He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1301 Muscular Grandpa

"From here to the coastline..."

Xiaozhi looked at the coast, his eyes flickering.

It means that the Pokémon and the trainer will fight while running... This is the first time he has experienced such a fighting method.

But the grandfather in front of him looks a bit skinny, can he support running...

"The old man is still young, don't underestimate me!!"

However, Yukang opened his eyes, with a strong light in them, and stomped heavily on the crutch with the Kyoka imprint in his hand.


The next moment, the existence of the Kioka symbol on the tip of the cane actually shone with a strange light.

The light gradually connects with Yukang's body...

However, the latter's limbs and body seemed to have performed a "bodybuilding" move, and the muscles began to swell at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a short while, he has become a muscular old man with extremely vigorous courage.

"This is..."

Several people were dumbfounded by Yukang's weird "bodybuilding" move.

"Haha~ This is what the old man has gained from practicing spiritual power for many years!"

Yukang laughed loudly, his voice was vigorous and powerful, as if he was ten years younger for a moment.

The three of Xiaozhi were amazed, and had a deeper understanding of the previous "mental power assessment"... It turned out that it was really not a bluff!


Ahida wiped his sweat beside him.

Well, it's just purely believing in Kioka and getting the feedback power from the gods... It's not some kind of spiritual practice.

Yukang's Kioka scepter has the unique power to communicate with the sea emperor Kioka, and it can only give him stronger physical strength than ordinary adults.

But of course he couldn't dismantle his elders.

"Then there are three elves fighting, and the battlefield spreads from here to the coastal cliff at the end!"

The muscular grandfather Yukang threw his palm and sent out the first Pokémon on his own initiative.


The red light flashed, but it was a human-shaped tengu Pokémon, with a brown body covered with long pale hair like an old man, clogs on its feet, and small leaf-shaped arms.

Cunning tengu!

"Is it really grass-type...In that case, it's up to you!"

Xiaozhi tossed his palm, and in the red light, a turkey warrior appeared in front of him, clenched his arm into a fist, and a powerful blazing flame burst out from his wrist.

Flame Chicken!

If you want to run and fight in the jungle, you will naturally send out the flame chicken with the same agility to deal with it.

"Then, the battle begins!!"

There was no referee for this battle. Following Yukang's voice, the cunning dog rushed out first and landed on a tall tree branch.

Yukang also quickly ran down there, and really turned into a robust young man, neither blushing nor out of breath.

"Then let's go too, flame chicken!!"

Xiaozhi let out a low cry, and immediately rushed out following Yukang's pace.


The flame chicken's strong lower limbs are like springs, and it leaps into the jungle in an instant, with amazing jumping ability.

After a while, the two people and the two beasts had already run to the distance, and gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.


"Um... shall we chase after?"

"Why don't Mr. Ahida bring the car over here?"

Xiaogang and Xiaolan showed embarrassment, they didn't have such developed motor nerves.

It is two or three kilometers away from the coastline, and the huge sun is hanging in the sky at this moment, which is extremely hot, making it difficult for people to think of keeping up.

"No, no, we'll just watch here~!"

But Yashida pushed the sunglasses, as if she had expected it.

Open the backpack that I don't know when I brought it, and there is a big square box inside.

When the lid was opened, five small drones and a monitor with remote control were neatly placed inside.

"Hey, I've already prepared~!"

As Ahida manipulated the remote control, the five drones turned their propellers and flew up one after another.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Whoosh whoosh! !

After a while, he chased after Yukang and Xiaozhi in the direction they left.

And the jungle picture also appeared on the monitor, as well as the flame chicken and the cunning tengu constantly jumping in the jungle.

Under Yashida's control, the angle of view can be switched freely, changing back and forth between several people.

"Wow, high tech!!"

"As expected of Mr. Ahida!"

Xiaogang and Xiaolan praised quickly, just sitting in the shade of a tree and moved a small stool, eating watermelon, enjoying the remote video.

Yashida is the big boss of the battle frontier area, despite the impressive flow of people here... But sitting on such a large area, Yashida is still a super rich local tyrant.

Like expensive drones or something, he has long since played badly.

Ahida was still proud, but the two people next to her were already complaining.

"Director, quickly cut the screen, it's all fighting."

"Why don't you switch to automatic switching, and you sit down and watch with us?"

Ahida: "..."


"Cunning Tengu, use Leaf Blade Slash!!"

Jumping quickly on the branches of the jungle, I saw the cunning tengu's leaf arm extending a green light sickle, and suddenly changed his movements, rushing towards the flame chicken, and the knife light slashed straight away!

"Flame chicken, use flame kick!!"

The flame chicken's movements were extremely flexible. It stepped on the branch, kicked the flame kick back and flew out, and hit the attacking Ye Renzhan kick head-on.

This scene is somewhat familiar...but in the past, it should be the Lizard King, not the cunning Tengu, who used Leaf Blade Slash.


The flame chicken's legs exploded, the flames soared, and kicked the cunning tengu back.

In terms of attributes, it has a complete advantage.

"Grass + evil attributes...then my flame chicken is good at fire attributes, fighting attributes, and flying attributes, all of which are very effective against it!"

Xiaozhi thought quickly in his mind.

"The strength is good...then try this trick, use air cutting!!"

Yukang shouted loudly.

The cunning tengu that bounced back into the air suddenly jumped into the air, waving its leaf-shaped arms again and again.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, countless blue and white air blades blew out, cutting the jungle vegetation on the road, and flew towards the flame chicken in unison.

Such a fierce flying move cannot be accepted by force, Xiao Zhi quickly directed:

"Use Bounce!!"

The Flame Chicken lowered its body, exerted strength in its lower limbs, and instantly jumped into the sky ten meters high, completely avoiding countless air blades.

Not only that, but with the second fall of the bounce, the flame chicken's whole body burst into violent flames!

"It's now, use Flame Charge and kill it all at once!!"

Xiaozhi directly chose this big move.

The flame chicken's leg strength is extraordinary, and the second-stage impact of the bounce move can completely increase the strength of the next move, making its flash charge speed skyrocket to a higher level.

Boom boom boom...! !

Halfway through, the flame turned into a strange blue flame, rushing forward with throbbing power!

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