He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1660 What nonsense is the leader talking about?

Looking at the young man with high fighting spirit in front of him, Chi Ri's eyes turned cold, and his palm had already landed on a poke ball at his waist.

With such an existence, I must go all out!

Just when Chi Ri was about to release his trump card and defeat Xiao Zhi in one go.

Da da da...!

From the direction of the cave entrance, several footsteps were suddenly heard.

"Hey, Xiaozhi, are you in there?"

"Have you successfully subdued the round land shark?"

This is the shout of Xiao Guang and Xiao Gang.

This rocky path was not the only one, and the two of them lost their way even with the faint light of Patchlitz's flash.

However, I heard the sound of the explosion and vibration halfway, so I locked the direction and came here.

Now that the battle has already started, naturally there is no need to worry about disturbing the wild round land sharks, so he simply asked with a loud voice.

The sound echoed layer by layer in the closed cave, appearing very loud.

"Tsk, is there anyone else...?"

Chi Ri frowned, and the idea of ​​dealing with Xiao Zhi on the spot had originally arisen, but it became much weaker in an instant.

The next moment, he switched the poke ball on his waist and released another Pokémon.


A red light flashed, but it was an ancient green metal clock. The surface of the bell-shaped body was covered with various incomprehensible patterns.

The abstract pattern directly in front of it can be vaguely seen as a pattern similar to the eyes and facial features.

The metal beams extending from both sides are slightly bent, like a pair of arms.

"Didi. Bronze bell, steel and superpower attributes, the evolution of the bronze mirror monster, is an ancient Pokémon that survived in the ruins. Legend has it that it can summon rain clouds and rain heavily. In the past, people regarded it as the god of harvest. Enshrined. Loto~!"

Xiaozhi's illustration book automatically prompts.

"Is it the evolution of those bronze mirror monsters last time...?"

He remembered that last time, the group of Galactic team soldiers was carrying a bronze mirror monster.

This man who also has the logo of the Galaxy team on his collar...is he a partner of the star he met before?

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, I remember you... One day, we will meet again."

With a serious expression on Chi Ri's majestic face, he spoke slowly.

Xiaozhi told him his name before, and Chi Ri secretly remembered it.

At such an age, he has the strength to be no less than the king of the league... he must be the enemy of the Galaxy team in the future.

And as Xiaogang and Xiaoguang officially entered here, Chiri's palm was also placed on the metal body of the bronze bell.

"Let's go bronze bell...use teleportation."

As the words fell, white light flickered on both the bronze bell and the red sun.


In the next moment, the two disappeared on this high rock platform at the same time, like ghosts.

"What the hell?"

"Did I really see someone just now...?"

Xiaoguang and Xiaogang who came in later rubbed their eyes, not knowing what they saw just now.

"Red Sun..."

Xiaozhi stood there, looking at the empty rocky platform, and whispered Chiri's name.

The other party also told her name before.

Chiri...haven't heard of it at all.

When you're out, do some research.

Xiaozhi shook his head, no matter what the enemy is, just defeat him.

Although just now Chiri had a firm heart and a perfect world...but Xiaozhi didn't care so much.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, have you subdued the Yuanlu Shark?"

Xiaoguang couldn't help asking curiously, she had never seen their local quasi-god cubs, and she was looking forward to seeing them.

With Xiaozhi's skill, he should be able to catch it easily, right?

"That's right! I forgot all about it!!"

Gu Huang

However, Xiao Zhi's complexion turned dark when he heard the reminder from his partner.

That's right, he came to evolve to subdue the round land shark, not to fight some mysterious philosophical uncle.

"Leolu, hurry up and use the power of the waveguide to see if the round land shark is still nearby?"

Xiaozhi quickly directed Riolu beside him.


Riolu nodded, and immediately spread the power of his waveguide completely, detecting everything within a radius of 500 meters.

After just a while, it shook its head...and didn't perceive the trace of the round land shark.

"Damn it... Red Sun!"

This also made Xiaozhi grit his teeth angrily, and the Yuanlu Shark he got was gone immediately.

I don't know what kind of luck it will be to meet another wild one next time!

"Hmph, anyway, the next time I meet you again, I'll flush you first!"

In the end, Xiaozhi could only curse at the place where Chiri disappeared, and followed Xiaogang and the two out.



However, after the three of them left this hidden dark stone room, the ground suddenly began to tremble, and the soil kept trying to move on both sides.

Immediately afterwards, the previous round land shark unexpectedly got out of the mud again.

Riolu's waveguide perception can detect a distance of 500 meters in the air...

But under the ground, there is a mud barrier, and in fact, it can only detect a distance of about fifty meters.

This happens to be the depth at which this round land shark normally burrows.


I saw it opening its toothless mouth, looking at the direction Xiaozhi left, thoughtfully.

Afterwards, he dived into the sand again and followed in the direction where several people left.

Whoa whoa whoa...!

In the constantly moving soil, one can see a small gray-blue vertical fin standing up, gliding through the ground like a shark in the water, which still looks a bit scary.



the other end.


The figures of the red sun and the bronze bell instantly appeared at the entrance in the direction of EMI.

Teleportation has the effect similar to a hole-piercing rope, and it is quite convenient to get out of the hole in one second.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town..."

Chiri recited the name silently, then his expression sank, and after tidying up his clothes, he walked in the direction of EMI.

Before he entered the cave to retreat to understand the world and life, he once told his subordinates to snatch the Diamond Orb exhibited in the EMI Museum...

I don't know what's going on now, give me a call and ask.

The Vajra Orb is related to Diyaluka, the god of time.

And the twin gods of time and space in the Sinnoh area are also the power that Chiri must obtain to reshape the world.

"Leader, don't worry~ I have successfully obtained the Vajra Orb."

On the other end of the phone, Zhen Xing's voice came, with a rather brisk tone.

The last time he hired Team Rocket, he successfully stole the precious Vajra Orb.

"Right...then explain to me why the diamond orb passed by my eyes?"

However, Chi Ri's voice became extremely cold.

Standing near the EMI Museum, he happened to see the staff of the museum delivering a large and radiant diamond to the transport vehicle, surrounded by several heavily guarded Ms. Junsha escorting it.

Even the announcements on both sides also said that the "stolen diamond orb" was lost and recovered.


On the other end, Zhen Xing just sent a puzzled particle, and he still doesn't know what happened.

What nonsense is the leader talking about?

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