He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1268 Charizard vs Frozen Bird! (superior)


A red light flashed, and a fiery red flying dragon appeared in front of Xiao Zhi.


The coercive and domineering dragon roar exploded, the flying dragon flapped its wings, and its figure also flew into the sky, keeping pace with the Frozen Bird on the opposite side.


"It turned out to be a fire-breathing dragon... I remember it was Xiaozhi's trump card at the Silver Conference."

Ahida nodded secretly. Although it was not a frozen bird, the scene was big enough.

He had already watched all the recordings and broadcasts of Xiaozhi's Silver Conference.

"Well, it seems that the Charizard Valley is on holiday recently, and the Charizard is going back to the research institute for the time being..."

Sitting in the spectator seats, Xiaolan reminded.

Just in time for Xiaozhi to go home, he took it with him on a trip together.

"In the duel between ice and fire, the fire-breathing dragon is more advantageous in terms of attributes... But the legendary Pokémon have amazing endurance, and the outcome is not certain."

After taking a close-up of a bird and a dragon in mid-air, Yahidari welcomed the guest.

His combat level is average, but his commentary level is very professional.

But Xiaogang and Xiaolan didn't have too many turmoil in their expressions.

It's just a frozen bird...they're numb.

There is even a flame bird on Xiaolan's body.

At the Silver Conference back then, the Charizard was enough to rival the legendary Pokémon, and now half a year has passed...

At this moment, the fire-breathing dragon who is practicing intensively in the fire-breathing dragon valley every day will only become stronger.

In the air, don't look at the Frozen Bird, whose whole body is exuding snow shavings, its posture is noble and elegant.

But in terms of momentum, he was completely suppressed by the fire-breathing dragon on the opposite side!

"Long time no partner, Charizard!"

Xiaozhi said loudly.

The fire-breathing dragon let out a low growl, turned its head and sprayed out a beam of dark brown flames in Xiaozhi's direction, which showed how powerful it was, and it was regarded as a greeting.

Of course, Xiao Zhi had been on guard for a long time, and easily dodged by turning his head slightly.

Like Frozen Bird, he is too familiar with his Charizard.

Haven't seen it in half a year, it seems to be bigger

According to Ji Ke, the administrator of the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley, the current Fire-breathing Dragon is already the only Xeon in the valley.

The only opponent is the strange-colored pitch-black fire-breathing dragon that perches on the highest mountain.

The black fire-breathing dragon Xiaozhi remembered, even Brother Chi's fire-breathing dragon needs to fight for a long time before he can beat the latter...

...the battle begins!

"Frozen bird, use freezing light!!"

"Charizard, then let's use jet flames!!"

At the beginning of the battle, Frozen Bird opened its beak, and the ice-blue electric snake shot out immediately, so powerful that it left ice flowers in the air all the way.

Boom chi chi! !

However, the dark brown flame spewed out by the fire-breathing dragon carried extremely high temperature, and the moment it collided with the freezing light, it completely melted and devoured the energy of the ice and snow.

The castration continued, and even continued to howl and blast towards the freezing bird at the source.

"Get out of the way!!"

Dara exclaimed, her expression horrified.

What kind of power is this.


Frozen Bird quickly flapped its wings, barely avoiding the oncoming flames.

The flames passing by, and the fiery breath coming half a meter away, made it feel an extremely dangerous breath.

Cannot be hit by this flame!

On the other hand, the fire-breathing dragon just looked solemnly, obviously not having any disturbances because the other party was a legendary Pokémon.

It was exposed to the wind and sun in the fire-breathing dragon valley, and it was a high-intensity trainer. When it appeared on the stage at this moment, it looked like an iron-blooded veteran who had been fighting for many years, with an aura that did not lose to a divine beast.


With a low growl, the fire-breathing dragon's body spread out an extremely strong coercion.

This wasn't even a move, but it turned into a real storm, blowing around!

"What a powerful fire-breathing dragon...then try this trick, Freezing Bird, use Blizzard!!"

Dara attacked again.

Before he knew it, he turned into a challenger in this battle, and Xiaozhi was more like a pioneer who accepted the challenge.


The Frozen Bird understood, as proud as it was, it quickly forcibly surpassed the momentum of the fire-breathing dragon, and suddenly spread its ice-blue wings.

Sasha! !

The next moment, a powerful storm mixed with flying snow all over the sky roared out.

It was as if the entire arena was instantly reduced to a snowy day, the temperature plummeted, everything in front of him became dim, and snowflakes raged.

"Charizard, use hot air!!"

However, the fire-breathing dragon followed suit and also spread its wings.

Scorching air waves also burst out from its body.

Sasha! !

The fiery red heat wave spread to the audience, and the dots of sparks seemed to be ignited, and they completely engulfed and melted the flying snow in the blink of an eye.

The temperature of the arena rose sharply, and everything in front of him was covered with a fiery red dim filter.

With such blazing heat, even Frozen Bird could only be forced to retreat again and again, very uncomfortable.

The instant change from cold to hot made the expressions of the surrounding people also change back and forth.


Yashida's hand holding the camera was trembling...how strong is this fire-breathing dragon!

To beat the Frozen Bird completely? !

That's right, at the Caiyou Conference, Xiaozhi's Pokémon at the Silver Conference did not appear...

So how strong will the last batch of Pokémon be now? !


"So strong... Yashida, where did he find this monster..."

On the other side, Dara's forehead was also dripping with sweat.

He had already fought side by side with Frozen Bird, but he was still crushed by the aura of the opponent.

However, as the brain of the battle factory, after a brief panic, he quickly calmed down.

"Frozen Bird, use the wave of water!!"

In order to deal with the unfavorable fire attribute elves, its Frozen Bird specially prepared water attribute moves.


I saw Frozen Bird raised its head, and instantly condensed a huge water polo energy bomb from its mouth, and threw it straight out!

Although there is no water attribute, the water wave power of the frozen bird is still excellent.

"Split directly!"

Xiaozhi just said in such a deep voice.

The fire-breathing dragon raised its arm, and several white slender claws stretched out from between the dragon's claws, rushing straight to the wave of water!

Whoosh! !

Immediately, the sharp claws slashed violently, directly smashing the huge water bomb completely, with an extremely vigorous posture.

It's just that the wave of water bursting out gave Dala a chance, and immediately commanded:

"Now, use freeze drying!!"

Frozen Bird understood, and flew out suddenly, leaving a phantom of ice crystals in the air, close to the fire-breathing dragon... Even in the tense battle, the figure of Frozen Bird is still beautiful.

Immediately, it unfolded its body, and the extremely cold breath raged out wildly.

The power of freeze-drying is combined with the undulating flow of water that bursts and disperses.

Creak creak...! !

Caught off guard, in just an instant, the fire-breathing dragon was quickly frozen into a big ice lump!

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