He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1257 Nether Dragon

Boom boom boom...!!

The moment of contact, the other half of the arena was completely reduced to ruins, the ground trembled crazily, and the ground with Menus as the source of the ground cracked one after another, and gravel splashed everywhere.

And Menus' body collapsed instantly, and was firmly pressed to the ground by the impact of the blast in the air.

Even embedded under the surface, it is difficult to lift the head.

Xiaozhi squinted his eyes and found that the blasting in the air was not over yet, but the colorful light on Menus suddenly dissipated.

I was overjoyed in my heart, secretly said that he had already taken down the latter.

But Mikri on the other side was also watching his Menus closely, and suddenly shouted loudly:

"Now, use Avalanche!!"

It's not that Menus' mirror launch failed...but that it voluntarily gave up the mirror launch.

At this moment, being attacked first, the avalanche issued by the second hand will contain extremely powerful power, coupled with attribute restraint... This power is much more powerful than mirror launch!


Even though he was bombarded by the highly compressed air cannon, Menus still held his head up and let out a loud roar.


The next moment, countless icy rocks condensed and formed in the air out of thin air, and then fell down together.

At this moment, the higher the damage that Menus received, the higher the power of the avalanche of backhand counterattack.

It seems that it really caused a big snow mountain to collapse in the sky.

Countless snow blocks and rocks fell down, accompanied by the rise of countless cold air and ice mist, which completely engulfed Lugia's figure.

Boom boom boom! !

All of a sudden, on the ground of the ruins, countless snow blocks and rocks were piled up and the hills were five or six meters high, and the movement was terrifying.


On the other side, Menus was also gasping for breath, obviously carrying the blast in the air, which also consumed a lot of stamina.

It was only now that Xiaozhi knew the real battle strategy of Mikri and Menus.

Relying on its own fleshiness and frankness to forcibly withstand the opponent's attack, and then relying on the high-intensity battery life of the leftovers and water flow ring to recover, there is also a trick of self-recovery.

Then there is the mirror launch, the avalanche moves...they are all counterattacks after receiving the opponent's moves.

No matter what opponent you are fighting against, you can forcefully drag the battle down and drag your opponent to death.

As Mikri's trump card, let this Menus continue to play, and it is really possible to wear three and directly push...


A sharp scream came from the avalanche ruins.

But seeing a black and blue body spread its wings suddenly, it actually bounced all the surrounding snow mountain stones away, and the proud and majestic posture of the ancient god was once again displayed in front of everyone's eyes!

Xiaozhi's fighting spirit also climbed to the extreme.

No matter how hard the opponent bends, they will bounce back resiliently...then there is only one way to defeat such an opponent.

Completely crush and break it at one time, completely losing the power to rebound!

"Meinas, use the frozen light!!"

The dangerous icy light struck again, and Menus was already a little tired at this moment.

Compared with the legendary Pokémon, it is still an ancient god Rogia... somewhat too difficult.

Don't look at Mi Keli's calm face, it seems that he has written the equation of one-wear and three-level push, but he is actually panicked in his heart.

Rogia's sense of God's oppression is also effective for humans.

"Lugia, use Shadow Sneak Attack!"

Rogia plunged into the air pool again and completely lost track.

"Is that the case again... Prepare to use Blizzard!"

Mikri commanded, ready to fight.

Menus nodded, the icy blizzard had already condensed in his mouth, and as soon as Rogia appeared, it would spread the blizzard to the audience.

Throwing ice-attribute moves one by one... Even gods will lose in the end!


The next moment, behind Menus, a dark blue broken door opened out of thin air, and the dark figure of Rogia flew out of it.

But at this moment, high-intensity compressed air cannonballs were also gathered around the mouth of the latter, which had an extremely terrifying impact.

The moment Shadow Run opened the door, the move was completely tilted away, without wasting a single minute of time.

Blast in the air! !

Boom boom boom! !

The translucent air cannon took the first step and bombarded Menus' back heavily.

The latter hadn't fully recovered from the previous air blast, but this time he was hit head-on again, and his body quickly backed up, drawing a long ravine on the ground of the ruins.

Even so, Menus, who was covered in scorched black marks all over his body, still did not fall down and stood upright.

It's just that the water flow ring on his body, and even the leftovers have been completely washed away by the air blast, and he can no longer recover and fight every round.

"Meinas, use Blizzard!!"

Mi Keli's pupils shrank suddenly, and he could only command in a loud voice.

With a somewhat roaring roar, this time Mikri lost the slightest elegance and indifference in the gorgeous competition.

"Then we also use the last Dragon God to dive!!"

Xiaozhi also attacked head-on, without giving up half a point.

The crazily raging wind and snow came, but Rogia faced it head-on, his whole body was covered with blue dragon energy, and his whole body turned into a huge energy dragon, roaring and rushing out. .

Boom...! !

The powerful Dragon God swooped down and scattered the snowflakes with restrained attributes along the way, without any weakening in strength.

The ice attribute can restrain the dragon attribute, and similarly, the ice attribute can also provoke the wrath of the dragon the most!

"Roar roar...!!!"

Roars that resembled beasts and birds resounded throughout the sky above the venue of the Caiyou Conference.

The color of the blue giant dragon impacting in the blizzard suddenly deepened, completely turning into a gloomy black dragon god!

At the very front, there are two bewitching red lights, exuding a breathtaking power.

The strength has gone up a level, and the Dragon God's dive is unstoppable, completely dispelling all the blizzard.

It didn't stop, and finally condensed infinite power, hitting Menus head-on!

Boom boom boom! !

This time, the entire arena was completely reduced to ruins under this blow.

The dark and gloomy dragon energy raged wildly, floating in the air, causing all humans and Pokémon who touched this breath to have a chill on their backs and weak legs.

Then, the black mist that filled the sky spread to the whole field, covering the field of vision.

Everything seemed to have quieted down. Everyone stared at the arena with wide eyes, wondering what the final outcome would be...


"Ho ho ho...!!"

The next moment, a dragon's roar suddenly sounded in the arena.

The voice is thick, with supreme coercion and a strange and gloomy atmosphere...

Although the breath is similar, it is completely different from Rogia's sharp hissing sound.

"What the hell?!"

Xiaozhi opened his mouth wide and didn't react for a while.

At this moment, everyone's attention was on Rogia and Menus, but none of them noticed that the gate of the nether world that Rogia opened before had not been closed.

Vaguely, you can also see a giant dragon soaring on the other side of the door, flying closer and closer...

The oppressive feeling released is even stronger than ever before! !

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