He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1315 The King of Pokrantis

Until a few people came to the end of this stone path, there was still a thick gate.

Xiaozhi was the first to bear the brunt, and subconsciously went up to pat Shimen.


The next moment, the seemingly thick and heavy door was pushed directly by him and opened a crack. Xiao Zhi didn't react, and fell directly through the gap in the stone door.

Of course, his reaction speed was very fast, and he brought in both the statue Pikachu and the real Pikachu in the extreme state.


The next moment, the Shimen folded again and closed again.

"Hello, Xiaozhi?!"

"can you hear me?!"

Only then did Xiaogang and Xiaolan in the back get together and try to push the stone door.

It's just that this time the thick gate didn't move at all, and the edge was completely attached to the stone wall, as if it was fixed to death.

Even the thick stone door in front of it also has a strong sound insulation effect, and the two of them couldn't even hear Xiaozhi's voice inside.

The two of them could only be in a hurry beside them...but they were not particularly anxious.

The current Xiaozhi, shouldn't be a big problem, right?

Da da da...!

After waiting outside for a while, footsteps suddenly came from the direction they came from, which made the two of them alert.

When he got closer, he realized that it was Ahida who was wearing a flowered shirt.

And next to it, is a tough middle-aged man dressed in gray-green, mountaineering and archaeological.

"Mr. Jindai?!"

Xiao Gang recognized the latter and blurted out in surprise.

In the ancient ruins in the southern part of Yinyu City, Mr. Jindai subdued a sleeping steel pillar there, and they met once.

"Oh, it's you... What about that boy?"

Kamito asked curiously, with a solemn Chinese character face, and his tone seemed vigorous and powerful.

He still remembers that young man with two magical Pillar Pokémon, right?

This shocked the always calm God Generation for a long time.

Later, when he learned that Xiaozhi was going to challenge the Battle Frontier Zone, he specially set aside time for Xiaozhi.

However, the Age of Gods is a fanatical relic archeology fan, and finally found an ancient relic in his own battle development area...

In the end, he still couldn't resist the temptation, and had a good time studying here.

Then he returned to his Battle Pyramid with the research results, analyzed and translated for a while, but forgot the agreed time.

Yashida also searched nearby for a long time before finding the real battle pyramid and bringing the Age of God out.

But when the two returned to the off-road vehicle, Xiaozhi and his party had disappeared.

"Wait a minute, you said this is not a battle pyramid?!"

Xiao Gang suddenly realized something and asked in surprise.

"Of course not here... This is really an ancient ruin!"

Ahida quickly replied.

Otherwise, he would have seen it at a glance...but the real battle pyramid is a hundred meters away.

The Battle Pyramid in the Age of Gods is the most special battle facility. There is no exact location at all. It is a super giant aircraft that can fly in the sky at any time.

Flying an entire pyramid loading device into the air... the technological strength is no less than that of an aircraft carrier.

The Age of Gods can even leave them to fight the Frontier Zone at any time...

In order not to destroy the original ruins here, the Age of Gods deliberately parked the pyramid a hundred meters away, for fear of destroying the original appearance of the ruins.


"So, what exactly is this place?"

Xiaolan asked weakly.

"Well, this is the place built by the arrogant ancients..."

Shendai glanced at the surrounding murals, and through his research, he probably knew what this relic was.

There was an ancient country called Pokrantis in the present-day continent. The city was prosperous and had a high degree of civilization...it was a very powerful country.

"But the King of Pokrantis at that time, because he was too confident, was determined to bring the legendary Pokémon—King of Wind, under his command and become the supreme existence!"

As a result, it was naturally given in vain.

Feng Wang is an extremely proud god, and his temper is like a powder keg.

"Under the sacred flame of the Wind King, Pokrantis was completely destroyed overnight, and the world-famous country disappeared completely in the long river of history in an instant."

Some researchers even doubted whether the country of Pokrantis ever existed.

Just listening to it, several people can feel the horror...

"By the way, Xiaozhi and I rushed past Fengwang last time...the other party won't start to hold grudges one day, and burn down Zhenxin Town, right?"

Xiaolan couldn't help muttering.

When she was still adventuring in the Chengdu area, her flame bird and Xiaozhi Yandi formed a double team and fought against the wind king together.

Although he didn't win in the end, he also gave Feng Wang a resounding slap in the face...not very friendly.

"Eventually, the failed king of Pokrantis, escaped with the treasures of his country, and built a perched pyramid...which is where we are now."

Xiao Gang and Xiao Lan looked at each other, their complexions inevitably darkened.

In other words, is this actually the tomb of the arrogant ancient emperor?

Immediately, Jindai looked at the stone gate at the end.

According to his records, the king of Pokrantis is not a complete loser.

It seems that the wind king was finally sealed in the deepest part of the pyramid, probably hidden behind the stone gate, waiting for adventurers to open it.

"That must be lying, I just had a fight with Feng Wang half a year ago!"

Xiaolan said hastily.

It's impossible for Feng Wang to have a second one, right?


Hearing this, Jindai frowned, thinking secretly.

If his research materials are not mistranslated, this little girl is telling the truth...

Then it is only possible that this information itself is wrong.

In other words, it is not the sealed Wind King at all, but something else dangerous, waiting for adventurers? !

Thinking of this, Jindai's face gradually became startled, and he hurriedly searched for a way to open the door.

Crack, crack...!

The palms fumbled and slapped on the surrounding walls, there should be organs around.

If it is too late, something unexpected may happen to the teenagers inside.

"Uh, no rush..."

"If it's Xiaozhi, it shouldn't be a big problem..."

Xiao Gang and Xiao Lan were not too anxious.

No matter how bad it is, Brother Chi is also inside.

However, this casual appearance made Jindai think that the two were Xiaozhi's bad friends, so he kept moving and continued to search and fumble.



As for the interior of the stone chamber.

Xiao Zhi, who suddenly fell in, looked around curiously.

The door at the back couldn't be pushed at all, and the strong sound insulation effect made it impossible for him to communicate with the friends outside, so he simply looked around.

In the empty stone room of the hall, on the steps at the end, there is a huge stone chair inlaid.

A majestic human rock statue is carved on it, sitting on it like an emperor.

"The painting style is a bit abstract..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help complaining that the painting style of ancient people is somewhat strange.

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