He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1603 vs sickle helmet! !

"However, this speed will probably be able to be displayed at this time..."

The nimble tortoise moved, but Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

He had already seen Shinji's tortoise fight before.

Once the tortoise completes its evolution, its body becomes larger and thicker, and there are even trees planted on the rocky tortoise shell on its back... Then it will be difficult to achieve such a speed.

It seems that the next step is to change the fighting style of the tortoise.

"It's quite flexible, then try this move... Longlong Rock, use Earthquake!!"

Piao Tai attacked again.

One blow did not hit the target, but the continuous state of rolling can be actively released.

After falling to the ground, Longlongyan trampled heavily on the ground.

Rumble! ! !

In an instant, the ground of the entire Heijin Gymnasium trembled violently, and even the ground stones around the Longlong Rock were cracked, with impressive power.

"Leave it alone, use the Flying Leaf Knife!!"

However, Xiaozhi attacked directly.

The tortoise understands, and stands on the ground with all four limbs, supporting the constantly vibrating and changing environment under its feet.

It has 1/2 resistance to ground attribute moves, which makes the grass seedling turtle barely survive.

Whoosh! !

Gritting his teeth, the grass seedling turtle shook his head, and flew out countless dense and sharp green leaf blades with his backhand, all of which hit Longlongyan's face.

The effect is outstanding! !

The earthquake with 1/2 resistance, and the Flying Leaf Kuaisao with four times the restraint, counting the level difference between the two... The damage caused by this blow is unexpectedly equal.

"That is to attack with a sharp stone and kill it at once!!"

Piaotai simply used a big trick, attacking with the sharp rock of Longlongyan, which is definitely not something that this low-power flying leaf sharp knife can block.

However, just when Long Longyan was about to hit the ground in front of him hard with his fist, raising countless sharp stones...

"It's now, grass seedling turtle, use the grass knot!!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he commanded suddenly.


The grass seedling turtle let out a low growl, and stepped forward with its forelegs first, a strange green light glowed in its steady eyes.


This made the ground under Longlongyan's feet quickly stretch out several tough vines and grass knots, spreading and growing, hooking Longlongyan's lower body.


This made Longlongyan, who was about to bend forward and hammer the ground, with his body center of gravity completely on himself, tripped over the grass-throwing knot,

He leaned back and fell heavily to the ground.


As soon as the huge body fell, there was a terrible movement, which made the ground tremble.

Tying straw knots is Pikachu's specialty.

Now that he knows that the ladle is really good at moving, and Xiaozhi also plans to use the tortoise to play... Last night, he trained this unique move professionally.

For rock-type Pokémon, high levels generally mean large size and high weight.

The grass knot is a move that borrows the opponent's weight to attack...

In a way, even ignoring the difference in level is the key to him being able to use the low-level tortoise to defeat Hyata!

Four times the restraint, the effect is outstanding! !

Coupled with Long Longyan's high weight, which was already second to none, the damage of this blow was even more terrifying.

"It's a decisive battle for the tortoise, use the Flying Leaf Knife!!"

While Long Longyan was still on the ground, struggling to get up, the grass seedling turtle ran again, flying out countless sharp cutting blades.

Whoosh! !


Feiye Kuaidao ruthlessly slashed across Long Longyan's body, which was another four times restrained damage.

Despite the huge size of Rumble Rock, its durability is not high.

Boom...! !

After countless green leaves flew by, this time he really completely lost his ability to fight and collapsed on the spot.

"Longlongyan can't fight, the grass seedling turtle wins!!"

The referee on the side even spoke with a bit of panic... actually won? !

It was Mrs. Piao who was stunned for a long time before taking back the defeated Long Longyan.

"It seems that this guy is not only powerful in Pokémon, but even the command of the trainer himself is terrifying..."

This made Piao Tai completely put away his contempt. He used his main force and was defeated by the opponent's baby Kemeng. This is a shame and a shame!

Thinking of this, the battle is still going on, and Hyota throws a second Poké Ball.

boom! !

The red light flashed, but this time it was an upright ancient rock insect, with a sharp head and body, slender limbs, and a brown hard shell covering the whole body.

In particular, his arms, like flying praying mantises, directly turned into two gleaming white sickles, which looked extremely sharp.

"This time it turned out to be a sickle helmet...?!"

Xiaozhi naturally recognized the person who came, and it was the well-known Fossil Pokémon in his hometown.

Looking at Xiaogang's bright eyes in the stands, it seems that the communication between the Heijin gymnasium and the Nibi gymnasium is probably related to fossils?

"Come back, tortoise."

But at this time, Xiaozhi suddenly took back the grass seedling turtle.

Although the opponent's rock + water attribute combination, grass attribute moves are still the perfect effect of four times restraint.

But this fossil helmet is obviously flexible, and the tortoise does not have any speed advantage...

Slender and capable, the sickle helmet is not a high-weight Pokémon, which can be regarded as a waste of the grass knot.

Given the huge disparity in levels, the tortoise had no chance of winning this time.

"Then it's up to you, Riolu!!"

With a fixed gaze, Xiaozhi ran out of Leolu with his backhand.

With a small human body, Riolu's speed is superior to that of the tortoise, so he should be able to perform better.


This Pokémon made Hyata slightly frown.

Although it is a very rare Pokémon, it still doesn't seem to be of high level... What kind of medicine does this guy buy in his gourd?

But after the last battle, Piaotai didn't dare to be careless at all, and concentrated her attention seriously.

"Sickle helmet, use water jet!!"

As soon as it comes up, it is a very classic preemptive move of the sickle helmet.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The body was covered with water, and it turned into a swift water arrow that flew towards him.

"Riolu, use Quick Defense!!"

However, Leolu also has a countermeasure here. I saw that it folded its hands in front of its body, and it actually propped up a protective barrier!

boom! !

It even bounced off the preemptive move of the sickle helmet!

Quick defense is the defense of the fighting attribute, and it even has a good resistance effect against preemptive moves such as water jets.

"Then it's our turn...Riolu, use Vacuum Wave!!"

Riolu released the defense, put his palms together, and instantly threw a translucent shock wave, flying towards the direction of the sickle helmet in the retreat.

This is a preemptive move of the fighting attribute, and the action is very fast.

Whoosh! !

However, the sickle helmet in mid-air swung the sickle arm violently, splitting the vacuum wave into two very forcefully!

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