He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1240 Pull out the dragon's jaw!

"Come back, desert dragonfly..."

Youshu took back the desert dragonfly, while Xiaozhi still let the dragon god on the field, and did not choose to replace it.

"That's it, keep fighting!"

This is the first time he and Long Shenzhu have cooperated in battle... There is no need for tacit understanding, just bombard them and it's over.

Like the Lightning God Pillar, the power of the dragon attribute moves of the Dragon God Pillar is also outrageous to the extreme.

In contrast, the classic aboriginal three-spirited column has been reduced to a joke that is not worth mentioning.

"Damn it...you haven't lost yet, please!!"

With only the last two Pokémon left, Yuki sent his fifth general.


A red light flashed, and the one who appeared in front of Yuki this time was a humanoid elf, with an elegant temperament similar to that of a human big sister.

With a slender white body, the lower body seemed to be wearing a large evening dress.

Short curvy green hair grows on the head, green arms, and broad red protrusions on the front and back of the chest.

"This is..."

It was the first time for Xiaozhi to meet this kind of elf, so he quickly took out the illustrated book.

This appearance is somewhat similar to the Elle Duo that was fully charged before.

"Didi. Xanadu, super power attribute and fairy attribute, powerful telepathy ability can detect the mood of other existences, looks like a human female, but there is also the existence of male Xanadu, which is the corresponding existence of Elle Duo .”

After putting away the illustrated book, Xiaozhi knew the elves that were symmetrical to Elledo.

The latter is like a male warrior and swordsman among human beings, while Xanadu in front of him is more like a gentle big sister.


After appearing on the stage, Xanadu even glanced at Yuki behind him, and his eyes instantly became tender.

Xiaozhi: "..."

He also saw this look in the eyes of the geranium in his own house.

Yuki: "..."

He coughed and showed embarrassment, which made Xanadu look in front of him again.

Well, he and his Xanadu have a relationship that transcends ordinary elves and trainers.

In the Fangyuan area, Xanadu has always been recognized as a single superpower attribute...

It wasn't until Kaluni in the Carlos area next door relied on Shanaido to successfully climb to the top and became the league champion in that area that trainers in other areas began to popularize it. In fact, Shanaido also has a second attribute-the fairy attribute !

It has a fairy attribute, it can do a lot of damage to the Dragon God Pillar, and it can even be completely immune to dragon attribute moves!

The battle begins!

"Xanadu, use the feature swap!!"

Yuuki said suddenly.

As soon as the battle started, Xanadu let out a loud cry, and the strange power split into two, falling on himself and Dragon God Pillar respectively.

The next moment, the dragon jaw characteristics of the Dragon God Pillar became the characteristics of Xanadu.

And the Dragon God Pillar has become the synchronous characteristic of Xanadu.

Although dragon-type moves are completely immune... But Yuki is not sure whether his Xanadu will be able to block the terrifying dragon pressure even with the natural protection of fairy attributes.

The limitation of attributes will be meaningless when the power disparity reaches a certain level... Yuuki knows this.

It's impossible for a Lalulas to be able to handle the move of cracking the empty seat, right?

But now that the latter has its dragon jaw pulled out, it will definitely not be able to break through the absolute law of "fairy attribute immunity to dragon attribute moves"!

"Is there still such a move..."

Xanadu's first strike caught Xiaozhi a little by surprise.

"Not only that... Xanadu, use black eyes!!"

Xanadu's second move is to raise a phantom with one eye on the Dragon God Pillar, limiting the latter's return and replacement.

Youshu is determined, ready to kill the Dragon God Pillar to testify, he raised his hand and pointed:

"Xanadu, use the power of the moon!!"

"Continue to use the wave of the dragon!!"

Xiaozhi responded like this.

Xanadu condensed a pink ball of light and threw it out.

The Dragon God Pillar ejected a dragon-shaped shock wave, but without the blessing of the dragon's jaw, the width and power seemed much smaller.

boom boom...!!

It didn't take long for the two moves to collide, but it was still the power of the moon that was overwhelmed by the recoil of the wave of the dragon, and pushed away... Of course it's not as disparate as before.

There is no special bonus, but the Dragon God Pillar itself already contains extremely powerful dragon energy.

Boom boom...!

But then, all the moves fell on Xanadu.


However, the latter just let the energy of the dragon wave penetrate his body as if nothing happened, without suffering any harm.

"Don't stop, keep going, use the dragon coercion!!"

With firm eyes, Xiaozhi continued to speak.

The Dragon God Pillar closed the dragon's mouth and spewed out a dragon-attribute shock wave again. Without the bonus of the dragon's jaw, the movement and movement in the picture seemed much smaller.

But this is completely relative. In essence, the power of the dragon's coercion is still extremely powerful, far surpassing ordinary Pokémon moves.

It's just that I have seen that shocking blow before, but now I am watching this shrunken version of "Dragon's Coercion", but it is a bit boring.

"Xanaiduo, block it directly!!"

Yushu's complexion darkened, and he immediately said loudly.

Although he has no idea in his heart, now that he has pulled out the opponent's dragon jaw, will he be completely immune...


A look of panic flashed across Xanadu's gentle face when the terrible moves struck, and he instinctively wanted to dodge.

It's just Yuki's command, let her just grit her teeth, close her eyes, and stand there.

"I can stand it!!"

Xanadu said so comfortingly in his heart.

Boom Boom...!

The next moment, the terrifying coercion of the giant dragon fell on Xanadu again, and the dragon attribute arrogance raged and rolled, blowing crazily on the latter's face.

Only this time, when Xanadu opened his eyes, he looked at his hands.

Still no harm.

Without the Dragon Jaw, at least the current Dragon God Pillar cannot break that rule.

"Tsk, you can't use dragon attribute moves yet."

Two failed attempts also made Xiao Zhi frown.

The disappearance of the dragon's jaw characteristics, coupled with the unique goblin attributes, is indeed too difficult for Dragon God Zhu...for a while, he himself has no good way.

It seems that because of its own too strong ability, as a price, neither the Electric God Pillar nor the Dragon God Pillar can actually master too many extra attribute moves.

But at least there is still a "first super speed" hanging on the Dian Shenzhu, even if the electricity attribute is deprived, you can still play with your opponent with ease.

As for the Dragon God Pillar...it doesn't seem to have any outstanding features, and the speed is only average.

"Hmph, Xanadu, use mental force!!"

Seeing Xiaozhi's predicament, Yushu immediately attacked.

I saw Xanadu gently raised his arm, and the light of thought power came out of his body, completely covering the Dragon God Pillar!

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