He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1640 The Hammer Dragon Appears!

"Is there another trick..."

Vegetable naturally recognizes this trick of the grass slide, but according to the situation where the speed of the tortoise is greatly reduced after the evolution of the tortoise, generally this kind of Pokémon is still rarely able to master this trick.

"Yeb, use the straw knot!"

Thinking of this, Cai Zhong hurriedly commanded.

After being knocked into the air, Ye Yibo rolled around in the air and landed firmly, his eyes glowed with a strange green light.


The next moment, the entire surface of the grass arena rose up with tough vines.

Tying the grass knot did not attack the grass seedling tortoise. Given the latter's weight, this trick is not much different from scraping.

"Can't use the grass slide..."

This made Xiao Zhi frown, the grass knots raised on the playing field were like a lot of traps for stumbling in the smooth grass.

Now if you continue to use the grass slide, maybe the grass seedling tortoise will fall out before the person hits it.

"As expected of the owner of the grass attribute gym, he has a perfect response to this kind of move..."

Xiao Zhi nodded in praise, this expression made Cai Zhong feel elated.

It seems that my operation has been approved by the inspector!

But since it is a battle, the goal is naturally to defeat the opponent.

"Yeb, use the sun blade!!"

Cai Zhong said loudly, without holding back at all, Ye Yibu, who is good at physical attack, naturally also mastered this move.

Rubbing! !

The residual leaf tail at Ye Yibu's tail was covered with golden-white energy, and under the blazing sunlight around him, it instantly turned into a five-meter-long golden sword!

This posture is much more violent than Sakura's before.

Under the doubling of chlorophyll's speed, Ye Yibo even leaped high, extremely fast.

Immediately, the five-meter-long Sunshine Blade slashed down heavily.

The speed was too fierce, and there were obstacles made of grass knots all around, so the grass seedling turtle had no way of dodging.

"Use shrink shell!!"

Xiao Zhi commanded, he could only choose to forcibly resist.

Boom! !

The next moment, the sun blade slashed down heavily, creating a gravel crack when it was about to touch the ground.

At the ruins, the tortoise retracted into its shell had a clearly visible scorched mark on its back, and the damage was not low.


However, it didn't lose its fighting ability in one round, and it still stood up with support.

"Yeb, continue to use the sun blade!!"

Although the scene was a bit tragic, Cai Zhong still seized the opportunity and continued to attack.

Since you chose to let the water go, don't blame her for being rude.

"come back..."

This also made Xiao Zhi only frown, ready to take the grass seedling turtle back first.

It seems that it is still too reluctant to use the tortoise to challenge the main Pokémon of a gym owner.

It's just that he just took out the elf ball, but the grass seedling turtle looked firmly at the golden-white light blade that fell from the bombardment, and even his whole body was glowing with a strong green light.

This made Xiaozhi's retraction slow.

This power, communicating with the grass in front of him, unexpectedly quickly grew a lush and fluffy bush of flowers.

It is about one meter high, and it firmly protects the grass seedling turtle behind it.

Boom! !

In the next second, the terrifying sunlight blade slashed down, slashing on the flowers first.

Gu Si

Even though they are delicate and soft flowers, they have the characteristics of abnormal toughness, forcibly resisting the sun blade and constantly bending their bodies...but they didn't completely break off the flowers.


After the grass seedling turtle gave a low cry, it even broke the menacing sunlight blade!

"This move is flower defense... No, it's not flower defense."

Cai Zhong was surprised.

The dense flowers spread out, revealing the dark green appearance of the grass seedling turtle behind again.

The appearance of this move is very similar to the flower defense that Sakura used before...but that move is of the fairy attribute.

But the flower defense used by the grass seedling turtle in front of him is definitely an out-and-out grass-attribute move, and the degree of improved defense is even greater, far surpassing the flower defense.

"Is cotton defensive?"

A move name floated in Cai Zhong's mind.

Cotton defense can greatly improve the defense power, and its appearance is similar to the effect of the scene in front of you.

But the general cotton defense can only be used by a specific Pokémon with a cotton structure on its body, right?


The huge increase in defense power also made the grass seedling tortoise high in fighting spirit.

But Cai Zhong's surprised expression soon calmed down, and he continued to attack:

"Then try this trick...use a weather balloon!!"

I saw Ye Yibu leaping high, a white energy bullet condensed and formed near its mouth, and threw it towards the grass seedling turtle.


When the energy bomb came into contact with the sunlight in mid-air, it instantly turned into a flame energy bomb, carrying extremely hot heat!

The weather ball under a sunny day has completely transformed into a fire-type move, even more powerful than jetting flames!

Even this move is a special move, and it cannot be blocked by the tortoise whose physical defense has been greatly improved at this moment.

"Come back for now!"

With quick eyes and quick hands, Xiaozhi quickly put the tortoise back into the elf ball.

It is not a loss to master a new move of "Flower Defense".


The flame weather balloon fell into the air and scattered on the lawn, igniting a prairie fire.

"Then my second Pokémon will be you!!"

However, Xiao Zhi was already prepared in his heart and threw the second poke ball backhand.


The red light flashed, but it was a huge gray-black dinosaur, and the joints of the body were covered with blue ring patterns.

Thick lower limbs, thick long and powerful tail, arms and claws on the upper limbs are somewhat short.

A pair of blood-red eyes, around the top of the hard shell like sapphire, covered with a circle of ferocious spikes of different lengths.

"Roar Roar!!"

As soon as he appeared on the stage, there was a violent roar, and the sound even turned into a real explosion of wind and waves, spreading fiercely around the arena.

The lower limbs even kicked the flames that had been ignited by the flame weather balloon before, crushing and extinguishing them very forcefully.

"War Hammer Dragon?! Since when did Xiaozhi have a War Hammer Dragon?!"

On the stage, Xiaoguang looked surprised.

It was the Hammer Dragon that I had seen on the Black Gold Gym before.

Moreover, Xiaozhi's Hammer Dragon seems to be bigger than Mr. Piaotai's, its eyes are as red as blood, and its whole body exudes an ancient and powerful beast aura.

"Is that the cranium dragon, it has evolved now..."

Sitting next to him, Xiao Gang naturally recognized the latter, and immediately showed a look of nostalgia.

Although it is a fossil Pokémon resurrected by a machine, its ancient blood is quite strong, not inferior to those living fossil types that have survived since ancient times.

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