He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1264 Separated from Xiaozhi...?

"Choose the proto-bird...?"

Seeing the appearance of one person and one bird looking at each other, Xiaomao chuckled lightly, and then handed out the ancestor bird's elf ball.

"Oh, let me remind you that the characteristic of the proto-bird is weakness. When the physical value decreases, its double attack ability will also decrease."

Xiao Mao suddenly said.

Generally, the characteristics of Pokémon are positive, and only a very small number of Pokémon have negative characteristics.

This characteristic will make the proto-bird very passive in battle.


Xiao Zhi was holding the Progenitor Bird in one hand, and received the elf ball handed over with the other hand, his eyes did not waver in the slightest.

Then slowly opened the mouth and said:

"But on the other hand, if a Pokémon has negative characteristics, doesn't that mean...it has extremely strong power?"

This reminded Xiaozhi of the leave king he had seen in the Fangyuan area.

According to the description in the illustrated book, the king of leave is comparable to the power of the legendary Pokémon, or even stronger.

But because of this, he acquired negative characteristics as the price of possessing great power.

"Is it weak...that is to say, as long as we overcome our weakness, we can gain incomparably powerful strength!"

Xiaozhi stared at the weird bird in his hand rather fieryly.


The latter looked at Xiaozhi in a daze, flapping his wings, not knowing what they were talking about.


Pressing the poke ball, Xiaozhi took the ancestor bird into it.

On the other side, Xiao Mao took back another original sea turtle.

Immediately, the two chatted and walked side by side in the direction of Viridian Forest.


The next scene was quite smooth.

In the Viridian Forest, Xiaozhi used a roast duck to call for Shirabi, and introduced him to Xiaomao.

After hearing that he is the "new boss" of Tokiwa City, Shi Rabi kindly shook hands with Xiaomao... just like a social person.

When he heard that he was going to travel through time and space with Kiraqi, Rabi quickly agreed.

These days, due to her hard work, her position is getting higher and higher, and she really needs an assistant to help.

Feeling that the baby-like Pokémon in front of him contained a powerful force that was not inferior to him, Rabi's head turned into an onion.

At least it won't be a burden.

She didn't travel through time and space for fun...and often had to deal with various disputes and conflicts.

The fist has to be hard enough!

Now come a strong hitter, just in time!

"Then see you later, Xiaozhi~!"

Immediately saying goodbye to Xiaozhi, Shirabi took Kiraqi's little hand, shuttled and sneaked into the gate of time and space together, and completely disappeared in this time and space.

"Traveling through time and space...it's really incredible."

Looking at the gradually dissipating energy gate, Xiaomao couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Speaking of it, it seems that he heard his grandfather mentioned before that when he was a child, he also met a rabbi, and had an incredible time travel with him.

I just don't know, is it the same one?

"Then, where are you going~?"

Before parting, Xiao Mao couldn't help asking.

Anyway, he was going to stay in Tokiwa City for a while longer to digest his outdoor research results.

But now, there is still a top task on Xiaomao's task list-creating a green body.

Different from Xiaozhi looking for the legendary Pokémon all over the world, collecting God's tokens...

Xiaomao believes in science even more!

Before, he spent a lot of money and asked the Rockets to use biochemical technology to create a perfect body.

After all, it is also an organization that can create Chaomeng, and it should not be a big problem to create another "Morning · Green".

But later he was blacklisted by the Rockets, and the matter was left alone.

But at this moment, Evergreen Gymnasium still keeps the materials that the Rockets have not destroyed, and it seems that it is too late to take them away...including the data that made Mewtwo back then.

These are cheap teal.

Now, he plans to create a perfect body by himself!

Of course, some of the legendary Pokémon's tissue genes are definitely needed... These existences are completely a treasure trove of the most natural resources and materials.


Xiaozhi nodded again and again, and then suggested:

"Then when the time comes, we can let the old brother Chi, who has a new body, have an arm wrestling with the green big brother, and see who is the most perfect."

"good idea."



Green: "..."

The boss who was eavesdropping had a heavy expression upon hearing this.

At this moment, because Xiaozhi and Xiaomao are very close, the two souls from another world have also turned into a state of facing each other, appearing in the same space.

After staring at each other for a while, Qinglu spoke first, breaking the calm.

"Hmph, Chi, you seem to have become a little bit stronger?!"


Chi just stared at the other party calmly, without answering.

With this appearance, Qinglu seemed to have hit a ball of cotton, and her momentum loosened.

"Damn it, you bastard, you still annoy me so much...!"

Qinglu directly sat down on a big chair in the soul space.

Same as the rich gold chair outside, the chair here is also a golden dragon chair.

Although some ass...but full of momentum!

"I'm too lazy to do anything today, otherwise I will definitely teach you a lesson!"

Qinglu turned her head and said casually.

Recently, his focus has also been on building his own new body, constantly checking and studying the materials left by the Rockets.

Compared with Chi and Xiaozhi...he and Xiaomao's brains in the field of scientific research can be said to completely beat the former, and they directly transferred to become black technology scientists.


As for Chi Hong, she lowered her head slightly, her face was silent, as if she was thinking about something.

Now Xiaozhi has fully grown up and is in charge of his own side, but he no longer needs his own comprehensive protection.

Want to collect the entire world, all the tokens of the legendary Pokémon...according to the current progress, it is not too fast.

It's been almost 2 years, and Xiaozhi has only almost completed three regions.

Chi didn't know how vast this world was, and how many legendary gods were hidden.

"Perhaps, I should act separately from Xiaozhi for the time being...?"

Chi whispered.

He didn't tell Xiaozhi that with the two sets of unknown totems in the hat that can respond to thirst, he can actually condense the physical body of a normal person now.

And the duration and stability are much more stable than Bilan's ever-changing monster body.

However, Chi didn't make a complete decision, and planned to discuss it with Xiaozhi in a few days.

"I seem to be able to become stronger... Then what is the stronger top?"

Chi lowered his head slightly, looking at his raised fist.

In the pupils of the calm eyes, the light danced lightly.

"I always feel that this world is not that simple..."

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