He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1346 A Waveguide Messenger

"Ah, it takes 13 days!?"

Hearing the accurate time estimate, Xiaozhi was surprised.

It was about this time before he went to the Sinnoh area, but the time mentioned in the illustration book was still the time when he was flipping through the books and helping to scan!

An eight-hour work system with three shifts by one person... He couldn't stand it for 13 consecutive days of flipping through books!


Queen Irene next to her was confused.

Converting 20,000 seconds, shouldn't it be more than 5 days...?

Doesn't this illustration book count?

And scan something...

Just as Xiaozhi was looking at the ancient books in front of him with a frowning face and didn't know how to operate it, Queen Irene suddenly took out an exquisite USB flash drive from her arms.

"If you want an electronic version of the practice method, I have a copy here..."

Xiaozhi: "?!"

The electronic version... This is completely different from the ancient secret method in his impression!

Seeing Xiaozhi's surprise and confusion, Queen Irene just smiled and replied:

"Technology is now the primary productive force. These are the precious treasures of our ancestors. Naturally, we must make a backup copy to prevent them from disappearing suddenly one day. Then I will be a sinner in history."

Xiaozhi took the USB flash drive in a daze, as if it was the reason.

But now that it's been scanned, it's time to talk...

Xiaozhi backhanded the USB flash drive into the socket at the bottom of his illustration book, which happened to be the same shape.


When Yan Si inserted it, there was a faint sound from the illustrated book, as if it was very comfortable.

After a while, there was an electronic notification sound.

"Didi. "The Power of Waveguide.pdf", has been saved locally."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was overjoyed, now his mission to come to Orudolan was considered completed.

Although it is an electronic version, it took a while to open the pdf illustration book. It is also a document with thousands of pages, which is not something he can read through at all.

Go back and let Brother Chi or Xiaomao take a look, and shorten it into a 100-word crash version.

After reconnecting the USB drive, Queen Irene did not forget to remind:

"Although there are very few waveguide envoys in this world...it is the most important treasure of our Orudoran after all. If you want to pass it on to others, please be sure to choose a righteous and kind person."

Xiaozhi is a special human being who possesses the power of waveguide. It is their duty to pass on the method of cultivation to them, Orudolan.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi quickly nodded in agreement.

Now I can only ask Brother Chi to check, Xiaomao may not meet the requirements to some extent.

"Then next, please rest in our Orudolan for three days. You, a brave man, may be required to do some publicity... After three days, you are free to leave."

Bai got the other party's great secret book, Xiaozhi can still help with this little favor, so he agreed immediately.

Think of it as a three-day vacation here.

"Of course, you are the future waveguide envoy, and we, Orudoran, are open to you at any time... Even if you want to stay here permanently, you will be treated with the highest standard by us."

Before leaving, Queen Irene did not forget to remind her.

After all, there is no real waveguide messenger in this ancient city.

They also need a powerful and special waveguide envoy to sit here and become the real pride of Orudolan.

But seeing Xiaozhi immediately shaking his head and refusing, Queen Irene could only smile helplessly and didn't force it.

It was getting late, so he turned around and prepared to take Xiaozhi out of here and go to the guest room to rest.

"Lucario, just stay here, no one will bother you..."

Glancing at Lucario, who was still lost in thought and reminiscing next to him, Irene sighed, and could only leave the room with Xiaozhi in a low voice.


The next day, Xiaozhi woke up from a luxurious guest room with ancient decoration.

Buzz buzz...!

The elf egg placed at the head of the bed was also shaking vigorously in the morning sun, with surging vitality.

From a distance of one or two meters, Xiaozhi could hear the beating heart of the latter's eggshell.

"It looks like it's going to hatch soon...!" Xiaozhi sighed, bringing this elf egg to this city that smells like the power of waveguide is undoubtedly the right thing to do.

"But what am I going to do next..."

Sitting on the bed with his chest folded, Xiaozhi flicked the screen of the illustration book, browsing the "Power of Bird Guide.pdf" he just got.

He obviously just woke up, which is the most awake time...but he has not read half a page, and he wants to sleep comfortably.


Pikachu next to him slept very soundly, tempting the trainer to sleep with him.

"Damn it, I can't stand it at all!"

Xiaozhi rubbed his messy head quite distressed, the character education in books was not suitable for him at all.

At this moment, with the profound meaning in hand, he has no way to cultivate, which makes his heart itch.

The best way, of course, is to find an envoy from Bird, and personally teach him...he is a pure fighter!

But Queen Irene also said that at this moment in Orudoran, there is no envoy of Bird.

"Wait a minute, there is actually a waveguide messenger here!"

Xiaozhi suddenly thought of something, and stood up from the bed suddenly, with a radiant look.

Then he took Pikachu out of bed and washed for a while, and changed into Bird's brave uniform...

For these three days, he still needs to wear this handsome suit all the time, ready to take photos for publicity.

Then he turned left and turned again in the ancient castle stone road of Orudolan City, and ran straight to the location of the practice room yesterday.

The Lucario who escaped from the stick of the brave is the most perfect waveguide messenger!

With the wisdom equivalent to human beings, the communication ability of telepathy, and even the teacher of the legendary waveguide messenger...

Since I can't read the text of the book at all, wouldn't it be good to just ask Professor Lucario to teach it! ?

"Speaking of which, the crystal of the staff of the brave seems to be the same as the elf weapon..."

Along the way, Xiaozhi couldn't help complaining.




Pushing open the ancient wooden door of the practice room, the hall looks empty in the early morning, with the light shining in, you can see the dust particles floating in the air.


However, that Lucario was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, facing the portrait of Aaron on the wall, motionless.

It looks like I've been sitting here all night.

"Well, Lucario...I'm coming in."

Xiaozhi greeted and walked into it in a low voice.

However, Lucario simply ignored the latter's movements and sat there quietly.

Yalang forcibly sealed himself, which made Lucario very angry.

But knowing that the purpose of sealing himself is only to protect himself... This made Lucario's emotions entangled again.

The only thing he wants to do now is to meet Aaron again.

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