He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 141: Frog Seed vs. Giant Vine!

"Giant vine, this is Miss Lijia's main Pokémon!"

"It seems that Miss Li Jia is really angry this time."

Listening to the suspicious discussions around him, Xiaozhi didn't panic, anyway, the war was even worse, and being able to fight against the strong was the thing that made his blood boil the most.

And although this giant vine had a silly expression, it was full of momentum, which was very appetizing to Xiaozhi. Looking at the vines waving wildly, an idea came to his mind.

"Come back, Bibi Bird."

Under the incredulous eyes of everyone, he suddenly retracted the Bibi bird, and then threw another elf ball without hesitation.

A red light flashed, half meat and half vegetarian.

"Seed seeds!"

It is the wonderful frog seed!

"To fight against grass-type Pokémon, it is natural to send grass-type Pokémon!" Xiaozhi shouted loudly to boost his morale.

"Ah this?"

"Do you understand Pokémon?"

"It made grandpa laugh."

The ladies and sisters burst out laughing, obviously very puzzled by Xiaozhi's operation.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoxia, who was watching from the side, suddenly turned livid, wishing to go up and give Xiaozhi two slaps. In the end, she could only stomp on the ground twice, and reluctantly took out two wrapped bags from her pocket. The gorgeous paper-clothed candy was handed to Xiao Gang next to him.

"Xiaozhi also said that classic line, so you have to lose 5 strange candies to me."

Xiaogang's eyes are deep, and the light of compassion is being released.

Yes, the two are gambling.

Xiao Xia bets that Ash will send Cammy Turtle, and Xiao Gang bets that Ash will send Frog Seed.

As the man who knows Xiaozhi best, he has already thought of the next 50 floors for Xiaozhi.

This replacement operation also stunned Li Jia, who was on the opposite side, and secretly thought that there must be some strategy.

Using the grass attribute to fight the grass attribute, to put it mildly, is called the spirit of bushido, confronting head-on, it is epic.

To put it plainly, it is a stunned head.

But the boy in front of him was more in line with the latter.

"Hey, this wonderful frog seed..."

Li Jia lowered her gaze. As an expert in grass attributes, she quickly noticed something strange.

Ordinary grass-type Pokémon, the energy breath is mostly restrained and calm, and it pays attention to long and long, using thick blood skin to kill the enemy, but this frog seed in front of me is different. Explosion in general.

"It's time to evolve, use this battle as an opportunity to evolve?"

Li Jia guessed that if this was the purpose, then this battle would be considered interesting.

"Wonderful Frog Seed, use the rattan whip!"

"Giant vine, use the vine whip!"

At the beginning of the match, the two issued the same order almost at the same time. Suddenly, the two Pokémon shook their bodies, threw out two vine whips, and whipped each other like mirror images.



The two vine whips were entangled in the middle, but the stalemate lasted less than a second. A huge force came from the vine whips, and the petite body of the frog seed rose into the air, but was pulled up by the giant vine.

"A lot of strength..."

The huge gap between the two in terms of physical fitness can be seen just by the size of the body. Xiaozhi quickly changed his strategy and instructed:

"Take back the vine whip, and use its strength to use the flying leaf knife!"


The vine whip of Miao Frog Seed is not too thick, and it is pulled back into the body very flexibly. With its limbs, it rises into the air and steps on the vine whip of the giant vine, and then jumps high, and countless green leaf flying knives fly out of the garlic head on its back.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The giant vine's body like a mountain of meat couldn't dodge at all, and the flying leaf's quick knife rode on the face, causing extremely small heavy injuries.

"No harm...then try this trick, use parasitic seeds!" Xiaozhi attacked again.

The Miao Frog Seed nodded, and projected a brown seed from its back and landed on the grass in front of the giant vine. The next second, the seed grew as if it had eaten gold, and stretched out countless branches and vines to wrap around the giant vine.


A red light that absorbed energy lit up on its body.

Seeing this, Li Jia raised the corner of her mouth and showed a nice smile:

"Want to play energy absorption, then try our trick, giant vine, use ultimate absorption!"


The giant vine wrapped in the parasitic seeds gave a deep sigh, and the two vine arms were suddenly covered with a layer of green light, and then suddenly stretched for tens of meters, like two spirit snakes, just like this bound the wonderful frog seed .


The light that absorbs energy also lights up on its body, but the depth of the light is countless steps higher than that of the parasitic seeds.

The great power of energy absorption and vine binding made the frog seed let out a wail, and a faint white light began to appear on its body.

"Are you going to evolve?"

Li Jia's eyes were fiery, and she waved her small hand, signaling the giant vine to slow down a little.

The white light on Miao Frog Seed's body gradually became stronger and brighter to the extreme.


Suddenly, a low shout came from the white light, and the strange white light dissipated immediately, as if nothing had happened.

Frog Seed was also panting on the spot, sweating profusely, as if he had just experienced something that was very energy-intensive.

"Wonderful Frog Seed..."

Xiaozhi was a little disappointed. Although he respected its choice, he still hoped that the Brilliant Frog Seed could evolve.

Evolution means becoming stronger, which is a very simple logic in Xiaozhi's mind.


But the battle at this moment does not allow him to think too much, the current situation is definitely a difficult problem for him.

In terms of the physical quality of strength, the Miao Frog Seed was completely defeated.

In terms of the power of skills, the giant vine in front of him is also far higher than himself.

"what to do?"

Xiaozhi looked around solemnly, looking for all opportunities to break the situation.

There is a meadow at your feet... surrounded by empty viewing seats and shrubs... a glass ceiling above your head....


Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he looked up at the sky. At this moment, the roof of Yuhong gymnasium is a translucent glass ceiling, and the sunlight can only penetrate one-tenth of it.

"Let the frog seeds stay in the sun more, maybe there will be unexpected harvest..."

He remembered the teaching of old brother Chi Zeng Jin, and then looked at the giant vines in front of him with burning eyes, and instantly thought of the fifth floor in his mind.


A cane whip came.

Xiaozhi suddenly waved his thumb and shouted: "Good time, Miao Frog Seed, stepping on this vine whip to take off!"


The Miao Frog Seed understood, stepped on the vine whip with its dexterous body, jumped into the air with this force, and jumped into the air more than ten meters away, almost touching the glass ceiling above. From a distance, it seemed to be flying average.

"Now, use the rattan whip to break the glass above!!"

Xiaozhi raised his head and roared loudly.

Everyone looked up at 45 degrees, only to see the Miao Frog Seed suddenly pulled out two vine whips in mid-air, and ruthlessly swept towards the glass above their heads.

"Keng!" "Keng!!"

The power of the rattan whip exploded, and it actually smashed two large pieces of glass just like that. Immediately, two beams of sunlight fell down and shone on the training ground of Yuhong Gymnasium.

"Papa papa..."

The shards of glass fell, and although they didn't hit anyone, they made the onlookers complain.

It doesn't matter, the Pokémon Alliance will reimburse all losses incurred in the Gym Challenge.

"Hoo hoo!!"

Then Miaowaseed took advantage of his powerful lung capacity to let out a big breath towards the ground and landed safely.

At this time, a beam of sunlight just fell on its back.

Although it was not noon at the moment, it was just after noon, and the sun was very hot, but under the sunlight, the frog seeds made a comfortable sound, obviously enjoying it very much.

Of course, the garlic on its back is even more enjoyable, and it instantly changes from green to dazzling white, and the hot and high-temperature solar energy on it is already daunting...

Xiaozhi waved his finger without hesitation, and roared loudly:

"Launch, Sunshine Flame!!"

With the speed of giant vines, it is impossible to dodge!

On a sunny day, the sun is shining brightly! !


The fiery energy laser shot out suddenly, with such a powerful momentum that even the green grass field along the way below was burnt with a scorching mark, rushing forward with unstoppable power.


Seeing this almost unstoppable scene, Li Jia suddenly chuckled, as if full of confidence.

"You let the sun shine in, and it's not just the frog seeds that benefit..."

Hearing that Xiaozhi suddenly had a bad premonition, he looked intently at the giant vine, only to see a beam of sunlight falling on it as well...

"I forgot to tell you, the characteristic of my giant vine is chlorophyll, and the speed will be greatly increased under the sunlight..." Li Jia said leisurely.

The terrifying laser beam of the sun and flames flashed, and it hit the giant vine directly.


This is just a phantom, the sun and flames shot into the air!

And the speed of the giant vine at this moment is like a ghost, its thick legs are like stepping on a slide on the grass, and it slides behind the frog seed almost instantly...

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