He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1271 Looks like a Pikachu?

"You lost so thoroughly..."

Staring at the tragic appearance of his partner falling to the ground, Dara did not recover for a long time.

Even his tacit cooperation with Frozen Bird didn't seem to force out the full strength of the opponent.


Looking at the mega fire-breathing dragon Y showing off its power in the air, it seems that a fight is not enough, and it spits out fiery flames in mid-air to vent, and Dala can only smile helplessly.

"Thank you, old man..."

Lada walked off the field and gave Frozen Bird good wound medicine to replenish his strength.

And the other end.

"Nice job, Charizard~!"

Xiaozhi laughed and said, it is rare to fight side by side with the fire-breathing dragon, and it still feels very comfortable.


The fire-breathing dragon let out a low growl, and the whole body burst into colorful light, and then it exited the state of mega evolution.

Immediately, the dragon's eyes stared fieryly at the Frozen Bird below. Obviously, it has not enjoyed this battle yet.

"How about Dara, how about the trainer I found~?"

Soon, Yashida also came to Darla's side, teasing with a smile.

Now that the battle has been fully recorded, Ahida is in a very good mood.

This is a perfect piece of material. Even if Xiaozhi doesn't continue to challenge the frontier zone in the future, this video alone is enough to create a huge enthusiasm.

"Hehe, I just want you to find some powerful trainers, not monsters..."

Dala was so out of breath that she wanted to beat up the laughing fat man.

He would rather fight an alliance king, or even a champion, than Xiaozhi and a fire-breathing dragon.

"Really... Maybe you should go and watch the video of this Caiyou Conference, he has a good performance~"

Ahida said with a smile.

"I'll go and see."

Looking at Xiaozhi and the fire-breathing dragon hugging each other above, Dara said in a deep voice.

"Speaking of this video of the frozen bird, can I release it?"

Yashida suddenly said... It is still necessary to seek the wishes of his old friend.


Dala did not refuse, but he also hoped that the Battle Frontier Zone and his Battle Factory would be able to operate enthusiastically.

Moreover, this frozen bird of his own does not have much barriers to humans, and he doesn't need to worry about any emotions when he is watched.

"Old man, next time I ask you to stay here for a while, how about being the mascot of our battle factory for a while?"

Dala said with a smile after stroking the Frozen Bird that had just got up to regain some of its strength.


Frozen Bird pecked Dara's head lightly, but did not refuse.

When Xiaozhi retracted the fire-breathing dragon and stepped off the podium.

"Then Xiaozhi, this is the proof of defeating the battle factory...a symbol of knowledge!"

Lada gave Xiaozhi a golden oval badge.

On it are three diamond-shaped brown patterns arranged together, a very simple and rough design.

The battle frontier is a facility built to imitate the challenges of the old gymnasium, and the trophies are also very similar.

However, according to the degree of completion of the challenger, the open mind will be given a silver badge and a higher-level gold badge.

"A symbol of knowledge..."

Xiaozhi took the badge. It seems that the battle against the development zone is different from the challenge of the gymnasium. It is a special test of the trainer's ability in a certain aspect.

"Then the first battle facility is considered a success!"

Xiaozhi remembered that there were seven facilities in total, and it shouldn't be a big problem to win them all within half a month.

It happened that the battle pyramid where Mr. Jindai was located was the final battle!

"Wise choice, Mr. Kojiro is the strongest here...!"

Dara said in a deep voice, obviously showing great respect for the Age of God in his words.

Many powerful trainers who came to challenge the pioneering area broke through the first six battle facilities one after another, but most of them were defeated by the battle pyramid, and they were not defeated in the end.

The Age of God didn't even give out a symbolic badge a few times.

"Anyway, let's go to the hotel now. It's rare to come to us to play against the frontier zone. I'll take you to a big meal first, and have a good night's rest in the evening~!"

Yashida made a hook with his fat hand, and led a few people back to the off-road vehicle.

chug chug! !

With the sound of a restless engine, Xiaozhi and the others headed towards the city area of ​​the battle frontier.


After a while, a few people were driving on a wide plain road in an off-road convertible.

The terrain of the central road is quite high, which allows Xiaozhi and the others to see the vast scenery around them, as well as countless wild elves inhabiting this area, scattered in the grasslands in the distance.

"How about it, the scenery in the pioneering area we are fighting against is still very beautiful~ There are several wilderness reserves here, inhabited by a rich variety of wild elves."

Yashida held the steering wheel with one hand, leaned on the window sill of the open hood with the other hand, and introduced it quite proudly.

There are not only seven battle facilities in the battle frontier... This place can already be counted as a land plate.

Jungle, mountains, water... It can be said that the terrain of the public has it all.

"Like the battle frontier in the Sinnoh area, there are even volcanoes, and it is said that legendary Pokémon live there."

Ahida couldn't help but speak.

Compared with the battle facilities, it is more focused on environmental construction... Even without these battle facilities, it is still an excellent tourist attraction.

"Of course, we won't lose to them either!"


The three of Xiaozhi listened one after another, looking curiously at the low-lying grassland in the distance.

You can already see a lot of elves from other regions here, and there are even a lot of elves that Xiaozhi has never seen before, which is very novel.


It is about half an hour's drive from the urban area.


Pikachu, lying in Xiaozhi's arms, suddenly raised his head, and his ears also stood up, as if sensing something.

"What's wrong Pikachu?"

Xiaozhi looked at Pikachu curiously, and then followed Pikachu's line of sight to a direction in the distant grassland.

"Mr. Ahida, wait a minute, something seems to have happened over there."


Yashida didn't know what was going on, but she stepped on the brakes temporarily, and several of them looked in that direction together.

The trajectory spread all the way, and it could be seen that it was a circle bear, swinging its paw and sharp claws, looking very fierce.

It's just that because they are very far away from Xiaozhi and the others, basically they can only see a brown dot.

"Looks like you're fighting something...?"

Xiaogang's small eyes have better focusing ability and can see farther places.

"Well, it seems to be..."

"A Pikachu?"

However, the other two real newcomers are born with sharp eyes and ears, and they can see the distant scene. They can vaguely see that the one in front of the circle bear is a very familiar electric mouse.

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