He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1617 Pikachu vs Prince Bo!

"Prince Bo, use the bubble light!!"

As soon as he came up, Prince Bo sprayed out dense energy bubbles, which were stronger than Xiaoguang's Bogaman in terms of scale and strength.

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts directly!!"

Sizzling! !

However, the electric shock shot out by Pikachu instantly shattered all the foam light on the road, and then attacked Prince Bo behind him with endless stamina.

Power is not on the same level.

"Prince Bo, use metal claws!!"

At this time, Jian Wu suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, commanding confidently.

Prince Bo is a water-type Pokémon, so he is naturally prepared for dangerous electrical moves.


Prince Bo waved his wide wings. The wing structure was obviously much larger than that of Bogaman's period, and he could already use it for fighting.

The wings were covered with a metallic cold light, and Prince Bo did not resist the electric shock head-on.

Instead, one wing is in front of the body, and the other metal wing is inserted into the ground under the body.

The next moment, a powerful one hundred thousand volts bombarded Prince Bo head-on.


But then, the hundred thousand volts didn't seem to have any effect, and just flowed into the ground along the connection between Prince Bo's body and the two metal claws.

"Not bad..."

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, he made a lightning rod manually.

"Hmph, let me show you the power of my Prince Bo...use metal claws!!"

With a successful blow, Jian Wu said proudly, and immediately took advantage of the situation to launch an attack.


Prince Bo let out a low cry, waved the metal wings on both sides and began to sprint!

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!!"

However, Pikachu spun around on the spot, and the metal iron tail swept out heavily, hitting the metal claw.

Bang bang!

With a burst of metal explosions, the terrifying iron tail force even required Prince Bo to use his wings to resist at the same time...

The latter's entire body was even thrown out by Pikachu's iron tail.

"How is it possible, how can an electric mouse have such a powerful force?!"

Jian Wu's face was startled, this scene was somewhat outrageous.

"Prince Bo, then use the pecking drill!!"

Jian Wu hurriedly continued to attack.

Prince Bo did not admit defeat, this time he jumped into the air, and his body began to spin horizontally at high speed.

The beak at the front end suddenly extended, turning into a phantom shadow of a sharp and slender beak.

Whoosh! !

With the momentum of high-speed rotation, the whole body turned into a huge drill and rushed towards Pikachu!

"It's useless, use Iron Tail!!"

However, Xiaozhi has only one command.

Pikachu still hit back with the metal iron tail and whipped out heavily, dropping ten times with one force.

Bang bang! !

Following another deafening metal explosion, Prince Bo's entire body was thrown out again.

When the pecking drill was undone and landed, even the position of the bird's beak seemed to be skewed by Pikachu's iron tail...

"Damn it, then try this trick...Prince Bo, use the water oath!!"

Being completely at a disadvantage, Jian Wu's mentality was broken, and he immediately shouted and continued to attack.

Gu Gu


Prince Bo slapped the ground, his body glowing with a blue light.

This time, the ground around Pikachu's body began to spew out several jets of water, and even some of them were powerful jets, about to attack Pikachu...

Seeing that the opponent's limit had been pushed out, and Xiaozhi also lost the desire to continue fighting, he simply said:

"In that case, let's end the battle...Pikachu, use Thunder directly!"


Pikachu tensed his body on the spot, and the golden lightning burst out from his petite body in an instant, and the scale was as exaggerated as a flood.

Boom! !

In the end, with a curved and twisting trajectory, countless water oath water columns were broken like a bamboo, and they were about to fall on Prince Bo's body, with incomparable power.

The golden lightning shone on Jian Wu's face, and it was the first time he saw such a powerful move. While his complexion changed suddenly, he quickly initiated the command.

"Prince Bo, use the metal claws to guide all the current to the ground!!"


Prince Bo's face froze, his proud self-esteem did not allow him to bow his head under this electric shock, and he immediately condensed his steel wings to fight.

While resisting the current, it plunges straight into the ground under your feet.

Boom! ! !

The next moment, a violent lightning strike landed on Prince Bo's body.

It was obviously an electric current in an energy state, but it had a terrible water pressure weight like a flood, causing Prince Bo's figure to leap forward and half-kneel on the ground.

And the thunder trick is simply not something its body can bear...

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, a golden lightning strike exploded on Prince Bo's body!

The terrifying thunder and lightning shock even sent Prince Bo flying out, even leaping over Jianwu's head, before finally falling to the ground behind him.

"Prince Bo?!"

Jian Wu's complexion changed drastically, and he hurried over to check on Prince Bo's injury.

Naturally, the Prince Bo fell to the ground very simply, his eyes rolled around, and he declared that he could not fight.

"How could it be...to lose so easily...?"

Jian Wu knelt down in front of Prince Bo, trembling in disbelief.

"It's a good strategy to introduce current into the ground, but this is the ability of ground-type Pokémon after all... It is not so perfect to reproduce ordinary Pokémon."

Seeing that the battle was over, Xiaozhi also put away his fighting spirit, and walked up slowly to explain.

Whether Pikachu takes the first step and interrupts the latter's metal claw conductive action...

Or when the power of the electric shock exceeds the physical load of Prince Bo, this strategy can be easily broken.

But I have to say, if facing an opponent of the same level, the strength of this Prince Bo is quite good.

"You are really powerful, no wonder you are favored by Xiao Guang..."

In the end, Jian Wu took back Prince Bo, stood up and said in a deep voice.

This made Xiaozhi lick his cheeks, and always felt that this sentence seemed weird?

"Anyway, this time I admit that I lost...but next, whether it's against Pokémon or against humans, I won't admit defeat!!"

Jian Wu stretched out a fist towards Xiaozhi, and said firmly.

Then he hurriedly turned around and left the suburban area. Now he had to find Miss Joy to treat his Prince Bo.

This made Xiaozhi feel baffled again.

He understands the victory and defeat of Pokémon, but what does the victory and defeat of humans mean?

Do you want to fight him in real life?

"What a strange person..."

In the end, he didn't know what Jianwu wanted to express, so Xiaozhi could only take Pikachu back to where the Pokémon were, and continue the special training...

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