He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1653 Shinji vs Zhulan! (end)

The terrifying attack, the majestic and vast dragon breath, and the supersonic dive speed that the body could have displayed...

Let the power of this dragon's dive reach the extreme! Boom boom boom! !

Even during the dive, the biting land shark will make a roar like an airplane engine, which makes many people feel uncomfortable and block their ears.

"Use the curse to block it!"

The move was so powerful that Shinji could only grit his teeth to deal with it.

The Tutai Turtle let out a low growl, its bulky body made it difficult to move, and it simply sacrificed its own speed to improve its defense.

The next moment, Lie Bite Lu Shark swooped in, carrying a huge blue dragon shadow, and bombarded the Turtle Turtle head-on!

Clang boom boom...! !

There was a violent explosion, and the figure of the earth platform turtle also retreated in an instant, dragging long marks on the ground.

Backed out for nearly 10 meters all the way, and even passed Shinji's side, flying sand and rocks all the way, splitting this wild flat land into a huge gap.

"Earth drink...!"

But amidst the smoke, dust and rubble, the Tutai Turtle managed to bear the blow in the end, and did not completely fall down.

The thick limbs seemed a little weak, almost bending and kneeling on the ground.

"It's now, use the ultimate absorption!!"

This scene also made Shinji smile for the first time today, and immediately shouted.

As long as you are not defeated, you still have a chance.

The earth turtle understood, and the three protruding rocks on the back of the turtle's shell were instantly covered with green light, extended continuously, and turned into three green light energy vines, completely binding and restraining the biting land shark that was close at hand.


The effect of super absorption is activated, constantly squeezing the physical strength of the biting land shark, and feeding back to the earth turtle, recovering a lot of physical strength consumed by the previous blow.

"This earthen turtle, really blocked the alliance champion's trick?!"

"And counterattacked!?"

This scene also caused an uproar in the surroundings again.

At first I thought it was just a boy who didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, especially after seeing the little flame monkey who was the first to fight, many people watched the battle with a mocking mood.

As a result, the earth turtle released at this moment not only blocked the full blow of the alliance champion, but even counterattacked?

"Your earthen platform turtle has been trained very well in terms of defense."

Zhulan couldn't help but also admired, obviously this earthen turtle has a strong training in terms of physical attack.

The posture is about to command Lie Bite Lu Sha to counterattack, but Shinji is one step ahead:

"Tortoise, throw it out! Then use crazy plants!!"

After some squeezing, the soil turtle's stamina recovered a lot, and the vines absorbed in the end turned into vine whips, and directly threw the biting land shark that was about to struggle to break free.

The latter's physical strength is not unlimited, and after a battle, his movements are a little slower.

Hush! !

As the forelegs of the Terra Turtle trampled on the ground, the ground in front of it cracked instantly, and several thick thorny roots grew during the period.

The stretches grew wildly, densely piled together, and almost extended to a height of more than ten meters in an instant!

"What is this trick...?!"

It was the first time Xiaoguang saw this move, and said with a bit of panic.

"This move is a grass-type ultimate move, its power is quite terrifying, but it also has extremely strong side effects..."

Xiao Gang answered with serious eyes.

After using the crazy plant, you will be frozen for a round...

Is Shinji going to break the boat and decide the winner at once?

Hush! !

Valley growth

The next moment, the thick branches all over the sky rushed towards the direction of biting the shark.

Overwhelming, all directions towards the center, stabbing away!

However, Zhulan's response and command seemed extremely simple and violent.

"Bite the land shark, block it!"

Lie Bite Lu Shark understood, stabilized his center of gravity, and immediately raised the shark's arms with inverted fins, crossing them in front of him.

Bang Bang...!!

The next moment, with the sound of violent move explosions, the crazy plants all over the sky were crazily impacting on the body of the biting land shark.

Not only the huge strength, but also the sharp thorns on the thorns are causing damage.

The biting land shark, on the other hand, is as immobile as a mountain in the center, relying solely on its own tough and hard shark skin to resist the thorns from the outside world.

This process lasted for a full minute before the thrashing of the crazy plants began to subside.

The thorns gathered back to the ground... The entire ground of the arena had been completely reduced to cracked ruins.


Electricity began to fill the Turtle's whole body. This was the anti-injury effect of the crazy plants, making it impossible to move even a little at this moment.


But the biting Lu Shark on the opposite side was also uncomfortable. Although he fully withstood the blow, he loosened his lower limbs and half-kneeled on the ground.

"The game is over, use Dragon's Dive!"

Zhulan's gaze was concentrated, directing the attack.

At this moment, the Terra Turtle couldn't move at all, and the Biting Land Shark once again flew into the sky with a majestic dragon energy, and then swooped down!

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, the dragon's dive hit the back of the earth turtle head-on!

The force was so great that in an instant, the platform turtle's limbs were completely spread out, and its belly was directly attached to the ground.

With the eruption of the dragon's dive power, the whole ground cracked again with the body of the platform turtle as the center, and a huge round pit collapsed outward.


After performing this attack, Lie Bite Lu Shark used his strength to bounce back and fell back in front of Zhulan.

Although there are scars on his body, he still stands upright, his eyes are sharp and sturdy, making people dare not look at him.


On the other side, the Turtle tortoise fell in the ruins, its eyes were spinning, and it completely lost its ability to fight.

Although it was still an overwhelming victory, at least this time they went back and forth a few tricks, which caused loud cheers from the surrounding audience.


Shinji's eyes were deep, and after a moment of silence, he slowly took the defeated Turtle back.

Just when everyone thought he was going to continue releasing new Pokémon to fight, Shinji went straight to Zhulan and bowed slightly.

"Miss Zhulan, there is no need to continue this battle, I am not your opponent yet..."

Shinji chose to admit defeat.

Although he still has two to play, Lie Bite Lu Shark's condition doesn't look particularly good, it seems that there is still a chance to replace one...

But Shinji faintly felt that the opponent had a stronger power that he hadn't displayed yet?

Biting the land shark will cause injury, and it is more likely that Zhulan is deliberately releasing water to let herself output and fight...

Seriously, the current self is completely impossible to be the other party's opponent.

"Really...it was really a wonderful battle."

Seeing this, Zhulan nodded with a smile, calmed down the slight fighting spirit, and became an easy-going and natural woman again.

After touching Liebite Lu Shark's head, he took the latter back.

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