He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1594 Useless guy...!

Arriving at the gate of the Heijin gymnasium, Xiaozhi and Platina stopped arguing.

One is based on theoretical knowledge, the other on purely practical ideas, and neither can convince the other.

In the end, the debate even got a bit over the top, almost using Xiaoguang's mind as a battlefield, rolling up their sleeves and fighting.

"Stop, stop! The first gym has arrived!"

After reaching the destination, Xiaoguang covered his buzzing head, preventing the two from continuing to argue.

Plantina calmed down a bit. After all, they came from different worlds. Perhaps the rules of operation of this world are different from what she remembers...

Let’s try the first gym first.

So Xiaozhi walked up the steps and knocked on the door.

The entire building of the Black Gold Gym is like a house inlaid in the stone mountain, which looks very special.


Soon, the door opened, and a man wearing a safety helmet looked at the two of them.

"We are here to challenge the Black Gold Gym!"

Xiaozhi didn't reveal his identity as a supervisor for the first time, but seemed to be a cute new trainer who challenged the gym.

"Oh, now Mr. Hyota is accepting challenges from other challengers..."

Hearing that Xiaoguang also leaned over, he tentatively asked:

"So can we take a look around?"

It's the first time for her to challenge a gymnasium...Let's look at the appearance of other people first, and prepare a little bit.

"It's fine, but remember not to disturb their battle...then please come with me."

The helmeted man said with a smile, and led the two of them into the Black Gold Gym.

Passing through the potholes around the promenade, which is completely a cave stone path, the two came to a competition field.

Then he walked around in a low voice, sat in the viewing seats on the far side, and then looked down at the arena below.

Similar to the Nibi gymnasium, the black gold gymnasium is also a rock-type gymnasium, and the ground under the feet is naturally rocky.

At the moment, at the end of the hall master's command, there is a man with glasses in overalls, boots and gloves, and a red safety helmet.

The medium-length red hair is tilted up at the back of the head, and it looks quite delicate-it is the owner of the restaurant, Hyota!

And the person who fights with the scoop...


Xiaozhi uttered in surprise, he didn't expect that this person was Shinji whom he had just met not long ago.

It seems that the game has just begun, and neither of them has thrown the poke ball yet.



Soon, Pyota also noticed the two people who suddenly appeared on Shinji's side of the spectator seat.

Especially Pikachu on Ash's shoulder.

A trainer with electric mice, a specialty of the Kanto region? !

Piao Tai was shocked, this guy looks so young, could it be the inspector appointed by the alliance who is said to be coming to seal the gymnasium?

This made Piao Tai subconsciously look to the other side of the spectator seats, where Xiao Gang was sitting as a spectator at the moment.


Naturally, he also noticed Xiaozhi's arrival, and there was a cute girl beside him, who seemed to be the new companion named "Xiaoguang".

But Xiao Gang is not in a hurry to recognize Xiao Zhi.

After all, he told Piaotai about Xiaozhi's information in the form of gossip.

If Bei Piao knows that he and Xiao Zhi are actually friends... wouldn't that be the same as revealing his secrets?

"It's rare for Xiaozhi to ask me to help once, so be more rigorous."

So Xiao Gang turned to Xiao Zhi who was in the distance, and put on a calm and calm expression.

As the best brother, Xiaozhi naturally understood, and didn't scream or shout.

Immediately, facing Piao Tai's questioning eyes, Xiao Gang's eyes turned solemn again, and finally he nodded his head heavily.


Piao Tai was shocked, people should not be judged by their appearance, this boy is really that big monster? !


Seeing several riddlers around, their eyes were constantly changing, which made Shinji, the challenger, confused.

Turning his head subconsciously, he noticed the figures of Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang behind him.

His cold face made it impossible to see what Shinji was thinking.

The next moment, the two players on the field threw the elf ball at the same time.


On Shinji's side is a blue and white water mouse with slender ears and a curved ball tail, which looks very cute-Mari Luli!

As for Piaotai's side...according to his habit, in 3v3 Gym Challenges, he usually sends out a small fist stone as a first-hand test.

But at the moment the inspector is sitting on it, staring straight at himself...

As far as he knows, the Black Gold Gym is the least difficult Gym in the Shen'ao area, it is very suitable for newcomers to challenge... the result is Rumbling Rock?

"Only by fighting with all your strength, can you be worthy of the name of the Black Gold Gym!"

However, Pyota didn't care about Shinji's ignorance at all, and chanted the spiritual slogan of the gym.

The battle has officially begun!

"Mari Luli, use the wave of water!!"

Although he didn't know what happened, Shinji still took the initiative to attack. After all, water attribute moves still have a terrible quadruple effect on Longlongyan.

Whoosh! !

The speed of the huge rock rolling ball was not slow at all, and it hit Marilulli's face head-on, knocking the latter into the air on the spot.

"Now, use the rock blade!!"

Piaotai's attack was like fire, and this rumbling rock even rolled up along the slope on the ground, untied the ball state in mid-air, and stretched out its limbs and head.

Seeing this, Shinji couldn't help snorting coldly, and took Mary Luli back.

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