He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1651 Shinji vs Zhulan! (superior)

Two inverted fins extend downward from the arms, and the palm at the end has completely turned into a sharp claw.

On the shark's head, the open mouth is covered with fangs, and the forehead protrudes forward, covered with star-shaped yellow patterns.


The low growl of the beast with its head raised, and its violent and ferocious aura made everyone around tremble, and subconsciously took a step back.

"What a powerful aura...is this Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi was also amazed when he saw it. In terms of appearance and momentum alone, it was completely full.

Especially when standing in front of Ms. Zhulan, the visual impact of the beauty and the beast is also very impressive.

"Beep. Biting land sharks, dragon and ground attributes, can fly at supersonic speed, and the flying posture after stretching out the wings is just like a jet aircraft. During the process, the wings will even draw sharp air blades automatically. This is The quasi-god Pokémon that is the signature of the Sinnoh region! Loto~!"

The illustrated book explained.

This also made Xiaozhi realize that this is the most famous and powerful Pokémon in the Sinnoh region!

Every region has a signature powerful Pokémon, which is not inferior to the power of the legendary Pokémon, so many people also call this type of Pokémon "quasi-god".

The ferocious momentum of biting the land shark, even before fighting, Xiao Zhi felt the power of the former.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the champion of the league, and the Pokémon that came up is so powerful.

"It's biting the land shark! Miss Zhulan's trump card!"

"I didn't expect to bite Lu Shark as soon as I came up... Is this plan to pass through that little devil on the opposite side of Liu?"

"No mercy at all!"

Xiaozhi heard the discussions around him, but he didn't expect this to be Miss Zhulan's trump card... In other words, is this the latter's strongest strength?

Or is it like Mr. To, who actually raises six different fast dragons...?

"Is it really biting the land shark?"

Although Shinji on the opposite side had expected it long ago, his expression was still tense, far more severe than usual.

"It's up to you to take the lead!"

Immediately, he flipped his palm and released the little flame monkey.

"Little flame monkey?"

Such a choice caused an uproar in the surroundings.

It looked like it was very powerful, but it turned out to be just the initial Yusanjia in the first stage?

Even in terms of attributes, it is a complete disadvantage!

"Little flame monkey, use the flame vortex!!"

Shinji was completely in the mood, completely ignoring the surrounding discussions, and even launched an attack on his own initiative.


The little flame monkey let out a low snort, took a deep breath, and then a ball of blazing hot flames spewed out of its small mouth, bombarding it out!

However, the biting land shark just folded its arms and inverted fins in front of its body.

Boom Chi Chi...!

The powerful flame bombarded it, but facing the hard shark's skin, it just burst open without any effect.

Seeing that the opponent was about to vibrate his wings and fly down, Shinji quickly raised his hand and pointed:

"Use digging!"

The little flame monkey's movements were not slow, and immediately dug the soil quickly, and it was completely hidden under the ground in a short while.

"Good judgment..."

Zhulan raised the corner of her mouth and nodded.

Although it is a first-stage Yusanjia, and the level is not high, but just one meeting, she can see that the boy in front of her is not simple.

The moment he saw the gesture of biting Lu Shark, he had already started to act.

A second later, the biting land shark he bit would have already landed in front of the little flame monkey in an instant, delivering a fatal blow.

"But it's only a second delay... Biting the land shark, we also use digging!"

At this time, Zhulan suddenly called out the same command.

Bite Lu Shark understood, and his body rushed to the ground in front of him as if falling into the water, his movements opened and closed.

At the same time, he swiftly plowed the soil and sneaked in, his moves were extremely smooth and silky.

Valley spit

Suddenly, the entire arena suddenly became empty.

But in the ears of everyone, they could faintly hear the disturbing sound of the soil turning under their feet, which made many people swallow subconsciously.


The next moment, only a miserable cry was heard from the little flame monkey, but the body suddenly burst out of the ground.

There was also a huge biting land shark below, and its raised claws directly pressed against the back of the little flame monkey, pushing it out of the ground, and then threw it back heavily.

When the little flame monkey landed on the ground, its eyes were already rolling very simply.

Just one blow is impossible for an easy fight.

"It's Miss Zhulan!"

"What a handsome shark!"

This made the spectators around immediately cheer and applaud, as if he was the one directing the bite of the shark at this moment.

Shinji's expression remained unchanged, he glanced at the little flame monkey, snorted coldly, and took it back.

"Useless things, completely useless..."

Not far away, Xiaozhi heard Shinji's indifferent words, and his expression sank.

"Damn, this guy is like this again!"

Completely treat your Pokémon as a tool!

It's just that the battle has just begun, so naturally he can't do anything.

Shinji's side soon released a second Pokémon.


The red light flashed, but this time it was a black and purple Sickle Weasel, with a small upright body and sharp snow-white claws.

The expression is sly and dangerous, and there is a row of red feathers on the head.

"Is it Ma Xunla this time? It's completely correct in terms of attributes."

Xiaozhi said.

It's just that in the face of such a powerful biting land shark, attribute restraint may not be of much use.

With just one shot, Xiaozhi already clearly felt the power of biting the land shark.

Can I defeat it head-on?


Even Pikachu on his shoulders had a drop of sweat on his forehead.

Before it was cut for the second time, it still had some confidence to fight this big shark.

But if it is now... I will definitely lose!


"Ma Yula, use the freezing wind!!"

On the field, Shinji took the lead in directing.

Ma Huanla is an extreme physical attack move, but the first move was a long-range icy fog, which seemed to weaken the opponent's supersonic flight speed first.


However, biting the land shark and waving its arms, the strong wind it aroused completely blows away the oncoming ice fog.

"Bite the land shark fiercely, use tile splitting!"

This time, Zhulan took the initiative to attack.

I saw Lie Bite Lu Shark kicking the ground suddenly, and rushed out with his body close to the ground, flying sand and rocks.

The arms, body and tail are retracted to greatly reduce air resistance.

Boom...! !

It will even make a roaring sound like when a jet engine starts, and its body will turn into a dark blue afterimage and fly towards the target at an outrageously fast speed.

It feels good to see it on TV, but I didn't expect the pressure of reality to be so exaggerated.

Shinji's forehead was already dripping with sweat, and he quickly commanded:

"Ma Yula, use the shadow clone!!"

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