He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1342: The Legendary Waveguide Messenger!

"Xiaozhi from Xinxin Town...you are really amazing."

Defeated by overwhelming strength, Qi Duo could only take back the defeated Da Niu La with a wry smile.

She even felt that the ordinary-looking Pikachu in front of her hadn't even fully exerted her full strength?

The finals came to an abrupt end before it even started... On the contrary, this made the entire spectator seats in the ancient castle more excited, and countless people rushed to cheer and applaud.

"This boy is so powerful..."

Even the blond queen on the castle couldn't help but stand up and cast a look of amazement.

However, compared to winning or losing, Xiaozhi at this moment paid more attention to this "ancient species" Nyura.

"By the way, Miss Qi Duo... where did you meet this big Niula?"

Taking advantage of the two people shaking hands after the game and welcoming the cheers of the surrounding people, Xiaozhi couldn't help asking curiously.

"Where did you meet...?"

Qi Duo didn't say it clearly, but raised her hand and pointed to a direction in the distance.

Looking in the direction of the finger, Xiaozhi found that it was the towering giant tree that was higher than the surrounding mountains.

Covered by dense mist, it looks very mysterious.

Qi Duo is an adventurer who likes to explore mysterious places in various places in the world.

And the place where the giant tree was called "the tree of the beginning of the world" by the locals was the place where she met Da Niula.

In the local mythology of Orudoran, it is the origin of everything in the world, the source of the cornerstone of the entire world...

The unique ecology is self-contained, separated from the surrounding environment, and stands alone...so the environmental ecology there, and even Pokémon, still retain the original appearance of ancient times.

Just like this, the elf with a special appearance there is also called "the ancient appearance" by Qi Duo.

"This big Nula is the Pokémon I captured in the outermost area of ​​the Beginning Tree... At that time, I even saw a naughty wood-shaped thunderbolt, which cast a flying leaf storm on me. "

Qi Duo opened the mouth and said, her eyes were wild, recalling the scene a few years ago.

Such a place is extremely attractive to an adventurer like her.

That's right, last time she just walked around the outermost circle...

This time, she intends to win the honor of the Orudoran brave, to see if the locals can give her some assistance, and enter the more closed beta of the original tree to explore.

"The tree of the beginning of the world...?"

Xiao Zhi was taken aback when he heard that.

Of course, the myths in every place will advocate that they are the origin of the world, and there is nothing to tangle about this.

On the contrary, Xiaozhi became more curious about the ancient elves there...

Are there fossil pterosaurs, sickle helmets, etc.?

Made of wood, a naughty thunderbolt that can cast a flying leaf storm... I can't imagine it at all!

Just as Xiaozhi wanted to continue asking something, an old lady who looked like a maid had already walked over, cheerfully pulling Xiaozhi into the castle.


"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, now you are the brave of our Orudoran for the next three years... Now you have to take a good bath and tidy up. After the dinner, Her Royal Highness Queen Irene will personally honor you Awarded~!"

The old maid explained while pulling Xiaozhi to the bathroom.

He looked Xiaozhi up and down, and nodded in satisfaction.

"However, it's been a long time since anyone has worn the costume of the legendary waveguide envoy like you... Well, there is no need to change clothes."

"The legendary waveguide messenger?"

Xiaozhi wondered, is there any difference from his name as a brave man?

"It's natural. The brave is just the champion of the triennial celebration. In fact, it's just a pure honor and has no actual rights..."

The old maid didn't hide anything, she told everything.

Don't look at the three-year brave man as if it's amazing, but in fact it's just an image ambassador of Orudolan.

Guard the castle for a few days, rush to the facade, and by the way, stimulate the tourist market here.

Give other tourists an idea, "I can also be a brave man honored by Her Majesty the Queen"!

But apart from a name, there is really nothing else.

"Even you can leave here the day after tomorrow..."

The old maid said with a smile, obviously she has been serving here for a long time, and she is very familiar with the operation of Orudolan's mechanism.

Don't look at this place as some ancient feudal castle kingdom...

But in essence, it is a tourist city.

Whether it is technology or open democracy, it is no different from other cities.


Hearing this, Xiaozhi felt somewhat disillusioned. He thought that this Orudoran city could be more ancient and metaphysical.

"Then what does Bird's messenger mean? Is it different from a brave man?"

"The brave are only champions held every three years, but the envoys of Bird are different...Specifically referring to those special human beings who can control the power of Bird, they are the big men that we Orudolan really admire!"

Speaking of this, the tone of the old maid became pious.

It’s just that they, Orudolan, haven’t seen a new waveguide messenger for ten years... The current brave celebration is just a semblance, and has nothing to do with the power of waveguide.

When the old maid was young, she had seen two real waveguide envoys. This kind of existence has a unique and powerful power!

But it's a pity that at this moment, the big city of Orudolan doesn't even have a real waveguide envoy...

Walking all the way to the bathroom, Xiao Zhi was pushed in to undress and wash himself.

Through the door, Xiaozhi asked again:

"Oh, what does the legendary messenger mean...?"

"That is our Orudoran hero, a waveguide messenger in ancient times, who saved the entire country when the country was about to collapse and perish due to war!"

Outside the door, the voice of the old maid once again carried a bit of respect.

It's like the people in the Yoshien area grew up listening to the stories of Sanshenzhu, Gulardo, and Kyoka...

The residents of Orudoran also grew up listening to the story of this legendary waveguide messenger.

As for how the latter saved the country and ended that terrible war by himself... No one knows about this process.

Xiaozhi nodded again and again. In short, this city is indeed related to Bird's power.

After washing for a while, and changing into the same cloak and hat shape of the "Legendary Bird's Messenger", Xiaozhi pushed open the door.

Just wanted to ask about the main event, how to learn the power of waveguide.

It's just getting late, and Orudolan's brave celebration dinner is about to begin. The old maid didn't have time to explain anything, so she hurriedly dragged Xiaozhi to a place in the castle...

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