He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1557 Conquering the Divine Pillar

"What the hell?! Why are Steel God Pillar and Ice God Pillar here too?!"

Seeing the two tall steel and ice crystal giants blocking the way in front of him, Xiao Zhi blurted out in surprise.

This is just a bifurcation point of the straight and narrow cave... A new road extends beside it. It seems that the outside is a spacious and open grassland lake environment, which smells very comfortable.

But the Shuangshenzhu raised his hand and stopped there, indicating that no passage was allowed.

There is also a dot matrix of flashes on the face, which can clearly perceive the emotion of attack and anger.

Boom! !

Sizzling! !

The next moment, without any explanation, the Steel God Pillar released a beam of powerful cannon metal light cannons, while the Ice God Pillar released an icy beam of light, flying towards this side at the same time!

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

Xiaozhi quickly commanded.

Pikachu understood, he had just hit the Sanshen Pillar, and now it is at its absolute peak, without the slightest timidity, jumping up and condensing a violent lightning bombardment.

Lucario on the other side didn't need to command. He raised his hand and condensed a wave missile, which was also thrown out.

Boom boom boom! !

The four moves bombarded together like a chaotic battle, powerful, and the scattered energy impact made the surrounding rock walls tremble.



Before the smoke dissipated, Lucario and Pikachu looked at each other, and immediately rushed forward with a kick. At the same time, the blue light that turned into a ghost disappeared in an instant, and took the initiative to attack.

Speed! !

Pikachu's speed was even faster, and before Ice God Pillar could react, he felt a severe impact on the position of the front door, and even his body could not help but fall backwards.

"Lightning strikes Ace...!!"

But the swift attack was not fatal. The Ice God Pillar let out a low growl, just about to attack Pikachu who was close at hand.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!!"

However, Pikachu changed his figure in mid-air, and his stepped tail turned into a long steel whip, taking advantage of the momentum and slamming it on the face of the Ice God Pillar!

Bang bang! !

The hard tail even cut shattered ice on the ice crystal body of the Ice God Pillar, and the strong force caused the latter to fall away immediately.

The effect is outstanding! !

Pikachu at this moment can be said to be at its absolute peak, which makes Xiaozhi somewhat reluctant to continue Pikachu to the Sinnoh area.

And the other side.

Bang bang!

Lucario's swift moves also impacted on the Steel God Pillar at a rapid speed...

It's just that the latter's physical defense is too outrageous, it's like hitting the steel, just tilting the steel pillar slightly, and it's not serious.

"Reggis Chill...!!"

Gang Shenzhu let out a low cry, and his slender arms were covered with dangerous white light, sweeping towards him!

Arm punch! !


However, Lucario's movements were also extremely flexible, he forcibly stepped on the arm hammer, not only pressed down the track of the arm hammer of the Steel God Pillar, but also jumped up with his own strength.

Then the fists and hind legs turned into stormy phantoms, constantly bombarding the face of the Steel God Pillar.

Bang bang! !

Bang bang! !

Bang bang! !

Every punch and kick that blasts out can produce a terrible burst of metal explosion, which shows the strength of it!

You must know that not only the steel pillar is of steel attribute, but also Lucario.

Close combat! !

Bang bang! !

At the end of the final punch, Lucario slammed the Steel God Pillar out fiercely, and the countless huge damage burst out at once, making the Steel God Pillar finally hard to resist, and it flew backwards with a bang, and its body was heavily embedded On the rock face behind.

The effect is outstanding! !

Lucario's moves are much better than Pikachu's. The big moves of the fighting attribute almost collapsed the surrounding ceilings, and the momentum was sturdy.


"good chance...!"

Seeing that the two Pillar Pokémon were weak, Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up, and two empty Poké Balls had already been pulled out in his palm.

They all saw that it was the other party who took the initiative to provoke.

Although I don't know what's going on... But if he took the initiative to provoke him, he should be able to subdue him after being defeated, right?

It just so happens that I still have the Dragon God Pillar and the Lightning God Pillar on my body, so it seems that it is not a big problem to gather the Five God Pillars...


However, just as Xiaozhi was about to throw the ball, there was a dangerous chill coming from the direction of his back, which made all the muscles in his body tense up.

Without the slightest hesitation, he instinctively rolled to one side, which happened to be the platform extending from the entrance of this cave to the nearby lake and grassland.

"What the hell?!"

Before he had time to look at the mysterious oasis-like environment around him, Xiao Zhi quickly turned his head.

But he saw that what attacked him was a group of red translucent liquid bubbles, which were completely opened like a big quilt.

As if it had its own life, it was about to completely cover itself! ?


Seeing that human beings dodged their surprise attack, the group of red bubbles turned into a large net again, flying to cover it.

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

This time Xiaozhi also regained his composure and quickly directed the attack.


However, Pikachu's powerful electric current just penetrated the group of red bubbles directly, without any effect.

"What the hell...then use Iron Tail!!"

Pikachu flew out immediately, and the heavy steel tail swept out, intending to cut the bubble in half.

call out...!

However, the next moment, Pikachu's movements seemed to be completely empty...

Losing its center of gravity, the whole mouse just fell into the red bubble, and then went straight out without incident.

And this group of bubbles didn't pay attention to any Pokémon at all, jumped over Pikachu, and attacked directly in Xiaozhi's direction!


Naturally, Lucario, who was the guard, would not meet him, and immediately flew to Xiaozhi and raised his palm.

Since normal moves don't work...


Lucario slowly closed his eyes, and light blue ripples flickered all over his body, causing the black round band on the back of his head to float.

buzz buzz...!!

The next moment, in front of Lucario's palm, a light blue, translucent strange barrier was condensed out of thin air.

The red bubble, which had turned a blind eye to all moves, was successfully blocked by the waveguide barrier this time, unable to move forward.


Following Lucario's low shout, the waveguide barrier in his hand exploded even more, turning into a dancing waveguide storm, blowing in all directions.

Such a violent air current completely tore apart this large group of red bubbles.



It splashed around like mud, bombarded the ground or the wall, melted and dripped, and then completely disappeared.

"Worthy of being a road guide, this operation is enough for me to learn for a year!!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were amazed immediately, and he praised him loudly from behind.

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