He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1330 Geng Gui vs Picosi! !

"Oh~ Boss Sakagi's Yu...A follower?"

But today is a big day for his gymnasium, Xiaomao didn't get angry unexpectedly, instead he said cheerfully:

"If you participate in this competition, I can tell you about Boss Sakagi~!"

Xiaomao handed over the registration form backhanded.

I am worried that there are not many people... Since the competition is going to be held, the more people the better.

"Fingering Cup Competition?"

Ah Yin looked at the nouns above and frowned. What kind of competition is this? !

However, noticing Xiaozhi approaching, Ah Yin suddenly turned his head and became interested.

"Xiaozhi from the new town... Do you want to participate in this boring competition too? Well, this time I will completely defeat you!!"

Thinking of this, Ah Yin wrote his name on the backhand.

But at this moment Xiaozhi and Xiaomao's eyes fell on the Pokémon beside Ah Yin.

An upright weasel-type Pokémon with sharp hooked claws and a feathery ear sticking out of its head.

"Flash Nula?"

"But the color of the flash is wrong..."

The two murmured, very curious.

I saw that the whole body of this Niula was gray and white, only the palms, face, feathers and ears were black and purple, and the shape was also somewhat different from ordinary Niula, very curious.

Even if he took out the illustration book, it showed only ordinary Nyura, nothing unusual.

"Hmph, let's go, Niura~!"

Ignoring the two of them, and without explaining anything, Ah Yin took the weird-looking Niura to the side and waited for the start of the game.

Because he didn't know what breed his Niula was.

I met it by accident during the journey, but not only the color scheme, but also the attributes are different from the original Niura's ice + evil, but fighting + poison.

Ah Yin blindly guessed what the shape of the region was...but he searched all over the world for information, but there was no information.

Well, at least I can't reveal the fact that I don't know what my Pokémon is in front of these two guys...

This is ridiculous for a trainer.

Don't talk, just pretend to be a master.

The two of them could only stare at each other with staring eyes, secretly thinking that the world is so big that there are no surprises.

It was almost time, and seeing that the ring was full of people, Xiao Mao slowly stepped onto the stage.


"Ahem, hello everyone, I am the new owner of the Evergreen Gym, Xiaomao, and I am the host of the first finger-waving cup~!!"

Xiaomao seems to be a natural focus star. Under countless gazes, he can still hold the microphone, swinging the gesture of the bag and elongating the tone, mobilizing the atmosphere of the scene in a short while.

"Then, let me explain the rules of this competition~!"

The rules are actually very simple, each trainer has only one Pokémon, and can only use finger waving.

Once the battle fails, the winner will be determined.

"But pay attention, during the battle, Pokémon are not allowed to dodge, and must forcefully eat the opponent's attack."

Xiao Mao suddenly said seriously.

If you can dodge, then there is no need to play this game. Like Juzi's Geng Gui, the opponent may not be able to touch him for the rest of his life.

All you want is random excitement!

"Although you can't dodge, there is a sequence of moves... In a round, players can choose whether to attack first or attack later according to their own tactics!"

This is not necessarily judged by the speed of the Pokémon. Even the high-speed Gengar can delay his finger shaking and wait for the opponent to finish fighting before making a move.

"At the end of each game, there are various medicines and health products in the rest area, which can be used freely~!"

With the opening of the large table next to it, there are countless precious medicines and nutrients... such as precious attack enhancers and defense enhancers.

Obviously Xiaomao made a lot of money.

Take some health supplements, even if you are knocked down, the ability and quality of Pokémon can be improved.


"What a great handwriting...!!"

"Is this Xiao Mao from Zhenxin Town, what local tyrant?!"

There was a lot of discussion around, and many people even called Xiaomao, which was no longer "Dr. Oki's grandson", but the direct name of "Xiaomao".

"Hmph, boring game..."

Chrysanthemum listened to the rules of the game seriously, but cursed in a low voice.

In this way, her strength level was infinitely closer to others.

Chrysanthemum is also using Geng Ghost... No matter how powerful it is, Geng Ghost is still a crispy Pokémon, and there is a risk of being instantly killed.

There were also various discussions among the crowd.

"As for the winning prize, I will not talk about it. I can only talk about the ultra-precious existence related to the oldest legendary Pokémon...Then the competition officially begins!!"

On the temporary electronic board, a random order of play begins.


The picture freezes, and to Xiaozhi's surprise, he didn't expect that he would be randomized in the first battle...

"Hey, random hammer, it's all my secret operation~!"

Xiaomao just stood on a black-tech hoverboard and acted as the host, introducing the origins and names of the trainers on both sides.

This hover car is left over from Team Rocket... now it's in his shape.

Walking to the side of the ring, it was Xiaozhi's first time participating in a competition, and he threw a poke ball upwards with his backhand.


A red light flashed, it was his chubby Geng Gui.

"Geng Gui, you can only use the move of waving your fingers, and don't dodge the opponent's moves."

Xiaozhi reminded later... This combat mechanism is a bit like a turn-based game in a video game.

However, the timing of the move can be chosen by oneself, so it is not a big problem.


On the other end is a cute female trainer, about the same age as Xiaozhi, and what is released is a chubby dog ​​of the same size...


General attribute vs. ghost attribute, the first match is a bit interesting.

"Geng Gui, use finger waving!!"

"Pikaxi, we also use finger waving!!"

As the battle began, Geng Gui and Pi Kexi, who were at both ends of the ring, shook their fingers.

This is the first time I have come into contact with this kind of competition, so I will be done without thinking.

call out...!

Geng Gui's speed was obviously one step faster, the light dissipated, and a bunch of small water guns spewed out from his fingertips, making Pi Kexi's face moisten.

The water gun, and kindly gargled Pixie!

Xiaozhi: "..."

On the other side, Picosi condensed an orange energy bomb, which looked quite powerful.

Infuriating bomb! !

At this moment, under the rule that no dodging is allowed, the true qi bullets with a low hit rate are almost 100% accurate.

And this Pixie is also carrying a prop [Life Orb], which can enhance the power of his moves.

Due to Pixie's own characteristic - magic defense, it will not even suffer the damage effect of the life orb on itself.

Boom! !

However, the powerful qi bullets penetrated straight through Geng Gui's body... Ghost Pokémon are immune to fighting-type moves.

In the first round, nothing happened.

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