Xiaoguang: "?!!"


Simply asking the original name of Kang Cao Guo is outrageous enough, but the result is asking about the taste of Kang Cao Guo? !

Who would know this kind of knowledge!

Even the top coordination trainers only pay attention to the aspect that the fruit can improve the splendor of Pokémon, right? !

What trainers focus on is the effect on the battle.

What fruit farmers or diners care about is the taste.

But everything is stitched together, who can answer this!

"No, calm down, I can answer up..."

After a brief daze, Xiaoguang quickly calmed down.

After all, there are five flavors of tree fruit, spicy, astringent, sweet, bitter, sour...

No matter what kind of trick question the question is, she can't understand it anyway... Then just answer it casually, and there is a 1/5 probability of getting it right.

"Your probability is not 1/5, but 0."

But at this time, that cold female voice sounded again in Xiaoguang's mind.


Seeing Xiaoguang shaking his head and looking around in panic, Pogaman raised his head curiously.

Before Xiao Guang could say anything, the voice went on to say:

"The name of the tree fruit that can resist the grass attribute is Luo Ziguo. As for the taste, this guy deliberately threw a trap...!"

This time, the girl said a lot more, and she even completely saw through the essence of the topic.

"There are two flavors of luozi fruit, spicy and bitter, and the strength ratio is about 2:3..."

The clown question deliberately asked the challenger to randomly guess one of the five flavors.

As everyone knows, this question... is actually a multiple-choice question!

This time it was Xiaoguang's turn to be shocked.

Who is talking to himself, the god of the encyclopedia? !

Why do you know so much! ?

If you want to talk about the characteristics of Pokémon in the previous question, it’s okay to say that people with enough experience should be able to barely answer it, but this question is already so uncommon!

Seeing that the clown in front of him started counting down again, Xiao Guang regained his composure and became more courageous.

With the support of the encyclopedia god, she is now stable.

"This tree fruit is called Luoziguo, the answer is spicy and bitter, and the ratio of intensity is 2:3!"


His expression instantly became horrified, especially distorted under the heavy makeup.

How could it be possible to answer and speak so accurately? !

Has the subject been leaked? !

"Impossible, I found these topics by myself, no one else knows!"

The clown's mind is extremely messy. After all, the pass rate of each question is considered personal performance. Every clown naturally racks his brains to find questions that people can't answer, and each question is not repeated.


"What an exaggerated knowledge reserve does this require?!"

"Even the proportions are mentioned...Couldn't it be Tuo?!"

Many passers-by around talked about it for a while, and even began to have doubts about the whole event.

Because no one has passed the test in the past few days, so you specially let a beautiful little girl pass the test?

"Hehe... Congratulations on answering the second question correctly, then there is only the last step left, please work hard~!"

The clown could only smile on the surface and hand over the second prize redemption ticket.

If Xiaoguang successfully passes the last test, the performance appraisal of the three clowns this month will be killed immediately...

"Recently, the Galaxy team next door seems to be recruiting more staff. Why don't you go for an interview before you get off work...?"

Joker is already thinking about his next job.

I have to wear a clown suit to work here, and I have to wear tights to work there... It doesn't seem to be much difference.



"Big sister, who are you? Why does the voice appear in my head...?"

Walking on the street with Bogaman again, Xiaoguang asked secretly in his heart.

It seems that the owner of this cold female voice can communicate?

The voice is intellectual and mature, and she should be older than herself, so Xiaoguang took advantage of the opportunity to call her big sister.

After a while, there was a response in my mind.

"My name is Plantina. As for why it appeared in your mind...I don't know."

There was a bit of confusion in the voice.

"Plantina? Is it from the Hezhong area? How strange..."

Xiaoguang rested his chin in doubt, it seemed that there was a foreign soul in his mind for no reason.

"No, I'm a native of the Sinnoh region."

The voice in my head replied calmly, sounding like a prudent and polite person.

"Big sister, how do you know the answers to these questions? Have you encountered these clowns before?"

The third clown can already be seen in the distance, Xiaoguang couldn't help but turn his thoughts, and asked about the present.

Xiaozhi has seen a lot, so go back and ask yourself what's going on.

"This is the first time I've seen it. As for the answer... isn't this common sense?"

Although Platina's tone was very flat, even a bit taken for granted... Xiaoguang felt the fierce aura of a schoolmaster rushing towards her face, which made her startled and straightened her back.

What kind of unreasonable answer is this? !

If you let a senior Pokémon doctor, or a top trainer with extensive experience, it is difficult to answer those two questions at the same time, right? !

But today, I seem to be stable!


Looking at the third clown, he actually played this kind of marketing game of deliberate fishing... Xiao Guang clenched his fists tightly, planning to destroy the prestige of the vicious businessman!


Soon, the third round of question tests came.

"What an unbelievable girl, she came to the last level...Then for the last question, let me just ask a very simple question~!"

The third clown smiled on the surface, but was extremely serious in his heart.

For this question, choose the most difficult one in his question bank!

"As we all know, in order to better describe the individual Pokémon and the battle between Pokémon, the academic community has created the numerical concepts of race value, individual value, and move power."

"Then here comes the question, a flame monkey with a level 50 limit physical attack, carrying a life orb, hits a freezing punch at a 50 level earth turtle with a limit physical defense, how much damage can this punch deal? Please give numerical answers accurate to single digits."

That's right, the last question is a calculation question!

The clown didn't say anything about the premise of level, race value, individual value, power, etc.

This is a question he has never seen in any pheasant magazine. After all, in this world of battle, numericalization has no meaning, and no one cares about it.

It's just mentioned in some related niche games.

It's impossible for this little girl to even answer the numerical knowledge of niche games, right? !


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