He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1351 Thank you, Director Lu

"Haha I'm out now, how do I rub the wave missile next!?"

Looking at the small waveguide shield in his hand, Xiaozhi didn't dare to move his palm a little bit, as if it was about to shatter if he moved a little, but he shouted excitedly.

Like Naz from the Golden Gym in the past, rubbing out a Psychic Bullet with bare hands... He has been envious for a long time.

Unexpectedly, it was his turn to do the same today!

After I go back, I want Brother Chi to eat a catty!

You can even let Pikachu go back to sleep in the future, and he can rush up by rolling up his sleeves!

buzz buzz!

It's just that as his excited associations became more and more, the waveguide projected in his hand became more and more chaotic, and the edges jumped wildly.

Boom Boom...!!

In the end, the waveguide was hard to maintain, and burst open suddenly, turning into a powerful energy storm, blowing towards the surroundings!

This caused Xiao Zhi and Lucario who were closest, and even Pikachu who was sleeping next to him, to be blown by the storm and retreat, in a mess.

"What happened?!"

Qi Duo, who was still cooking next to her, ran over in panic, thinking that some dangerous explosion had happened here.

"Uh...not a big problem."

Xiao Zhi looked at the scar on his right hand and pressed his eyes, feeling a little tingling.

It seems that I am still too greedy, trying to reach the sky in one step.

If you want to bring the power of Bird to the application stage of the third stage, the first two stages are not only a threshold requirement, but also a kind of security guarantee for yourself.

The power of waveguide can do many things... But it also means that the power of waveguide is an extremely dangerous force.

Xiaozhi put away the stuff a little bit, and looked at his palm seriously.


On the other side, Lucario maintained a wide-eyed expression, his heart tumbling for a while.

Has this guy even mastered the method of using waveguide power to create an energy storm? !

"The strength of the waveguide is inherently strong...but the precision of the operation is still somewhat lacking."

After a quick scan, Lucario already knew Xiaozhi's current state.

Next, as long as you practice the precision training of the second stage, it won't take long at all. When this guy uses the power of waveguide, he will surpass himself and Yalang!

And he remembered that Xiaozhi's physical combat power was already ridiculously strong, right?

In the brief confrontation between the two before, even he was at a disadvantage, forcing himself to use magic attacks?

However, when it came to Xiaozhi's side, the latter had a serious and humble attitude.

"Well, it seems that I still have a long way to go...Lucario, please guide me in my practice for the next journey!"

Advantage self-blame, somewhat irritating people.

But judging by Xiaozhi's expression, he seems to be serious... This is even more annoying.

"I see..."

But Lucario could only nod heavily in agreement.

"Thank you, Director Lu!"

So Xiaozhi bowed solemnly and was very grateful.

With this living pdf guide, the difficulty of practicing will be greatly reduced!

Lucario: "..."

The title Lu Guidance is somewhat weird...but it is barely acceptable.



For the next two days, the group stopped and went.

Whenever he takes a break, Xiaozhi will sit cross-legged on the ground and meditate, trying to improve the range of his waveguide perception.

Or take out the ancient silver coin and perceive the detailed lines on it.

"Xiaozhi...is the legendary waveguide messenger?!"

It was only now that Qi Duo knew what Xiaozhi was doing, and she was shocked.

As an adventurer who has traveled far and wide, she has only heard of the name of Bird Envoy, but has never seen it.

But this kind of people are all unique existences, and I didn't expect such a person to appear in front of my eyes.

You must know that she has secretly checked Xiaozhi's information before, and knows that the latter also has extremely exaggerated achievements in terms of trainers.

The trainer and the Pokémon are two blossoms... such an existence, Qi Duo can't find anything to describe it.


As for Lucario, he just jumped to the lookout.

It is very close to the original tree of the world, but it is surrounded by bare hills and mountains, not to mention wild Pokémon, and there are no plants.

It seems that all the mysterious vitality has been sucked away by the tall mountain like a giant tree in the distance.

The only thing left is the local unique mineral - the flower of time.


Knowing that Lucario landed in a spacious mountain passage, he vaguely remembered that he had set foot here in ancient times.


When the mood fluctuated, the power of waveguide spread out, triggering a flower of time under his feet.

The next moment, the projected scene of time fell between the mountain corridors.

But I saw a group of dark Pokémon, walking through this mountain road like an army.

They are all covered in steel armor, looking fierce.

Many Pokémon also ride human soldiers with spears on their backs.

"This is..."

Lucario remembered that this was exactly the ancient war!

At that time, he noticed this group of Pokémon and the human army, so he quickly went back to report to Aaron... During the period, he was targeted by some of the Pokémon and had a fight.

After that, he was sealed by Yalang into the stick of the brave, and he didn't know anything about it.

"So... that's where it is?"

Lucario turned his head to look in a certain direction, jumped forward among the mountains, and came to a familiar location.

A flower of time happened to grow next to it, and Lucario gently released the waveguide to make it bloom and project the scene of time.

In the solid projection, it was a handsome man dressed as a brave man who inserted the stick of the brave into the ground beside him.

Buzz buzz...!

The powerful waveguide is completely released, covering itself, and then completely sucking itself into it like the red light of the elf ball, and the time scene slowly dissipates.

"Is this the place where you were sealed..."

I don't know when, Xiaozhi and Qiduo also came up, taking this scene into their eyes.

Looking at the lost Lucario, Xiaozhi could only step forward and pat the latter on the shoulder, comforting him:

"It's okay to guide the road, keep going, you will know all the answers."

The flower of time records the past. Maybe what Aaron did in the end to reverse the scene of the war is also recorded.

Although I don't know what it is... But there is a high probability that I sacrificed myself?

Even Lucario knew the answer.

Perhaps in his subconscious mind, what Aaron did is no longer important.

All I want is to bid farewell to Yalang's last scene...

All I want is to bid farewell to Yalang's last scene...

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