He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1678 Decisive battle, residual blood at the beginning

When the game was approaching, Xiaoguang and the others were still discussing the next decisive battle.

The winning prize is Cresselia's Crescent Feather, which is extremely attractive.


Seeing Xiao Zhi who suddenly came back from the direction of the venue, Xiao Guang was surprised.

Because at the moment Xiaozhi is holding a scarred little flame monkey in his arms... This one should be Shinji's Pokémon, right?

But Shinji lagged behind, with his hands in his pockets, walking to the preparation area with a cold expression.

"Xiaozhi, this little flame monkey..."

Xiaoguang was about to ask, but Xiaozhi interrupted her first, and hugged the little flame monkey in front of Xiaogang.

"Please Xiaogang, let him be able to fight in the final!"

Xiao Gang didn't ask too much, but he had already guessed something in his heart.

After glancing at the time, he quickly put the little flame monkey on the stage and started the emergency treatment.

There are still 7 minutes before the start of the game, and the latter looks like a candle in the wind...

"I can only try my best, but in the finals, Little Flame Monkey probably won't be able to reach its peak state."

Xiao Gang said solemnly, his hands moving quickly.

It's a pity that Xiaozhi's Emperor Yan didn't come with him to the Sinnoh area... Otherwise, he would breathe fire and be resurrected with full blood.

Miss Joy from the nearby temporary treatment center noticed the situation here, and rushed to treat her quickly.

And Xiaozhi just touched the weak head of Little Flame Monkey.

"Now you just have to grit your teeth and persevere, and I will prove that you are a powerful Pokémon!"


In a trance, Little Flame Monkey only felt a big warm hand on his forehead.

This is a feeling it has never experienced.

"Xiaozhi, what's going on...?"

Time passed by every minute and every second, and after seeing that the situation seemed to relax a little, Xiaoguang still couldn't help asking.

She doesn't know what release is... She is in a state of complete bewilderment.

It seems that Little Flame Monkey has become Xiaozhi's elf?

Even going to appear seriously injured and appear in battle later?

And Xiaozhi turned his head to look at Xiaoguang, and didn't answer much, but began to formulate the next tactics, with a more serious expression than usual.

"Xiaoguang, when the game is over, please buy me a little more time to cover Little Flame Monkey's actions."

This made the latter dumbfounded, and could only nod subconsciously.

Although she knew that Xiaozhi was a great master, his words and deeds on weekdays were not at all unpredictable, more like her peers.

Suddenly speaking so seriously, Xiaoguang was somewhat uncomfortable.

On the other side, Ah Xun also noticed the movement here.

"Hey hey hey! Shinji, isn't that your little flame monkey? Why did he go to that side! You will be fined for joining the enemy!!"

He was careless, but Shinji released him before he realized it.


Shinji didn't answer, and his cold eyes were also looking in Xiaozhi's direction.

Is this person going to fight with the little flame monkey later?

"Hmph, naive guy...!"

Shinji had a mocking expression on his face, and he did this kind of losing game in order to win his breath. It seemed that he thought too much about Xiaozhi before.


Time soon reached the end.

Although this is not a very formal game, no one will deliberately give Little Flame Monkey extra time.

After 7 minutes, Shinji Akino, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang stood on opposite sides of the field at the same time.

The battle begins!

As the referee raised the small flag, both sides threw pokeballs at the same time.

boom! boom!

Ah Xun still sent his trump card Emperor Nabo, a complete three-stage Yusanjia, who was very bluffing and menacing just by looking at it.

This time, Shinji sent the Pokémon that he focused on cultivating in the Sinnoh area-Electric Beast.

"Electric shock~!!"

The Electrabeast, which has completed its evolution, is waving its strong arms and has a fierce expression. From time to time, electric light dances on the surface of its body with black lightning patterns.


On the other side, Xiaoguang sent Patch Liz.

According to what Xiaozhi said before, she will delay this battle a little longer and use cover...

After thinking about it, Xiaoguang chose this Pokémon to fight.

But Xiaozhi didn't throw the poke ball, and the little flame monkey was standing beside his legs, looking at Shinji in the distance.

"Get ready to fight! Little Flame Monkey, show this guy your strength!!"

Still feeling timid, after hearing Xiaozhi's uplifting words next to him, the little flame monkey ignited the flames of battle and jumped onto the stage.

Only 7 minutes of treatment did not restore the little flame monkey's physical strength to its peak state.

Right now, he was barely half-blooded, and some scars could still be seen on the surface of his petite body.

"electric shock...?"

Seeing his former teammate suddenly running to the opposite side, Shinji's Electric Shock Beast looked a little confused, and turned his head to look at his trainer in a daze, as if asking if he made a mistake.

"Concentrate on fighting, Electroshock!"

But hearing Shinji's cold voice, the electric shock beast also completely restrained its mind, waved its fists, and burst out with electricity.

At this moment, there are two strong and tall Pokémon on one side of the arena, and two small-sized Pokémon on the other side. The picture looks somewhat different.

"Electric Beast, use Electric Shock Wave!!"

At the beginning of the battle, Shinji directly attacked Dao without mercy.

"King Nabo, use the water cannon!!"

Ah Xun also launched a fierce attack, even directly targeting the little flame monkey.

He doesn't understand the nine-nine relationship between Shinji and Xiaozhi, he is also very jealous of the championship reward - Crescent Feather, and he doesn't intend to be soft.

Kill the weakest one first!

"Little flame monkey, use digging to escape!!"

The violent water cannon moves came, and Xiaozhi chose to dodge.

Little Flame Monkey is not his Pokémon, and Xiaozhi can't use the illustrated book to check the latter's specific moves...

Now it's all based on the scene where I saw Shinji commanding the little flame monkey to fight several times before.


Little Flame Monkey moved nimbly and dug into the ground, dodging the dangerous water cannon attack.

"Patch Leeds, block the electric shock!"

And Xiaoguang's command is even more without fancy, directly choosing to let Pachiris fall on the attack trajectory of the electric shock wave.

Zizizi! !

The violent electric current entered the body, but under the power storage characteristics of Pachiris, instead of causing any damage, it even turned into healing energy, restoring Pachiris' physical strength.

"Electric Beast, prepare to use 100,000 volts!!"

Seeing that the move against Patchlitz had failed, Shinji directly aimed at the underground existence.

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