He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1307 Change Characteristics


On both sides of the round table at the entrance of the hotel, after half a day of fighting, Xiaozhi and the others were also at ease.

"We're still short of the last two badges..."

Xiaozhi looked at the golden badge that he just got in his hand during the day, and there was a square hollow pattern engraved in the middle - it was the proof of defeating the battle palace, and the symbol of spirit!

Every battle against the facility is a wonderful battle, plus a 7-day limit clearance time... Yashida can already foresee how explosive his promotional video will be this time.

The next thing to do is to draw a successful conclusion to the last two battle facilities.

In coastal cities, compared with the hot and sunny weather during the day, the temperature at night is very comfortable.

Xiaozhi and the others sat in front of the open-air round table, shone by the not-so-bright lights, blowing the evening breeze, chatting about something.

There is not a lot of people in the battle frontier area. Although this is a resort hotel, there are not many tourists.

Apparently, there was a large square in front of them, but there was only their table and a few scattered tourists around the table, which seemed quite deserted.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, is that the elf you have subdued? I haven't seen you use it before."

After carefully importing all the shooting materials during the day into the hard disk, Yashida stretched her waist, raised her head and asked curiously.

In the square in front of them, they saw a bird-shaped Pokémon the size of a turkey chicken running around, with colorful three-color feathers on its body.

It has an oval head, and a row of rare beast teeth grows from the corner of the grinning mouth.

If you don't count the weird half-wing, half-arm... this Pokémon is more like a small dinosaur.

"Well, it's called the Progenitor Bird, and it's a fossil Pokémon in the Hezhong area."

Xiaozhi said with a smile, this is the Pokémon he got from Xiaomao before.

However, the ancestor bird has not yet passed any training level, so it can be said that the combat power is basically equal to 0.

But Xiaozhi was not in a hurry to train, because there was still a problem.

The characteristic of the proto-bird is a very rare negative characteristic-weakness. When the stamina value decreases, it will become timid due to weakness and reduce its own ability value.

In actual combat, it can be said to be a rather painful feature.

"But the characteristics, maybe it can still be changed...?"

Xiaozhi stared straight at the ancestor bird, and suddenly said.

"Changing traits?"

Ahida turned her head in doubt.

As far as he knows, there are indeed some props that can change the characteristics of Pokémon.

For example, in the Galar region he had been to before, there was a prop called "characteristic ointment", which could switch the characteristics of Pokémon.

If the plaster is attached to Pikachu's back, it can switch Pikachu's static characteristics to lightning rod characteristics.

But the prerequisite for this characteristic ointment to take effect is that the Pokémon's race must have at least two characteristics before it can be switched.

It is impossible to inexplicably add a new feature.

"Does Proteopteryx also have a second trait that can be toggled...?"

Although he is not very familiar with Pokémon like the Progenitor Bird, according to Ahida's understanding, the elves with negative special abilities generally have a single characteristic, right?

This can be regarded as a curse on their own excellent qualities, and it is naturally impossible to have a second characteristic.

For example, their signature leave king in Fangyuan area is like this.

Even if the whole body is covered with plasters, the king who asks for leave will still only be lazy.

So how did this proto-bird change?

"Oh, I didn't say that, it was Chi..."

Xiao Zhi just answered subconsciously, and suddenly stopped the car.

Although he seems to be very familiar with Yashida now, it is still inconvenient to reveal the existence of Brother Chi, so he can only quickly change his mouth and say:

"I thought of it when I was in Chifan~!"

Although the headlights were turned on outside the hotel, the light was still dim.

On the square not far away, there is not only one Progenitor Bird at this moment.

"Geng Geng~!!"

But I saw a purple-black fat turtle, which was also very active, floating in the sky above the square.

It was Xiaozhi's old Kanto ghost.

But it flew to the front of the ancestor bird, raised its chubby claws, pulled the corners of its eyes and mouth, stretched out its slender tongue, and made scary faces.

Combined with the dim light around it, it is indeed a bit scary.

Especially the proto-bird, who just hatched not long ago, really lived in the middle of the night.


This frightened it badly enough, and hurriedly fled in another direction in a panic.

"Geng Geng~!!"

However, in terms of speed, Geng Gui is faster than the former even with his legs tied up.

I saw it dive directly into the ground, nimbly shuttle between the solid land, and then rise out of thin air at the place where the ancestor bird escaped, playing with the infiltrating grimace again.


The Proteopteryx bird panicked and could only turn around and run away again.

The next scene was completely repeated. Geng Gui just kept wandering around the ancestor bird, frightening the latter with threatening grimaces, like a cat playing with its prey.

Don't attack, just play there!

Geng Gui had a great time playing, his purple-black body was trembling along with it.


"So, is this a courage exercise...?"

After watching for a long time, Yashida finally came to his senses.

It means to make the proto-bird completely bold by practicing courage, so as to get rid of that weak negative characteristic?

But it seems that this proto-bird will also leave a terrible psychological shadow.

"As long as it continues, the Proto-bird will always start attacking Gengar..."

Xiaozhi also stared closely at that direction, and said.

Changing the characteristics the day after tomorrow is the suggestion of Brother Chi.

It is naturally impossible to do it in the game, but this world is not a game, changing the characteristics... Chi thinks it is not impossible.

Similar to the lightning rod, the essential characteristic of static electricity is really impossible to change or control.

But if it's just pure psychological characteristics of "weakness" and "laziness"...the difficulty of changing will naturally be reduced a lot.

After all, as long as one's mind is really bold, one will naturally overcome weakness.

And this kind of change, once the Pokémon starts to fight and becomes stronger, the difficulty of changing it will also increase exponentially...

At this moment, the proto-bird has no combat power and looks like a newborn baby. This is the most perfect period of changing fate against the sky.

"The Progenitor Bird doesn't know how to move. If you want to get out of this predicament, you have to attack Geng Gui with your body..."

Once an ordinary physical attack successfully hit Geng Gui.

This also represents the characteristic of the ancestor bird, which will change from "weakness" to the "gut" characteristic that can also hit ghost Pokémon with general attribute moves.

Coupled with its own excellent physical fitness that would even be cursed by the heavens... the ancestor bird can completely become his second fossil pterosaur!

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