He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 139 Yuhong Gym, Li Jia

The next day, Fire Monkey temporarily left the team, and Xiao Zhi also returned Zi Zai Ji Yi's cheats to Fan Dou.

After walking for half a day, the group successfully arrived at a big city.

Yuhong City.

From the outside, the size of this city is not even inferior to that of Jinhuang City, and it also has a large number of high-rise buildings.

However, the degree of greening is much higher than that of Jinhuang City. There are old trees and lawns everywhere, and even the air carries a faint fragrance.


into the city.

Near noon, everyone first found the local Pokémon Center, ate a free lunch, and kept the Pokémon on their bodies at a peak state.

Xiaozhi plans to challenge the Yuhong Gym here in the afternoon. He heard that it is a grass-type gymnasium, so he is very confident.

"Hey, where's Xiaoxia?"

Satisfied with food and drink, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang, who were picking their teeth, realized that Xiao Xia had disappeared.

Walking out of the gate of the Pokémon Center, a cute and cute pink shop opposite the door attracted the attention of the two of them. There were also laughter from Yingying Yanyan in the shop, which seemed to be mixed with familiar voices.

The curious two approached, and through the window glass, several women in the store were chatting with several cans of small bottles, and Xiaoxia was impressively among them.

"It's really a decline in the world, and it's a shame..."

Xiao Gang's eyes were deeply wrinkled, and his saliva almost flowed out. The women inside were wearing revealing clothes. When the wind blows, you can even see some indescribable things. Looking at it this way, it turned out to be Xiaoxia's navel-baring shorts most conservative?

The upright two pushed the door open and entered, with an air of official anti-pornography.

The girls: "?"

The woman inside was taken aback by the two men who rushed in suddenly, and looked at them in bewilderment.

"What's the matter, two gentlemen, do you need to buy some men's perfumes?"

"Men need to dress up more than women~"

Although they didn't know what was going on, the girls still stepped forward to sell the perfume as they were used to.

That's right, in Yuhong City, the perfume industry is definitely a specialty, and it is also the only field that the city's Rockets have not set foot in.

You must know that the Rockets are in complete control of the city's economic lifeline, except for the perfume industry.


Xiaozhi frowned, it turned out to be a legitimate business, which he didn't expect, but he still said with a little disdain:

"Men's perfume? Don't men really wear perfume?"

What a strong man wants is toughness, sunshine, muscles, and perfume is an insult to men!

Seeing these boldly dressed women suddenly lost interest in Xiaozhi, a large proportion of the male group indeed sneered at the perfume and was puzzled by the style. In their eyes, these people were not the target group for sales.

"And haven't you heard a song, perfume is poisonous? This kind of thing has no meaning at all. I suggest you change your career quickly. If you really can't do it, you can go to college and become a master."

Xiaozhi is still outputting to start a group:

"A woman's real ability is only when she is physically strong, and everything else is evil."

The girls: "!"

Forget about other things, the stunned teenager in front of him dared to insult the perfume, which is no different from insulting their beliefs.

"Boy, stop talking nonsense!"

Seeing that the sword was about to explode, a low shout came from behind Xiaozhi, and a woman in a kimono walked slowly into the door. She was about 17 or 18 years old, with a beautiful and gentle face, with short blue hair that was soft and smooth, and her bangs were thick. With a light red hairpin.

Different from others, she is wearing a traditional kimono, a long orange dress, and a quiet and elegant emerald hem on her upper body, which looks majestic and self-restraining.

This person is the manager of this perfume shop.

"It's really rude to say that perfume is meaningless. Not only does it smell fragrant, but it also heals the spirit, relaxes muscles and invigorates one's energy."

The store manager explained with a little sullenness.

Xiaozhi said disdainfully:

"Does it still need to wear perfume? I have always been full of energy."

"Indeed, this is the only thing you can say." Xiaoxia spoke across from him, with a bit of yin and yang.

"In short, perfume is something that women use to confuse men. You can also say a few words, Mr. Gang, use your rock will to enlighten them!"

Xiao Zhi just wanted to raise the banner behind him, but unexpectedly, the back was empty.

But behind the store manager suddenly appeared a black uncle.

"Hello, Xiaosheng's name is Xiaogang. He just entered the store at the same time as this ignorant boy. I don't know him." Xiaogang drew a clear line, and then joined the crowd of women, showing his white teeth, and smiled. road:

"Sisters, can you recommend some men's perfumes for Xiaosheng?"

Xiaozhi: "?"

Seeing this, the store manager looked at Xiaozhi with cold eyes: "Since you don't like perfume, please go ahead."

She was already trembling all over by Xiao Zhi's rude tone, and she was sweating coldly even though it was a hot day, and tears almost flowed down her face.

"What a straight man of steel!"

"No girl in this life will like you!"

Several shop assistants also typed out a few words, which made Xiao Zhi's face turn red.

Soon, Xiaozhi was kicked out of the perfume shop alone.

"Tsk, anyway, I'm going to challenge the gym, not some perfume shop."

He said stubbornly, and led Pikachu towards one direction.



Three hours later, Xiaozhi came to Yuhong Gymnasium. Even though he had a guide to guide him, he still walked around Yuhong City several times before he found his way.

"Is this the Yuhong gymnasium..."

Xiaozhi was still full of energy, took a deep breath, and looked intently at this gym.

Speaking of a gymnasium, this place is more like a huge greenhouse. A huge curved glass wraps the building, and there are many unknown plants growing inside it visible to the naked eye.

He pushed open the door, and although it was indoors, there were still many plants growing, and the smell of the perfume seemed to be stronger, then Xiaozhi shouted decisively:

"Hey, hey, I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, I'm here to challenge the Yuhong Gym!!"

Every time you play a gym, you must show the momentum of stepping on the field at the beginning. If you have enough momentum, you will win the game!

Soon, several gatekeepers greeted them.

"Welcome to challenge Yuhong Dao... Hey, why is it you!"

"Our Yuhong gymnasium doesn't welcome straight men like you!"

The two changed faces quickly.

Xiaozhi took a closer look, and found that the two women in front of him were the employees he had met in the perfume shop before, and they were about to drive him out of the gymnasium again.


A light drink stopped the two of them, and looking along the source of the sound, Xiaozhi saw the manager of the perfume shop again.

"Challenging gyms is the right of every challenger. As long as he is not a criminal and evil person, he should not be rejected."

Li Jia, who was dressed in a beautiful kimono, came slowly, looked at the two women with a little punishment in her expression, and then looked at Xiaozhi, with a soft and dignified tone and calm eyes.

"Although you are rude, I still accept your challenge. I am the trainer of Yuhong Gym, Li Jia."

These words made Xiaozhi feel a little ashamed and scratched his head.

It's just that Li Jia's tone suddenly became serious, and her gentle face became serious.

"But I will do my best to teach you a lesson!"

Gym challenges are just a way of assessment in the final analysis. Except for water-skiing gyms like Hualan Gym, one can't expect trainers to beat gym trainers who have practiced for many years at the beginning.

Treating different challengers, showing different strengths, and stimulating the opponent's potential fighting spirit, this is what a qualified gymnasium owner needs to do.

But she is a woman who holds vengeance, and she doesn't care about stimulating the challenger's potential today!

Hearing that Xiaozhi's eyes were also ignited with endless flames of war, he couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"I wish I could!"

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