He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1643 Supervision Standards

Of course, although the giant vines were defeated, the battle wasn't completely over yet.

"Please, Yeeb!"

Caizhong flipped his palm and sent Ye Yibu, who took over and left the field before.

It's just that at this moment, whether the latter is moving at a high speed or in the state of sword dance, it has disappeared.

Compared with Zhanmai Ryuichi, his aura suddenly became much weaker.


Of course, there is still a faint electric current flowing on the War Hammer Dragon, which is the counter-injury damage of the double-edged head hammer.

The double-edged head hammer's counter-injury damage level is the percentage of damage caused by this blow.

The more blood you beat, the more you will retaliate.

And smashing such a thick blood-skinned giant vine with one blow... This caused the Warhammer Dragon to suffer a lot of damage.


However, the momentum was not inferior. With a roar, he first broke Ye Yibo's chlorophyll characteristics.

"I haven't lost yet...Yeb, use high-speed movement!!"

Cai Zhong didn't give up completely, with a half-blood Warhammer Dragon and a grass seedling turtle in the back row, she still has a chance to win!


Ye Yibu started to run, using high-speed movement to speed up.

It's just that the entire field was destroyed into a ruined field with layers of cracks, which made Ye Yib's running somewhat hindered, and he was very reluctant to perform high-speed movement.

"Speed ​​up...In that case, Warhammer Dragon, let's use rock grinding!!"

With a smile in his eyes, Xiaozhi also commanded.

Rock grinding, this is the unique skill of that fossil pterosaur, and it can also greatly increase its own speed just like moving at high speed.

But now there are ruins of cracks and rubble all over the place, and it is also easy for Warhammer Dragon to polish it.

Crack...! !

I saw it rolling around in the pile of rubble, and when it stood up again, its whole body became smoother and shiny.

Even the speed has been greatly improved!

"Damn it, there is no speed advantage at all..."

Cai Zhi secretly had a headache and was completely at a disadvantage.

Now she finally understands the feeling of being crushed and beaten...

It can only be said that it is no wonder that the other party can become a Pokémon inspector?

"Yebu, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

The battle is still going on, Cai Zhong can only bite the bullet and attack.

Ye Yibo is good at physical attacks, and Flying Leaf Knife is the only long-range grass-attribute move he has mastered.

Whoosh! !

However, the Warhammer Dragon just turned around, swiped vigorously with its thick tail, and directly smashed all the Feiye Kuaidao into residual leaves.

It's not even a move.

"In this case, Ye Yibo, use the weather balloon!!"

Cai Zhong thought about it, planning to copy Xiaozhi's previous operation.


The flying weather ball instantly burns flames under the sunlight, turns into a flame energy bomb, and bombards out!

And with the cover of this move, Ye Yibu can also prepare the sun blade behind.

After all, the attribute restraint is there. If you can cut down a Sunshine Blade head-on, it is still possible to tell the winner at once!


However, as the Warhammer Dragon sprinted, it could not dodge or dodge at all, allowing the flame energy bomb to explode violently in its chest.

It has a 1/2 resistance effect to fire attribute moves, allowing the Hammer Dragon to bear it head-on.

And the bonus effect of rock grinding also made the movements of the Hammer Dragon more fierce.

"Use Flame Fist!!"

The ignited flame fist stretched out, directly tearing the newly condensed solar blade into energy fragments.


Even the sword dance giant vine's sun blade can block it, let alone the normal Yeeb's sun blade at the moment, it's as easy as tearing apart a toy.

Then the Warhammer Dragon quickly stuck to it, the flames still rising on the raised fist.

Boom! !

The last punch hit Ye Yibu's body hard, and everyone heard a clear explosion in their ears.

The effect is outstanding!

On a sunny day, the power is even more frighteningly high, and it is even possible to decide the winner at once.

"War Hammer Dragon, use Jet Flame!!"

But Xiaozhi didn't intend to let it go, and followed the trajectory of Ye Yibu's backward flight, commanding the Hammer Dragon to spew out a beam of fiery fire again!

Although it doesn't have much power...but the dual effects of sunny day + attribute restraint still deal good damage!

Boom boom boom! !

The flames burned fiercely at that position, completely engulfing Ye Yibu's figure and setting off countless clouds of smoke, dust and sand.

And as the dust and smoke dissipated, Ye Yibu also completely collapsed there, unable to fight.

"It's not an opponent at all..."

This scene also made Cai Zhong smile wryly.

Obviously the Hammer Dragon is at an absolute disadvantage in attributes, but it is still so strong that it can penetrate two with one.

"Roar roar!!"

Even when the battle was over, the Warhammer Dragon was still roaring in place, showing its powerful spirit as an ancient fossil Pokémon, which is moving!

"Nice job, Warmaul Dragon!"

Xiaozhi stepped forward and patted Zhanmailong on the back.

The cranium dragon that was originally only reaching his waist, now directly came to a huge object nearly two meters in size, so that Xiaozhi could only touch the latter's waist.


But the Warhammer Dragon turned its head and bit Xiaozhi's head directly, making a gesture to lift the latter up.


It wasn't until Caizhong approached that Xiaozhi's face straightened, and he coughed to let Zhanmailong put himself down.

Well, it's still a drama, let's be serious.

"I lost... As expected of the Inspector, it really is very powerful."

Cai Zhong admitted defeat with a bit of admiration.

At the beginning, when I saw Xiaozhi's age, I had some doubts in my heart... Now, the misunderstanding has been resolved.

"So, what was the result?"

So, has their EMI Gymnasium passed the supervision and audit of the Pokémon Alliance?

Winning or losing should not be the only criterion.

Cai Zhong looked at Xiao Zhi nervously and solemnly, quietly waiting for the latter's answer.

"Well, uh..."

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin, thinking secretly in his heart.

Well, generally speaking, there is no big problem.

Damaranche gave himself the right to pass the gymnasium, and Xiaozhi asked himself that the standards for their review were still very low.

As long as it doesn't look bad, the outrageous degree of giving the badge for nothing directly at the door will basically allow the gymnasium to pass the inspection.

Well, it shouldn't be so bad, right?

The former Hualan gymnasium would only hand over the badge after seeing that it was obviously impossible to beat, which is outrageous enough.

But this kind of look that as long as you don't make a sound, the other person's heart will be kicked in your throat, and you are extremely nervous and hesitant...

Don't tell me, it's not bad?

Xiao Gang: "..."

As the owner of the same gymnasium in the past, if he is now in Caizhong's position, he will probably be tortured to death by Xiaozhi's silence...

But it's not a big problem, now he's just a passing bystander.

It's very interesting to watch this scene now!

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