He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1248 First to lose

However, just as the power of the second stage of the bounce was exerted, the Electric God Pillar stomped down towards the target.


The figure of Lotte Kappa also disappeared in place out of thin air, dodging the extremely effective bounce.

"Hey Wu, Hey Wu~!"

Immediately, the figure slid and flashed again and again in the rainy weather, and the movements were very fast... This was in great contrast to its chubby appearance.

"Didi. Lotte Kappa features, leisurely, and the speed will be greatly improved in rainy days."

Xiaozhi's illustration book automatically prompts.

The previous mosquito-repellent frog king was its brother in rainy days, and helped to open a weather.

It can be said that Dian Shenzhu and Lotte Kappa at this moment are both ultra-high-speed thugs.

"In that case, use discharge!!"

Xiaozhi attacked again, this time choosing an AOE move.

Zizizi! !

The dense current spreads like the whole field, and with the blessing of transistors, it has a terrifying power comparable to that of thunder!

Coupled with the conductive rainwater all around, the current spreads even faster!

"Hmph, use Blizzard~!"

However, Mikri just snapped his fingers lightly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Whoops...! !

I saw the violent storm snowflakes blowing out of Lotte Kappa's mouth.

Although electricity cannot freeze, water flow can!

At this moment, the discharge current is integrated with the surrounding rainwater, and then the water conductor spreads out.

creak creak...!!

The next moment, the blizzard completely froze the rain on the entire arena! !

And that dangerous and frightening electric discharge is bound by countless small ice cages at this moment, and can only flow around in the rainwater and ice flowers of each, but it still cannot fly out.

Zizizi...! !

In an instant, the entire arena turned into a splendid venue of ice flowers!

Among the ice flowers, there are also streams of golden electric currents, flickering in them, lighting up the audience, it is really beautiful.

"Too beautiful!!"

"As expected of Mikri-sama!! Such a beautiful battle!!"

"Using rainwater to completely freeze the electric current in the snow sculpture... What a beautiful idea!!"

All of a sudden, the entire arena was full of climaxes, and they were obviously overwhelmed by Mikri's magnificent battle.


"Is this Mr. Mikri's way of fighting, no matter what time you have to show this magnificence..."

Even Xiaozhi was shocked by the "electric ice sculpture" in front of him, and he can only be said to be the top coordination trainer.

But now it's a fight...

"Electric God Pillar, use the Electromagnetic Cannon!!"

From the beautiful electric-optical ice sculpture, a thick thunder and lightning laser suddenly shot out, piercing through everything with an unstoppable momentum, smashing countless ice flowers around! !

Don't care about your bells and whistles, he knows that one force will drop ten times.

This is Xiaozhi's way of fighting!

Boom boom boom...!!

The terrifying thunder and lightning shock wave came, even Mikri's face changed, and he quickly commanded:

"Use protection!!"

Lotte Kappa hurriedly propped up the protective barrier and resisted the blow forcefully.

Boom boom...! !

It's just that the power of the electromagnetic gun is too strong, even so, it forced the Lotte Kappa's figure to continuously retreat until it was impossible to retreat and hit the side wall.

Boom! !

The electromagnetic gun caused a violent explosion! !

However, as the smoke dissipated, Lotte Kappa's figure was fine.

"Barely carried it down..."

Mi Keli breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the "Electric God Pillar" in front of him, already showing a strong look of fear.

This electricity is outrageous, almost breaking the protective barrier... Do you think you are the Zekrom next door? !

Seeing that the skill didn't work, Xiaozhi attacked again:

"Use the Lightning Cage!!"

This time, he chose the exclusive move of the Lightning God Pillar.

Zizizi! !

Violent currents burst out from the limbs of the Dian Shenzhu, condensed towards the sky, and gradually turned into a cage of lightning energy.

"Use the ultimate absorption now!!"

Mi Keli suddenly found out, and Lotte Kappa made a move in an instant.

It also has a very high right of first hand in rainy days.

Whoosh! !

The green vines under the surface broke through the ground, and actually entangled Dian Shenzhu's body, and began to continuously squeeze the latter's physical strength.

With a thought, Xiaozhi suddenly commanded:

"Electric God Pillar, wrap yourself in the cage!!"

Dian Shenzhu understood, and just dropped the cage that was condensed in the sky, and it fell completely on himself.

Sizzling! !

The strong electric current shattered the vine restraints on his body in an instant.

"It's now, go directly to Lotte Kappa!!"

Xiaozhi even punched straight, commanding loudly.

In the next second, the Lightning God Pillar was wrapped in the Thunder and Lightning Cage, and rushed out!

Boom! !

Along the way, there were sparks and lightning, and the terrifying power seemed to stop the surrounding rain... This posture looks more like a desperate crazy volt!

Having never seen such an exaggerated offensive, Mikri quickly commanded:

"Lotte Kappa, use the water cannon to block it!!"

Lotte Kappa immediately sprayed out a jet of water with all its strength, and under the blessing of the rainy day, the power of the water cannon climbed to the peak!

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, the moves collided and exploded, energy currents and water splashed wildly, and even the rainwater falling around was lifted by the violent air waves to create a vacuum area!

In the end, there was a huge explosion, covering Lotte Kappa and Electric God Pillar together...


As the smoke dissipated, the two stood at both ends of the arena.

It seems that they are not feeling well, and their bodies are trembling... This is the state of being in the wind!

Although the power of the Lightning God Pillar is strong, but its own fleshiness is too touching, and the counter-injury of this blow directly crippled him.

But at this moment, the opponent is also crippled, and the power of the Dian Shen Pillar is too terrifying... Even if it only has double the effect, Lotte Kappa still won't get any benefits.

However, Xiaozhi suddenly spoke.

"Use super speed!!"

The ghostly figure of the Dian Shen Zhu came out in an instant, and slammed into the target with great force!

Boom! !

Before Lotte Kappa could react, he felt a heavy blow to his abdomen, and then his whole body flew out.

boom boom...!!

In the end, he slammed heavily on the edge wall, but he never struggled to get up from the ground.

"Lotte Kappa lost his ability to fight, so the first match was won by Dian Shenzhu!!"

As the referee's voice fell, the stadium was full of uproar.

Didn't expect that in this first game, the league champion would be the first to lose? !

"What kind of monster is that?! Is it also the legendary Three God Pillar?!"

"Hey, hey, this kid from Zhenxin Town seems to be only 11 years old?"

"Ugh, I just checked his age yesterday, and he's only 12 years old in a month... It's scary!"

The rain in the sky has gradually stopped, but the discussion in the venue has intensified.

Wouldn't it be possible to witness the miraculous scene of his own league champion being rushed by a brat today? !

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