He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1246 Became an official...?

"Go to the Sinnoh area to be an inspector?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, this was a development he didn't expect.

"Yes, they are asking me to find a strong and responsible trainer recently..."

Damaranch clasped his hands behind his back and explained slowly.

First of all, this person must be strong enough, even if he does not have the strength of the Heavenly King, the difference cannot be too much.

To become an inspector, you must first convince the public with your strength. After all, many gymnasium owners have hidden things. If it is an ordinary challenger, they will keep a hand.

But if they know that you are an inspector and come to investigate...they will most likely attack directly.

Next, this candidate cannot be a local... If there are acquaintances in the local area, it is inevitable that there will be some emotional favoritism.

And it can't be a strong man who has been famous for a long time, otherwise his identity will be exposed as soon as he shows his face.

"After thinking about it, you are the most suitable candidate."

Damaranch said with a smile.

The Sinnoh region has not been inspected for a long time, and it is struggling to find candidates for a new round of inspection.

Especially I heard that there is a gymnasium owner over there now, and it has been completely ruined.

He even threw his own badge directly at the entrance of the gymnasium, and the challenger can pick it up at will.

This is the biggest provocation to the Pokémon League and must be dealt with seriously!

"Eh... just give the badge for free, he is really a unique owner..."

Just listening to it, Xiaozhi felt that it was outrageous.

But Damaranch's words also made him very interested in this Sinnoh area.

It must be another interesting area!

Seeing the latter's interested expression, Damaranche naturally added fuel to the fire.

"Not only that, but when the time comes, you can directly skip the alliance conference and start an exhibition match with the alliance king or the alliance champion there... As far as I know, the alliance champion in the Sinnoh area is extremely powerful. ~!"

"Then I accept it!!"

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Zhi immediately agreed!

To be able to fight only the powerful Gym Master, and then directly challenge the Alliance King and Champion... This seems to be the most suitable route for him!

"Hehe, I knew you would agree..."

Hearing Xiaozhi's nod, Damaranche breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then the time is three months later. Before that, I will send you everything the Inspector needs, as well as information about the Sinnoh area... Can the address be your home in Zhenxin Town? "

"no problem!"

Xiaozhi nodded.

Three months... is about the right time.

It took two months to walk through the battle frontier area, and then rested for a month... After almost three months, he just happened to be able to go to this Sinnoh area!

"We'll discuss the details after the exhibition match the day after tomorrow..."

Damaranche waved his hand, ready to leave.

If he was not afraid that Xiaozhi would run away after the game, he would not have planned to disturb Xiaozhi's thoughts on the eve of the battle.

"Then I'll look forward to your wonderful game ahead~!"

After finishing speaking, he left the banquet, and he was going to take care of the next exhibition match.


"Xiaozhi, did Mr. Damaranch say something just now?"


At this time, Xiaogang and Xiaolan also came together and asked curiously.

Xiaozhi naturally told him about his promise to be a supervisor.

"Ah, inspector...every gym owner doesn't like inspectors!"

Xiao Gang's complexion darkened, and he couldn't help complaining.

Didn't expect that now his best brother is going to be the Ombudsman... It's a very contradictory psychology.

"It seems to be something extraordinary..."

Xiaolan blinked her beautiful eyes, as if she had thought of something.

"Does this mean that Xiao Zhi, you are now... an official?"

"Uh...it seems so?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, not following Xiaolan's brain circuit for a moment.

In this way, the former Heavenly King Trainer was just a title... Now the Inspector is a real official position.

I just don't know if it's permanent or a one-off?

After all, a gymnasium is estimated to be reviewed every five years.

"Isn't it better to lie down and get paid?"

Xiaolan brightened her eyes and said, obviously very envious of this position.

"Ombudsman...it sounds like a big deal."

Shota next to him was also amazed.

"How about Shota, are you going to the Sinnoh area with me next? You challenge yours and I review mine...?"

Xiaozhi asked curiously.

"Not Xiaozhi, after watching your exhibition match, I will say goodbye to you!"

Xiangta took a deep breath, and bowed to Xiaozhi very solemnly.

"My first stop is the Carlos area!"

He has already inquired about the alliance meeting in the Carlos area, which will just start next week... Shota intends to use it as the starting point for his own alliance meeting.

He didn't even plan to go to the frontier area with Xiaozhi and the others.

Staying by Xiaozhi's side all the time will never allow him to grow, and he also wants to become an excellent trainer like Xiaozhi soon!

"Carlos area...?"

Xiaozhi remembered something. His crystal rock snake needs to evolve into a diamond steel snake, and it seems that the special mine terrain in the Kalos area is needed.

The special diamonds that exist there will be the perfect conditions for the evolution of the rock snake.

"So Xiao Gang, Xiao Lan, what about the two of you?"

Xiaozhi looked expectantly at the two friends in front of him.

"It's natural!"

Without hesitation, Xiao Gang patted Xiao Zhi on the shoulder, and immediately agreed.

Finally, my father was looking after the house, and now my younger brother has grown up... Now Xiaogang is finally free to go out and do what he wants to do, and of course he doesn't intend to stay where he is.

He also wanted to see the Sinnoh region.

It is one thing to be challenged by the inspector, but it is another matter to follow the inspector to challenge other pavilion owners!

Xiao Gang is looking forward to the scene at that time!

"As expected of Teacher Gang!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang clasped their fists together, and the flame of friendship between the men was very hot.

Immediately, the two looked at Xiaolan who was next to him.

"Er...I'm not sure~"

Xiaolan just shook her head and didn't agree immediately.

The battle against the frontier zone is still on the way.

But before, sister Bilan seemed to say that she had to ask herself to do something... I don't know what it is, whether it is on the way to the Sinnoh area.

"Ah, so..."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi showed a regretful expression.

During this period of time, he was more or less used to Xiaolan standing next to him.


At this time, Xiaolan walked up to Xiaozhi, raised her hands to stick to Xiaozhi's cheeks, and patted lightly.

"Now your focus is on the exhibition match the day after tomorrow, not the inspector, Sinnoh region~!"

With the warm palm and the pretty and smiling girlish face in front of him, Xiaozhi finally came back to his senses, and his eyes became firm again.

"Indeed, what I should think about now is how to defeat Mr. Mikri!"

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