"Xiaozhi's command of Snorby is getting more and more sophisticated..."

In the spectator seats, Xiao Gang couldn't help sighing.

It is already the third one facing the opponent, and the three are all unfavorable fighting attributes... The current Snorkel is still in a healthy state.

Not only has Kirby improved, but Xiaozhi's commanding power is also stronger than when the two fought side by side.

"You can't fight a protracted war, you must decide the outcome as soon as possible..."

Cucumber Fragrance wiped off the sweat on his forehead, his eyes were heavy.

Generally, the goal of a frontal attacking trainer is to defeat the opponent, so why would they want to recycle such moves.

But now the attack power of both of them has been raised to the extreme... She still has a chance of winning!

"Xiaozhi, then let me show you the tricks of Iron Palm and I!"

Cucumber Xiang punched out, and then said loudly:

"Iron Palm Lux, use the True Qi Bullet!"

This command can't control the few people watching.

Now the physical attack has been raised to the extreme, and then a special move is cast?


Iron Palm Lux and Cucumber Xiang are completely connected, with a dangerously red body and a wide palm raised in front of him, gradually condensing an orange energy bomb.


However, at the next moment, the zhenqi bomb was not thrown out, but slowly split into two balls of light, and finally completely merged into the two wide palms of the iron palm warrior.

This instantly covered the surface of Iron Palm Lux's palms with an orange-yellow energy film.

"Xiaozhi, this move was inspired by the Z move when I was traveling in the Alola region!"

After the pre-movement was completed, Cucumber Xiang looked very confident and said loudly.

"Z move?"

Xiaozhi blinked, it was the first time he heard this word.

"Didi. Z move, a unique fighting style of trainers in the Alola region. By using the unique Z energy, the power of Pokémon's moves will be raised to a higher level."

The picture book identification prompts.

If it is said that mega evolution improves the overall strength of a Pokémon.

Then the only thing that improves the Z move is the power of that single move!

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, ready to fight.

He wanted to see what this move that was inspired by the Z move looked like.

"Kill it all at once! Iron Palm Lux, use continuous flat pushes!!"


The iron palm wrestler let out a low growl, and his broad palms began to push forward alternately.

Before, it was necessary to touch the target, pushing flesh against flesh...but now there is the energy of the qi bullet covering the palm of the flesh.



At this moment, every push of the iron palm wrestler can create a slap-shaped energy shock wave out of thin air.

With the continuous acceleration of the jerk action, the number and frequency of these energy slaps also increased rapidly.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the blink of an eye, the iron palm wrestler has slapped countless energy slaps, and the number is completely uncountable.

Dense stacks shot out, and the overwhelming slaps bombarded out, the power and influence were terrifying to the extreme.

Although it looks like a long-range move...but it is a real physical move, with the perfect bonus of belly drum!

If an Alola person passes by here at this moment, he will definitely recognize this move...

Z moves, all-out unparalleled fierce punches! !

The appearance is already 90% similar, and with the effect of belly drum, the power of Iron Palm Warrior's all-out Iron Palm even surpasses the Z move!

"What a terrifying power..."

Countless orange-yellow energy slaps came covering him, and before the attack arrived, Xiaozhi felt the sharp wind of the palm, and his hat was almost blown by the wind.

"But this kind of battle is interesting... Snorbymon, we also use the ultimate impact!!"

This time Xiaozhi chose to attack from the front.


I saw one of the chubby bear paws of the Snorlax moving forward and the other backward, with its eyes squinted up, and it made a serious sprinting movement.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, his heavy lower limbs stomped on the ground repeatedly, and he rushed forward facing the overwhelming energy.

The surface of the obese body was covered with purple-yellow energy in the process.

Continuously spiraling, turning the whole body of Snorkelling into an unusually huge spiral shock wave!

Ka Ka Ka Ka...!!

During the sprint, even the wooden floor under his feet was directly pushed out by the Snorlax into a huge gully crack.

Also with the blessing of the belly drum state, the ultimate impact power of the Kirby beast has climbed to the extreme, directly turning into an unstoppable white light ball!

If the passing Alola person hadn't left at this moment, he could also recognize the appearance of the Snorlax's ultimate impact, which is very similar to a move in their Alola area.

Z move, get serious and make a big crit! !

This is even Snorby's exclusive Z-movement, no matter what is in front of him, it will be completely smashed and smashed by Snorby's destructive power!

In the next moment, the ultimate impact rushed head-on into the palms of countless energies.

Boom boom boom! ! Boom boom boom! !

Numerous explosions followed, and every qi bomb · push caused a violent explosion on the Snorby beast.

However, the Snorlax's impact trend has not slowed down by half a step, and it is still sprinting forward with unstoppable strength.

Until the energy of the zhenqi bullets on the palms of the iron palm wrestler completely disappeared, he could not continue to swing the Wushuang fierce fist with all his strength, and he was panting strangely, as if he was at the end of the road.

And the Kirby beast has already rushed in front of the iron palm warrior, and the offensive has not diminished.

"Don't lose to it, use push!!"

Cucumber Xiang roared loudly, since she was already close, she simply slapped her palm.


The iron palm warrior stabilized his lower body, took a deep breath, concentrated the last strength on his palms, and pushed out with all his strength.

Boom boom boom! !

He just pushed his palms and bombarded the Snorbeast, and the next moment, an irresistible force came from the palm of the iron palm warrior.

It seemed that what he was attacking was an oncoming high-speed train, and he couldn't stop it by himself...

Boom! !

The next moment, the ultimate impact force of the Snorkel beast completely exploded, white light soared into the sky, and the terrifying power turned into an incomparable impact force, blasting the Iron Palm Hercules into the air.


Then the iron palm wrestler slammed into the wall of the dojo, and even made a big hole on the spot.

The fierce collision of the moves caused the entire dojo to tremble violently, and many decorative murals and window papers fell down.

And as the smoke dissipated and the movement ended, the entire battle dojo had completely collapsed, and the wooden floor and walls were completely cracked.

The room was even more crumbling, as if it would completely collapse in the next second.

The funds for the battle facilities are not as sufficient as the Alliance Gym... Cucumber Xiang's face darkened.

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