He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1667 Xiaoguang vs Musashi!

In the first game of the semi-finals, Xiaowang faced the big sister trainer who directed Menus.

"Miss Xiangzi, come on!! Xiaosheng will always stand behind you!!"

Xiao Gang was still shouting loudly in the audience, which made Xiao Wang on the stage frown.

Isn't this dark-faced boy Xiaoguang's friend... Why is he so eager to cheer for others?

"Come out, capuchin cat!!"

However, Xiao Wang soon regained his composure and sent out his ace capuchin.


On the other side, what Xiangzi used was of course the gorgeous Menus.

However, in the last battle, Xiao Wang also watched the whole process in the lounge. The level of this Menus is not high, and it is even worse than Master Mikri.

"Preemptive strike, capuchin cat, use high-five surprise attack!!"

At the beginning of the battle, Xiao Wang still chose the first move strategy, a little blood is a little blood.

"Meinas, use the water ring!!"

Xiangzi on the other side used the signature move of Menus. After taking a stiff slap, the gorgeous water ring around Menus rose up.

In the gorgeous competition, the water ring is undoubtedly a perfect move.

But Xiaowang was also prepared, and immediately commanded:

"Puffy-tailed cat, use the grinding claw!!"

The next moment, the curly-tailed cat stretched out its sharp claws and sharply polished the ground in front of it, raising its aura.

With the improvement of ability, the capuchin's gorgeousness will not be overwhelmed by the water ring on the opposite side.

"Meinas, use the water cannon!!"

Xiangzi also sensed the opponent's difficulty, and directly launched a fierce attack.

Boom boom! !

Menus opened his mouth, and the huge water gushing out was very powerful, making bursts of explosions.

"Get away!"

However, the water cannon has the weakness of poor hit rate, and the nimble capuchin can easily evade it.

"In this case, use the water tail!!"

Seeing this, Xiangzi attacked again, this time choosing a melee strategy.

I saw Menus's beautiful tail lingering on the water, turning into a long whip of water, sweeping and whipping.

"Puffy cat, use your tail to jump up!"

The capuchin understood and lay back directly.

The curled and curved tail was like a spring that overwhelmed the limit, and then rebounded violently, bouncing the capuchin cat into the air, and swiftly dodged the water tail flexibly.

This quick action even made Xiangzi start to draw blood.

"Use Iron Tail!"

Then came the capuchin cat that fell from the sky, its tail stretched and stretched, and then it turned into steel and slashed down heavily!

Bang bang!

The steel tail left a bruise directly on Menus' pale yellow body, causing serious damage.

"It's not over yet, use the Shadow Claw!!"

Taking advantage of the chaotic rhythm of the opponent, Xiao Wang quickly attacked.

After the capuchin cat landed, it jumped towards the target, its forelimb claws were covered with sinister black phantoms, and the shadow claws ruthlessly tore Menus' body!


This blow even made Menus let out an uncomfortable scream, leaning back and shaking his body.

hit the nail on the head!

"Did the grinding of the claws just now work?"

Xiaozhi stared intently and blurted out.

Grinding the claws can increase its attack power and the probability of hitting the vital points, which makes the capuchin's attack more fierce and dangerous.

"As expected of Xiao Wang, the offensive makes it hard to breathe..."

In the background of the lounge, Xiao Guang watched the live battle on the TV screen with a solemn expression.

If she can also reach the finals, then she will face Xiao Wang head-on...

"Hmph, it's just pecking at each other, it's no big deal."

Musashi next to him tilted his head indifferently, as if he didn't care at all.

Well, although it does look very powerful...

This made Xiaoguang turn his head temporarily, and the next round would be her duel with the red-haired woman, and that ancient giant fly didn't look so easy to deal with.

And why does this woman give her a familiar feeling...?


"Time is up! The game is over!"

In the end, Capuchin did not disable Menus within 3 minutes...

The latter's blood skin was too thick, and it forcibly resisted the damage.

But in terms of the character's blood bar difference, Xiaowang is still in a 4/5 healthy state, while Xiangzi's side is only left with the last 1/5, which is in danger.

Even if there is no countdown, she and Menus will still lose if they play for one more minute, which shows Xiaowang's suppression.

"Thank you, Menus."

This made Xiangzi's face darken, and she took back Menus and left.

"Miss Xiangzi needs my comfort!!"

Xiao Gang under the stage stood up like a cat smelling a fishy smell, and Dang Shi ran towards the back of the stage, looking like he was going to take advantage of the opportunity to cut him off.

Xiao Zhi shook his head, temporarily forgetting Xiao Gang.

Because at this moment on the stage, Xiaoguang and that strange Musashi Lina have already appeared on the stage at the same time.

"Please, Bogaman!!"

"Get rid of it, Ancient Giant Fly!!"

As soon as the two appeared on the stage, they threw out their respective Pokémon aggressively. Compared with the ancient Giant Fly, Bogaman's size was somewhat weak.

But Xiaozhi knows it, even though it hasn't evolved yet, but as his main force, this Pogaman is the Pokémon that Xiaoguang puts the most effort into.

Even Plantina has opened a lot of special training.

In terms of strength, it is much better than Prince Jianwu Nabo.


"Ancient Giant Fly, use the shadow clone!!"

As soon as it came up, Musashi commanded his ancient giant fly to turn into more than a dozen afterimages, making it difficult to distinguish the main body from the phantom.

This made Bogaman only look around cautiously.

Musashi's expression seemed quite arrogant. She even killed Pogaman's evolutionary Prince Bo in the last game. Do you still have to worry about a little Pogaman now?

"Right now, use Air Slash!!"

Facing the air strikes coming from all directions, Xiaoguang took a deep breath and commanded:

"Use White Mist!!"

Bogaman understood, opened his beak, and the dense white mist that spewed out did not attack the target, but pointed directly at the ground below him.


When it touched the ground, the white mist spread instantly, turning into a vast expanse of whiteness, completely covering and swallowing everything five meters around Bogaman's body.

This also made all the sharp air cuts empty.

"This trick is useless to me...Ancient Giant Fly, use the silver whirlwind!!"

The ancient giant fly flapped the insect's wings, and the silver-gray whirlwind blown out, carrying bits and pieces of energy powder, blowing towards the audience, completely blowing away the white mist.

The good-looking and gorgeous moves made Xiaoguang's blood bar value begin to drop.

Even the Silver Whirlwind is an AOE move that doesn't need to be aimed at all, constantly causing damage to Bogaman hidden in the white mist...

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