He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1655 Round Land Shark

As a local, it was the first time for Xiaoguang to come to the Holy Land of Shenao, and his expression was quite excited.

"If you want to talk about the special places of Tianguan Mountain, one is the legendary ruins of the temple built on the top of the mountain... and the other is that there are Pokémon such as Lusha inhabiting in the cave!"

This is the knowledge she often saw before, and now she blurts it out very smoothly.

"Round land shark?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, it was the first time he heard this name, and took out the illustration book with his backhand.

"Didi. Round land shark, dragon and ground attributes, is the initial form of biting land shark. It is lively and active, and will be curious about moving things. It will fly over and bite the target with its huge mouth. The first stage of round Lusha can't fight flexibly yet, so it's easy to hurt yourself, and it's a Pokémon with a promising future. Loto~!"

Xiaozhi immediately understood that this is a kind of high-potential existence similar to the miniature dragon, the young Kiras.

"Okay, it's decided, I want to catch a round land shark!"

He immediately shouted, and the sound echoed in the empty and closed cave.

The elves of the quasi-god race all have extremely powerful potential, especially after seeing Miss Zhulan's powerful and handsome biting land shark, Xiaozhi even had the idea of ​​subduing a local quasi-god.

"I'm just saying that... how can it be so easy to find a round land shark."

Xiaoguang stuck out his tongue.

Who doesn't know that Lie Bite Lusha is handsome and powerful, especially after Ms. Zhulan became the champion of the Sinnoh Alliance, Lie Bite Lusha, the main force, completely ignited this Pokémon.

Back then, every trainer in the Sinnoh region devoted himself to finding the Yuanlusha family.

Just one kind of Pokémon is powerful and has potential, which naturally means that the number cannot be large.

No matter how you look for it, the round land shark is still hard to find, only occasionally found near Tianguan Mountain.

However, Pokémon like the round land shark also has ground attributes. Even if it doesn't know the trick of digging holes, it is born to dig holes. Once it senses a crisis, it will quickly hide deep underground, making people helpless.

"It's true...Miss Zhulan's burrowing speed of the biting land shark is also outrageous."

Xiaozhi remembered the scene from yesterday.

The scene of jumping up and diving headfirst into the ground to perform the digging...is exactly as smooth as jumping into a pool.

"So now, although the Yuanlusha family is still the most respected Pokémon in the Sinnoh region, the enthusiasm for catching it has dropped a lot..."

Xiaoguang slowly opened his mouth and explained.

No matter which region it is, the quasi-god is an existence that can be met but not sought after.

"Really... Then I have to try it today!"

Xiaozhi looked around, and it happened that it would take some time before he walked out of this tunnel cave. Maybe there is a wild round land shark hidden in the dark corner along the way, or in the deep cave?

"In that case... it's up to you!!"

With a flip of his palm, he actually sent out Riolu.


Xiaoguang looked puzzled, wondering what the purpose of Xiaozhi's move was.

Xiaozhi held the illustration book in front of Riolu, and deliberately enlarged the image of the round land shark.

"Riolu, help me use the waveguide to sense if there is a Pokémon that looks like this around!"

With the power of waveguide to detect, it can perceive everything around it.

The strength of the latter's waveguide is stronger than his own, so Xiaozhi chooses to be an assistant.


Riolu nodded, gently raised one palm, and closed his eyes.

The surface of the small body was covered with a faint blue light, and even the black round blocks on both sides of the head slowly floated up.


Gu Yan

Xiaoguang suddenly felt as if a drop of water fell on the surface of calm water, and the ripples continued to spread outward.

Riolu's waveguide power perception also began to spread towards the surroundings.

Not only did he probe into the deep caves, but even the rock walls and the soil on the ground were completely infiltrated, and all existence was invisible in Riolu's heart.

"And then I...!"

Xiaozhi also didn't completely watch the show from behind, but also raised his palm, aiming at Riolu.

Now he is also a waveguide hero who can use the power of waveguide...

Just not so skilled.


Xiaozhi's waveguide power flew out, but did not spread out, but landed on Riolu's body.

This allowed Riolu's range of perception to expand wider, and the things he saw became more detailed. Everything within a radius of 500 meters could be seen, and it fell into Xiaozhi's mind simultaneously.

"Xiaozhi is really incredible..."

Xiaoguang next to him looked in amazement, the appearance of his whole body glowing with blue light was extremely unreal.

Even Plantina in the soul world is watching seriously.

Although in her world, Plantina has also come into contact with some humans who can freely use the power of waveguide, but this does not prevent the rarity and specialness of such superpowers.

After a long while, Xiaozhi and Riolu dispersed the blue light around them, and one person and one dog shook their heads quite synchronously.

And nothing was found.

Even deep under the ground, existences such as pangolins and gophers have been found...but the chubby, round land sharks do not have any similar existence.

"Go on."

Since Riolu's perception range is 500 meters, Xiaozhi's next operation becomes to walk forward one kilometer and then stop to perceive once.

If you go through the tunnel completely, you can cast it about five or six times.

If there is no gain after reaching the target cave, Xiao Zhi can only put aside the idea of ​​subduing the round land shark for the time being, and come back to investigate when he has time next time.

It is estimated that the round land shark is still hidden in the depths?

The distance that the cave trails on both sides lead to should be more than 500 meters.


Buzz buzz...!

However, during the third kilometer of exploration, the light blue energy ripples spread layer by layer, penetrating the air and the mud and rock walls, and everything around them entered the minds of Xiaozhi and Riolu simultaneously.


This time, Xiaozhi suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were bright.

Probably at the position of a cave path next to it, protruding about 300 meters deep, he could sense a wild orchid shark lying on a stone platform.

The motionless appearance... seems to be sleeping soundly?

But the front is Jiayuan City, Xiaozhi immediately took Leolu to run in that direction, and did not forget to turn his head to remind the two:

"The exit is just ahead, wait for me, I'll be right back!"

After speaking, the figure has already sneaked into the dark cave path.

"Hey... I also want to see the round land shark!"

"Me too!"

Xiaoguang and Xiaogang naturally didn't intend to wait, and quickly followed Xiaozhi's pace to catch up.

The figures of the three people are all sneaking into the depths of the cave on the side of the main road, and the light gradually becomes dim...

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