He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1338 Arceus and the Lightning Tablet!

In the end, after the needle bees faced each other for more than ten rounds, Geng Gui, both the enemy and us, began to pant, and both entered the state of dying candles in the wind.

The luck of the two people is actually not particularly good, it belongs to scraping each other.


At this time, our side, Geng Gui, suddenly roared, and the light of shaking his fingers fell, appearing menacing.

Xiaozhi thought it was shaking another glass of milk...

Unexpectedly, this time, his own Geng Gui suddenly assumed a posture of karate energy accumulation, his aura surged, and a raging red and black energy arrogance erupted from his body.

This time it's not about drinking milk, which made Xiaozhi wake up all of a sudden.

Hoo hoo hoo...!

The energy arrogance finally enveloped Geng Gui's entire body, and it also stomped and rushed towards the enemy Geng Gui.

Along the way, the red and black energy flames were all poured into Geng Gui's right fist, and the strength climbed to the extreme... This seems to be a fist-like move?

Not to mention Xiaozhi, even Xiao Mao in the sky looked dazed, he had never seen such a move before.

"Geng Gui, finger waving!!"

On the other side, Juzi's Geng Gui didn't dare to be careless, and quickly shook his fingers.

Then he flipped his palm, and an extra bottle of milk came out.

"Gulu Gulu..."

This time, it was her Geng Gui who used the trick of drinking milk.

Chrysanthemum: "..."

It's just that on the premise that the opponent is obviously attacking with a big move, her Geng Gui is still drinking milk leisurely... the scene is somewhat curious.

The next moment, Xiaozhi's Geng Gui came, and his fist wrapped in red and black energy flames slammed into the face of the enemy Geng Gui!

Boom boom! !

The powerful force and the energy of the evil attribute, frantically bombarded all over the nest, and directly smashed the enemy Geng Gui into the air!

The effect is outstanding!

hit the nail on the head! !

The double terrifying buff effect made this king-level Geng Gui fly upside down even after drinking a bottle of healthy milk, and even lost consciousness in mid-air, unable to fight.

"What kind of move is this...?"

Even the well-informed Juzi didn't recognize this powerful fist blow for a while, and her expression was shocked again.


And Geng Gui, who made this strong attack of evil attributes, stood on the ring, with his chubby fists on both sides of his waist, and exhaled a big mouthful of foul air.

This posture seems to be a real martial arts master.

"Geng? Geng Geng?!"

However, in the next second, after Wang realized that he was the only ghost left in the ring, Xiaozhi's Geng ghost suddenly became funny.

Cheering and jumping up and down in the arena, in line with the enthusiastic applause around him, he made all kinds of funny expressions.

The winner is finally decided, it is the strongest Geng Gui!


"This trick is..."

Under the ring, Xiaozhi was also surprised by Geng Gui's inexplicable move.

This time, Xiaomao didn't interject to answer, and the illustration book in his pocket finally opened his mouth to prompt when he realized that no one could steal its limelight:

"Didi. The move [Darkness Strike]: A move of the evil attribute, a violent blow that has cultivated the evil school to a great success, and it will definitely hit the vital point. Currently there is only one Pokémon in the Galar area, the Martial Arts Bear Master Dreams can come true."

"Dark Dark Strike, Martial Dao Bear Master...?"

Xiaozhi seemed to be listening to a book from heaven, and even shook his illustrated book, suspecting that the latter had made up information on the spot.

"Master Martial Art Bear, this is Ma Shide, Teacher Ma's signature Pokémon!"

But Xiao Gang next to him came up and said with a fiery face, obviously they all really existed.

"Master? What kind of celebrity?"

Xiaozhi touched his head again, but he didn't have any impression.

"It's the last league champion in the Galar region! And it's also the champion of the P1 World Fighting Championship for several times in a row! He's a man who really stands at the top!"

Xiao Gang said with a respectful tone.

In terms of strength, Ma Shide will never be inferior to Champion Du!

Xiaogang is an old fan of the p1 fighting competition. In the last p1 world-class competition, Ma Shide was the overall champion...

And his teacher, Shiba, lost to the former's partner Budao Xiongshi in the end, and was in the runner-up, which is quite a pity.

"Is it so powerful...Even master Shiba has been defeated."

With the comparison, Xiaozhi said secretly.

And this p1 fighting competition sounds a bit familiar, I seem to have heard of it somewhere before...?



"Haha~!! The winner is finally out!"

On the ring, Xiaomao's hover car finally fell back to the ground and stood on the high platform.

"I announce the winner of the first finger-waving cup competition, and it's Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!!"

As Xiaozhi led Geng Gui onto the ring, the entire arena erupted in warm cheers and applause.

"Hmph, boring game..."

Chrysanthemum just snorted coldly and left here on crutches.

In the ring, the ranking is not important, Xiaozhi is now more interested in the winning rewards that Xiaomao boasted before the competition.

"Deng Deng~! This is the winning prize of the tournament!!"

In the end, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xiao Mao took out a golden brick, about the size that a human palm can hold.

"Lightning slate! It is the winning prize of this conference!!"

Xiao Mao said loudly, and he still gave Xiao Zhi a wink while talking.

Speaking of which, this attribute is just right for Xiaozhi's Pikachu.

"Lightning Slate...?"

Xiaozhi took the brick with a curious face. It looked ordinary, with a very smooth surface.

Could it be a gold brick made of pure gold?

According to the current price of gold, and the heavy weight in his hands... this is quite a fortune!

As expected of a local tyrant, Xiao Mao actually took gold bricks as a reward!

But holding it in the hand, there is a faint current flowing, and there seems to be some strange metaphysical energy contained in it.

And the "thunder and lightning slate" that Xiaomao said before?


Pikachu on the shoulder also stretched out his small hand to touch it, only to feel that his electric energy has increased a lot in an instant.

After throwing this strange slate to Xiaozhi, Xiaomao continued to host the competition and began the final closing speech.

He also said that on today next year, the second Finger Finger Competition will be held here...

This time the drama will be greatly increased, turning into a doubles battle!

That is to say, in one round, four times of waving the fingers, the excitement will climb to the extreme!

Such a preview of the competition also caused cheers from the surroundings. Obviously, the first Finger Finger Competition was held very successfully.


Afterwards, the crowd dispersed, and the staff began to tidy up the equipment around the ring.

But Xiao Mao secretly pulled Xiao Zhi aside and reminded:

"This thing is not a gold brick, don't sell it out of nowhere... It may be related to the legendary creation god, Arceus!"

"Anyway, I can't find any big results. I only know that it has the effect of increasing the power of electric-type Pokémon similar to [Magnet]."

So Xiaomao thought of Xiaozhi. Next, the latter will go to the Sinnoh area to take risks. Maybe he can solve the mystery of the stone slab?

Arceus, the god of creation, is the myth and legend of the Sinnoh area.

"Arzeus' thing..."

It turned out that it wasn't a local tyrant's gold brick, so Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, so he hurriedly put it away solemnly.

Speaking of which, he had fought the fake Arceus created by the Unknown Totem once before.

"No, Xiaomao, for such an important thing, if someone else wins the championship..."

Xiaozhi wondered, he just won the Finger Swipe Cup, and the latter actually believed that he could win the championship?

"Idiot Xiaozhi, that's why I deliberately didn't announce the prize in advance... If someone else wins the championship, I can just use other things to fool me~!"

Xiao Mao just smiled slyly, obviously an old behind-the-scenes capitalist.

Finally, I did not forget to remind:

"Remember if there is any new information at that time, please communicate with me...I am very interested in Arceus now~!"

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