He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1251 What can Pikachu do?


The tyrannosaurus broke through the ice, its whole body surrounded by turbulent water, and the fish leaped out of the dragon gate.

The terrifying impact of climbing the waterfall rushed straight to Pikachu.


Caught off guard, Pikachu was hit head-on!

The strong impact instantly sent its entire body flying up.

The tyrannosaurus seemed to fly for a while, jumping out of the ground more than ten meters high, and the impact of climbing the waterfall lasted for a long time.

"Pikachu, use Thunder!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly said.

Although being crazily washed away by the current, Pikachu was still holding on to the head of the Gyarados.

Sticking to the latter all the time, keeping relatively still... the damage received is relatively less.


Forcibly cheering up, the electric current began to flow and flicker on its cheeks.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, a powerful lightning strike also landed on the Gyarados.

Because it was completely zero distance, the thunder trick was not offset by the surface climbing waterfall at all, but bombarded the Gyarados without hindrance.

The effect is outstanding! !


Even the Mega Gyarados couldn't help but let out a low growl and whine during the jump, obviously the damage was extremely strong.

Boom! !

In the end, it turned into a violent explosion, and the water flow and lightning exploded, causing the figures of Pikachu and Gyarados to retreat to both sides at the same time.



When the two regained their posture, they were both out of breath and trembling.

Even Pikachu, no matter how powerful the electricity is, his own fleshiness will always be a big problem.

"As expected of the champion's main Pokémon, it really is amazing..."

Xiaozhi looked at the Gyarados in front of him with a solemn expression.

The same goes for Mickley on the other side.

The two of them went back and forth completely, and he had never expected such a scene a day ago.

The young man in front of him really has the strength not to lose to him at all!

"Gyarados, use sharp stones to attack!!"

The Gyarados roared and slammed its tail heavily on the ground in front of it. Being forced into such a desperate situation by a tiny electric mouse is an absolute shame!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The protruding rock blades spread all the way, vigorous and powerful!

"Pikachu, jump up and dodge!!"

Pikachu understood, and immediately jumped, the height just passed the highest point of the sharp stone attack.

"Good opportunity, use the most powerful water tail!!"

However, Mi Keli's pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes lit up.

At this moment, Pikachu is suspended in the air, and there is no place to gain a foothold at all.

"Boom, boom...!!"

The mega tyrannosaurus immediately swung its heavy tail with scales, lingered in the thick water, and swept out with all its strength! !

However, in mid-air, Pikachu suddenly showed a sly smile.

I saw its lower limbs suddenly kicking against the air out of thin air!


A fine current flashed faintly on the sole of the foot, providing Pikachu with a support point, and his body jumped out instantly.

Thundercloud Line!

The previous thunderstorm filled the air with an electric current capable of bouncing and stepping in the air.

"How can it be?!"

Mikri's elegant face was suffocated in disbelief.

With the bouncing of the thundercloud line, Pikachu jumped into the air at a height of ten meters again, and dodged the full-fledged water tail of the Gyarados.

And Xiaozhi in the back, already showed a look of decisive victory, and swung his fist heavily.

"It's now, use high-voltage electric shock!!"


Pikachu's figure spun around in the air, and then his hind legs seemed to be kicking against a wall again, and his small figure jumped out instantly.

"Pickup, pickup pickup...!!"

The cries continued to accelerate, and the electric current on Pikachu's body exploded completely, covering his body completely, turning into a frenzied and flickering thunder shock wave!

At this moment, the Gyarados was unable to adjust its center of gravity for a while due to its full force of the tail, so it could only defend hastily.

The next moment, the high-voltage electric shock had completely fallen, and the lightning current raged wildly on the Gyarados!

Boom boom boom! !

The lightning exploded, and Pikachu's small body also contained incomparably tyrannical strength, instantly smashing the huge figure of the Gyarados away.

In the end, the entire body of the Gyarados fell to the ground heavily.


The energy of the high-voltage electric shock exploded in two stages, and the rising thunder beam soared into the sky, completely enveloping the Gyarados in it.

The body of the Tyrannosaurus, which was covered with heavy armor, seemed to be melted by the lightning strike.

The terrible thunder explosion engulfed everything in the arena...


The smoke and dust from the explosion gradually dissipated.

On the arena, the tyrannical carapace has fallen on the ground of the ruins at this moment, and the scales are covered with scorched black marks.

The body shape also returned to its previous appearance, and it exited the state of mega evolution.

the other side.


Pikachu fell to the ground with all four limbs, panting heavily, obviously also suffered great injuries.

On the surface of the body, anti-injury arcs of high-voltage electric shocks were still flashing, looking very embarrassed.

However, the outcome has been divided.

"Gyarados... lost the ability to fight, Pikachu wins!!"

When the referee read this sentence, people were already stupid.

What's stupid is that in Nuoda's arena, countless spectators were silent for a while... This is their league champion.

At this moment, two Pokémon were killed first?

Or lost to a humble electric mouse? !

What else can Pokémon like Pikachu do besides being cute? !

They now seriously suspect that Mikri is playing a match-fixing match.

But... the terrifying electric shock released by this Pikachu didn't look like a special effect at all. Even if they were tens of meters away, their scalps were numb under the electric shock.

"Come back, Gyarados."

Mi Keli gave a wry smile, and retracted the Gyarados.

Unexpectedly, even if he used his mega evolution, he still couldn't defeat the guy he was facing.

In other words, Xiaozhi now has two dangerous electric-type Pokémon...

Although the physical strength of Dian Shenzhu and Pikachu has been greatly weakened, it is still difficult to deal with.

"Come back, Pikachu!"

At this time, Xiaozhi also took Pikachu back.

At the Silver Conference, Pikachu defeated the Moon Elf of the Heavenly King Pear Blossom for him, and now he defeated the champion Mikri's mega Gyarados...

It can be said that when he first set foot on the Fangyuan area, the weird one-knife weakened it, but made the current Pikachu even stronger!

But the next one...Xiao Zhi's palm is already on a new Poké Ball.

boom! !

On the other hand, Mikri had already dispatched his third Pokémon first.

Da da da...!

As soon as he appeared on the stage, it was already pouring rain from the sky.

In front of him is a cheerful green frog, slapping its hands in the rain and playing in the water...

It is the mosquito-repellent frog king with the rain feature!

(1 stalk today)

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