himself respectively, which made the Huayan monster recover a lot of physical strength in an instant.

The damage from one blow of Comet Fist was shared equally with the two of them!

The Huayan monster's sharing of pain is different from ordinary...

If it is used at the moment of being attacked, it will not share the overall physical value, but the damage value of a single blow.


On the contrary, the giant metal monster that punched it seemed to have punched itself in the face, and let out a muffled grunt.

However, Xiaozhi's attack was not over yet, he suddenly shouted:

"Now, use the will-o'-the-wisp!!"

"Jie Jie~~!"

The ghost figure spun, and this time a few wisps of faint blue flames flew out of it, instantly enveloping the giant golden monster.


The next moment, the latter's gray-blue body ignited flames out of thin air.

The Metagross entered a burnt state.

Now, the golden monster is completely reduced to a useless person... a useless quasi-god.

The same is true for Xiaozhi's metal monster. Once it enters the burn, its attack power will be halved, and it will also become scrap iron.

At best, good looking platinum scrap...


"Damn, are you so proficient in the application?"

Tetsuya also lost his temper for a while. The most important thing is that he is very unfamiliar with Pokémon like Huayan Monster, and he has no idea how to attack.

"Come back first, Metagross!"

Zhe also could only take out the poke ball, intending to take it back first and send others.

However, Xiaozhi is also a tormenter, and immediately commanded:

"Flower rock monster, use black eyes!!"

In the vortex of ghost shadows, a single eye has already lit up on the body of the giant metal monster... The strangely restricted ability directly bounced off the red light of the poke ball.

"In front of ghost-type Pokémon, there is no option to retract it!"

Xiaozhi just said it so naturally.

Only now did Tetsu realize how terrifying the pressure of formally fighting the latter was.

The guy on the opposite side is completely beyond his appearance in fighting level!


And the giant gold monster is also panting heavily, why is it harder than usual?

"Because the characteristic of my flower rock monster is a sense of oppression... As long as I fight it, no matter what I do, the stamina consumed will be twice as much as usual!"

Xiaozhi finally read the answer.

Pokémon with an average aura, the sense of oppression is just to let the opponent release skills and consume more pp value.

But for Pokémon with a strong aura, the sense of oppression will run through the entire battle, which will consume a huge amount of physical strength and energy!

Immediately, Xiaozhi looked solemnly, although the opponent has been completely reduced to a useless person, but after all, he is a quasi-god, so he must be killed as soon as possible...

"End this battle, use misfortunes never come singly!!"

The Huayan monster understood, and the ghost potted plants spun back and forth, and several ghost spirit fires flew out of them, all flying out together.

Xiaozhi's command was fully recognized by it, making him, an old monster who has survived for hundreds of years, still willing to obey the command.

"Jie Jie~~!"

After all, the Huayan monster enjoys this tormenting pleasure~!

"Damn it, the Metagross is fighting with all its strength, using Comet Fist!!"

Seeing this, Zhe could only say so.

The black gaze couldn't be retracted, the golden monster was burned again, and continued to lose blood... It must be decided with one blow!

"Mie Dang~!!"

The giant metal monster combined its four fists into one, and was covered with energy meteors again, using its whole body as the driving force, it rushed up suddenly.

Boom...! !

The next moment, they collided with countless groups of ghostly spirit fires in the center of the arena.

It's just that even in the burnt state, the comet punch of the Metagross is still believable!

It actually suppressed the opponent's energy impact steadily, and even pushed back bit by bit.

But seeing this scene, Xiaozhi smiled instead.

"Cold knowledge, this is just the first force where misfortunes never come singly..."

At the end of the sentence, countless balls of ghostly spirit fire flew out from the ghostly vortex of the Huayan monster again, which completely overlapped with the previous move, and the power doubled instantly!

Misfortunes never come singly This move is originally powerful, but if the opponent falls into an abnormal state, the power will be doubled!

The miserable energy will-o'-the-wisp overwhelmed Comet Fist in an instant, and countless energy shells bombarded the body of the giant golden monster immediately.

Boom boom boom! !

Misfortunes never come singly, and the power of the ghost attribute bombarded the target without hindrance.

The effect is outstanding! !

Boom! !

This also caused the giant golden monster's huge body to be completely blown away, and fell heavily on the ice.


Then came the flames in the burn state, which took away the last bit of the golden monster's stamina.

Misfortunes never come singly.


This also made the giant golden monster completely lose consciousness, and just fell fainted on the ice.

The victory and defeat have been divided!

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