He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1636 Xiaoguang's Gym Battle! (superior)

"The challenge rule of EMI Gymnasium is 2v2...!"

Soon, after Caizhong recited the rules aloud, she took the initiative to throw her palm and sent out her elf.

As for whether the other party is a newcomer or not... She will judge for herself.

Like Mingyao before, she also sent out the tentative tortoise first, and then sent out the main force, Cradle Lily, after sensing the opponent's strength.

Caizhong and Piaotai have a good relationship, and through the latter's channel, they obtained the fossil of this ancient plant Pokémon.


A red light flashed, but this time Caizhong sent out a budding plant Pokémon.

The petite body is completely covered by purple petals, with green flower stalks on top, and a pair of short pink lower limbs can be faintly seen under the wide petals.

"this is..."

Xiaoguang quickly took out the illustration book.

The sound of her illustrated book is much clearer, and there is no mixing effect caused by multiple voices competing for control.

"Hey. Sakura, a grass-type Pokémon, has two different forms according to the intensity of sunlight, and is very sensitive to light."

The picture book suggested.

Even the ceiling of EMI Gymnasium did not know when it was opened. It is now the afternoon when the sun is most intense and dazzling.

A natural sunny day!

call out...!

This made Sakura fully open the buds, revealing a golden smiling head.

The petals that covered her body before were opened at the back of her head, and the inside of the petals was a bright pink color.

The whole body seems to have directly turned into a delicate and beautiful cherry blossom in full bloom.

"This Pokémon looks a bit like Floating Bubbles..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing that the floating bubble would also change its shape according to the surrounding weather.


Moreover, this cherry blossom not only changed its form, but even glowed red with increased power on the surface of its body.

"Didi. The characteristic, the gift of flowers, when the cherry blossoms bloom, the attack power and special defense will both increase! Loto~!"

Xiaozhi's illustration book automatically prompts, there are still two reverberation sounds.

As soon as it came up, Cai Zhong gave Xiao Guang a big job.

Xiaoguang let out a mouthful of dirty air, tried to calm himself down, and also threw his poke ball.

"Please, Curly Rabbit!!"

A red light flashed, and the rabbit appeared on the lawn, jumping around nimbly.

From time to time, he also paddles towards Pikachu in the stands.

"Concentrate, the opponent is not easy... Curly-eared rabbit, use the freezing light!"

After Xiaoguang gave a reminder, he took the initiative to attack.

In terms of attributes, the curl-eared rabbit still has a great advantage.


The ice-blue electric snake spewed out from the rabbit's mouth, swept across the lawn below, and shot straight at the target.

"Sakura, use flowers to defend!"

Cai Zhong snapped his fingers and responded calmly and dissatisfied.

The next moment, there was a low cry of cherry blossoms, and the lawn in front of him stretched upward out of thin air, and a clump of pink cherry blossoms grew out, blocking the frozen light in front of him.


The cold completely froze the petals, but part of the ice layer still spread and touched the cherry blossoms behind.

But with the improvement of the defense of the characteristic flower gift, this part of the damage has been reduced to a very low level.

"Use the Flying Leaf Knife!!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the cherry blossoms flew out of sharp blades of grass and blades, approaching the rabbit with curled ears.

"Curly-eared rabbit, use the bounce trick to escape!!"

However, the rabbit's movements were sensitive, and it stomped its feet on the spot, and its body jumped into the air at a height of five or six meters in an instant.

Gu worry

Immediately, the second section swooped down, and the rabbit legs stretched out, about to trample on Sakura's face!

"Use flowers to defend!"

Cherry Blossom repeated the same trick, once again condensing and growing a clump of lush petals in front of her.

The curly-eared rabbit stepped on the petals, but the movement did not stop. Instead, using the former as a pedal, the other rabbit leg brazenly stepped on Sakura's face.

Snapped! !

A heavy muffled sound rose, and Sakura's figure was immediately kicked out... The effect is outstanding!

"One more time, Curly, use Bounce!!"

Seeing that the move worked, Xiaoguang was overjoyed, and attacked again.

But this time, the corner of Cai Zhong's mouth also raised an arc, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Even with a fixed gaze, he said in a low voice:

"Sakura, use the sun blade!!"

Cherry Blossom understood, raised the petal's short hand, and suddenly extended a golden-white energy blade upward.

The whole body is as hot as the sun, and it is more than three meters long. It is held by the petite cherry blossoms, and the scene is very curious.

Whoosh! !

Even when the sun blade slashed down, the rabbit had just jumped up and was thrown into the air by the former!

An overwhelming power gap!

"Sunlight Blade?! What kind of move is this?!"

The golden-white light fell on Xiaoguang's face, she said with a little panic, this is the first time she has seen this move.

"The Sun Blade is the physical version of the Sun Flame..."

Plantina in her mind reminded.

Under a sunny day, a powerful grass-type move that is instantly cast in one round... Most people are very familiar with the Sunshine Flame, but they don't know much about the Sunshine Blade.

Of course, there is also a reason why most grass-type Pokémon are good at special attacks.

"Sakura, keep using the sun blade!!"

On the other side, Cai Zhong continued to attack with stern eyes.

The next moment, I saw Sakura holding up the three-meter-long golden blade, and began to slash towards the rabbit's position.

Like the scene where a child hacks someone with a machete, it looks a bit broken.

Whoosh! !

Whoosh! !

But the power is definitely strong enough, and every blow can display a clear and deep rock crack in the lawn.

The curly-eared rabbit bounced and dodged again and again, its movements were quite embarrassing, and it might be hit by this dangerous sun blade at any time...

Sakura's level is not high, and it relies entirely on the strength of the skill itself to deal high damage.

"There has to be a way..."

Xiaoguang was very anxious, although the sun blade is a grass-type move, but it also has the blazing effect of the sun...

If the curly-eared rabbit is hit, the rabbit's head may be burned.

"By the way, sunshine!"

After some wild thinking, Xiaoguang's eyes suddenly brightened, as if there was a way out.

Immediately, he no longer hesitated, and immediately commanded:

"Curly-eared rabbit, use bounce, jump high!!"


Xiaoguang's confident voice also stabilized the rabbit's mind, and immediately used the greatest strength to jump high.


The curly-eared rabbit jumped into the air at a height of seven or eight meters, requiring everyone to raise their heads completely.

This also made Sakura, who was holding the huge solar blade and planning to aim and attack, raised her head subconsciously.


However, at the next moment, the sun was shining violently behind the rabbit, which made Sakura's eyes hurt when she suddenly looked directly at the sun, and she narrowed her eyes subconsciously.

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