"Well, I remember Mr. Damaranch also said that this time, I can completely decide the duties of the inspector..."

As a passerby challenge or something, it is just a suggestion.

With a roll of his eyes, Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he had an idea in his mind.

What's the point of a mediocre gym battle, you still have to be bold!

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi took out the illustration book with his backhand, and called Xiaogang who was in Heijin City.

There is a mountain tunnel between Heijin City and Celebration City, which is not too far away.

"Oh Xiaozhi, are you almost in Heijin City~? I'll be waiting for you in Heijin Gym now~"

Soon, a familiar voice came from the other end of the illustrated book.

The Nibi Gym that Xiaogang came from, and the Black Gold Gym are both gyms that are good at rock attributes. The former is being sent by his father to have a friendly conversation.

"Xiao Gang, there is no one eavesdropping beside you right now...?"

"Well, I'm the only one at the moment, and Mr. Piaotai is working at the Heijin Tanpit right now."

Xiao Gang replied suspiciously.

Piao Tai, of course, is talking about the owner of the Heijin Gymnasium and the general manager of the Heijin Charcoal Pit.

"Oh, I want to ask you one thing, and you have to pass this news to Mr. Piaotai in a vague and accidental way."

Xiao Gang on the other end of the phone was confused and didn't understand what riddle Xiao Zhi was talking about.

But still listen patiently.

"It's actually very simple. It probably means that a very powerful inspector has come, and the gymnasium owners must fight very seriously during this time, and don't let the water go..."

Xiaozhi didn't intend to really mess around like a passerby challenger.

Well, let me give you some advance notice.

Gym owners are generally connected, if one person knows, everyone else should know too, right?

"And then you add rhetoric for me, a little more emphasis...and pretend it's just a gossip."

Wen Yan Xiaogang also understood completely, and nodded with a smile.

Xiaozhi has always liked to fight against powerful enemies, and he came to the door for surveillance without a name, so he was just like an ordinary challenger.

"So I just want to add a little bit of rhetorical tone, right? Then leave it to me, and I will definitely surprise you when the time comes."

Xiao Gang on the other end patted his chest and assured.

"As expected of Teacher Gang, you are still so reliable... I will arrive in Heijin City in about 3 days. By the way, there is a new person I want to introduce to you~!"

After speaking, Xiaozhi hung up the phone contentedly.

Next, you can take the tortoise, Mukeer, and Riolu to practice hard.


And on the other side, in the Heijin Gymnasium in Heijin City.

Piaotai, who had been busy all day, came back. Seeing Xiaogang holding his mobile phone in thought, he asked curiously:

"What's the matter, Xiao Gang, did you call someone?"

This is a man in a work suit, about twenty years old.

Wearing square glasses, he looks gentle, and he also wears a mine helmet that he forgot to take off on his head.

And Xiaogang thought about it in his mind, and after sorting out Xiaozhi's needs completely, he turned his head to look at Piaotai, putting on a casual appearance of talking about homework.

"No, just now my teacher and I chatted about some homework..."

"Is it Master Shiba...I wish I had such a powerful teacher."

Piao Tai said with a bit of envy.

He had heard Xiao Gang mention the existence of Master Shiba before.

"Well...but there is a piece of news, I don't know if I should tell you in advance."

At this time, Xiaogang's expression suddenly darkened, and the look he looked at Piaota also became hesitant.

This made Hyata even more curious, and it seemed that it had something to do with him.

"But who told you that this matter has something to do with Mr. Piaotai... My teacher told me not to tell it. After all, this matter is still a secret."

Seeing this, Xiao Gang frowned slightly, and patted Piao Tai on the shoulder with a serious expression.

This made Piaotai swallow subconsciously, and listened in a daze.

"Probably, it means that an alliance inspector came from the Kanto region, personally appointed by Mr. Damaranch, whose strength is unpredictable, and even Mr. Du can hardly compete... This existence will come soon. The Sinnoh region, and will challenge the eight gymnasiums in the Sinnoh region in turn."

"Once the owner of the gymnasium is defeated in his hands, the gymnasium will also face the punishment of a complete ban, and even the owner of the gymnasium may be disqualified..."

"And the first stop this monster will challenge is estimated to be the Black Gold Gym... It will arrive in no more than five days."

Hearing this, Piaotai's expression changed instantly.

He had indeed heard that an inspector was coming to the Sinnoh region, so he planned to be more formal during this time.

But this description is too outrageous, right? !

Once it fails, the gymnasium will be sealed up immediately, and even the owner of the gymnasium will be decapitated? !

Piao Tai looked directly at the squinting man in front of him, and it was difficult to judge whether it was true or false.

"Oh, this is what I said when I chatted with the teacher casually, you must not take it seriously, I will just say it casually, haha..."

Seeing this, Xiaogang made a backhand move to retreat, which directly dispelled Piaotai's worries.

"That's right, I heard that the lobby mechanism seems to be reformed, but I didn't expect it to come so soon..."

Pyota stroked his chin, looking pensive.

So why was their Black Gold Gymnasium the first stop?

Wouldn't it be good to go to the Binhai Road Museum? It is said that Mr. Dianci over there has been in bad shape for several months.

It's just a terrifying existence that even Champion Du can't compete with... In other words, even with all his strength, he is absolutely impossible to defeat.

So the eight gymnasiums, aren't they all sealed?

"No, that means the assessment has another purpose!"

Piao Tai's eyes suddenly turned serious, and he thought quickly.

After all, he is an inspector appointed by the Pokémon Alliance, not a villain.

So the real purpose is to let the gymnasium masters use all their strength, even to squeeze their limits... As an invincible inspector, they can naturally resist it completely.

After seeing the owner of the hall going all out, he will naturally be able to pass the level smoothly.

"That is to say, the assessment is not to win or lose at all, but the attitude of the gymnasium owner to go all out!"

Piao Tai's heart trembled, it seems that these few days are going to pull out some of the Pokémon at the bottom of the box to practice.

By the way, I have to pass this news to several other gymnasium owners as soon as possible. The relationship between the gymnasium owners in the Sinnoh region is good, and they share the same hatred, and even one of the gymnasium owners is his father.

Why don't you borrow a few powerful Pokémon from your father?

"By the way, it is said that the trainer still has an electric mouse on his shoulder."

Wen Yanpiao was too excited to hold Xiaogang's palm, and soon returned to the deserted place, and contacted a few of her friends for a secret talk.

When encountering a trainer with an electric mouse, remember to go all out, even with 12 points of strength!


Until Piao left in a hurry, Xiao Gang, who was still in place, shook his head.

Well, he has already done this favor.

But what Xiaozhi said on the phone before, "a little bit more", shouldn't it be "a little bit more", right?

That's right, with Xiaozhi's personality, it's naturally impossible to only make himself a little heavier!

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