He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1680 Powerful Variation Flames

"The victory has just begun...Little flame monkey, use the jet flame!!"

After arousing the mutated fire of the little flame monkey, Xiaozhi's side officially launched an attack.

The little flame monkey took a sharp breath, opened its mouth, and the red light condensed around the mouth.

Boom boom boom! !

In the next instant, a fiery beam of flame gushed out from it, and its power was several times stronger than before.

It's not even in the form of flames anymore, but completely turned into a crimson energy beam.

Goal, go straight to the Electric Shock Beast!

Such an attack made Shinji shudder.

At the beginning, it was because I saw this power that I was so interested in the little flame monkey.

Damn it, why was he drawn out by this guy in the blink of an eye!

Although his heart was overwhelmed, Shinji quickly commanded:

"Electric Beast, use protection!"

Faced with the heavy blows from his former teammates, Electroshock moved his hands forward, forming a protective barrier of green light around his body.


The barrier with absolute defensive power blocked all the terrifying flame shocks outside, and the forks swept away.

It's just that this force is extremely strong, even if the flame is broken, the impact force still forces the electric shock beast to keep retreating, leaving a long mark on the protective barrier on the ground.

"And me! Emperor Nabo, use the water cannon!!"

Seeing that the battle seemed to have directly turned into a tit-for-tat confrontation between Xiaozhi and Shinji, A Xun immediately intervened unwillingly.

Boom! !

Emperor Napoleon opened his beak, and the menacing water flowed out as well.

"Little flame monkey, use the flame vortex!!"

But this time it was completely on fire, and the little flame monkey was in full swing, and had no intention of backing down and dodging.


The mouth opened, and the spouting flames multiplied several times, twisting and spinning in the air and flying out, turning into a flame tornado.

Obviously at an absolute disadvantage in attributes, at this moment, they were in a stalemate with Emperor Nabo's water cannon in the center of the arena, causing countless steamy white mist.

"How is it possible, so powerful...?"

Even the well-informed Xiao Gang was full of surprise.

This is obviously the characteristic of fierce fire, but it is only the little flame monkey of the first stage, no matter how fierce the fire is, it is impossible to block the water cannon of the third-stage Emperor Nabo!

"Electric Beast, use 100,000 volts!!"

And just when the Electric Shock Beast was going to double-team the Little Flame Monkey, Pachiris, who had been standing by the side, also took action.

"Use it and watch me~!"

As the latter hooked his little finger, the violent electric shock was completely attracted away again.

Although he was hit hard before, but at this moment, using the feature of [Power Storage], after suddenly eating a delicious meal of 100,000 volts, Patchiliz's physical strength suddenly recovered a lot.

"Hey, hey, Shinji! Don't heal the opponent!"

This made Ah Xun couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

The sudden reversal of the situation made him anxious.

Shinji's expression was still gloomy, and the sudden outburst of the little flame monkey disrupted his calm command in the past.

But on the contrary, the cooperation between Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang has become more and more tacit.

"Electric Beast, use tile splitting!!"

This time, the Electric Shock Beast no longer used electric-type moves, and waved its white-lit fist, slashing like a hand knife.

"Little Flame Monkey, use digging!"

After releasing two powerful flames in a row, the little flame monkey immediately digs a hole, dodges the moves, and rests temporarily to accumulate energy.


But in the next round, he suddenly broke out from another position and raised his shining fist... This time the attack was aimed at Emperor Nabo.

"How dare you underestimate us... Emperor Nabo, use the steel wings!!"

Ah Xun immediately attacked, and was about to directly chop the little flame monkey that jumped out.

Damn, you still want to hit two with one at the same time? !


It's just that the high level of concentration at this moment, and the addition of Xiaozhi's bondage power, made the little flame monkey's movements much more flexible than usual, and it actually managed to avoid the steel wings of the emperor Nabo.

Bang bang! !

Immediately, with a heavy punch, he slammed the Emperor Nabo's chin, and sent him flying.

The effect is outstanding!

After Emperor Nabo evolved, although his strength had been improved, it obviously couldn't fully adapt to his steel body after acquiring the steel attribute, and his movements were obviously stiff.

"Now, use jet flames!!"

With a successful blow, the little flame monkey took another breath of air, and then a fiery beam of flame gushed out of its mouth crazily.

At a very close distance, it exploded on Emperor Nabo's body!

Boom boom boom! !

The fierce flame jet flame was so powerful that it once again blew Emperor Nabo away.

You must know that Emperor Nabo, who has water + steel attributes, does not have any resistance effect to fire attributes, and the damage of this jet of flame is completely solid.

"Electric Beast, use tile splitting!!"

But the back of the little flame monkey who was attacking with all his strength also showed a gap, and Shinji immediately attacked quickly.

No matter how powerful this force is... But the stronger it is, the more blood the Little Flame Monkey has.

At this moment, as long as it hits any blow from the little flame monkey, the winner can be determined.

Seeing that the sword in Bai Guang's hand was about to strike down, there was a soft voice from behind:

"Patch Liz, use Lightning Flash!!"

Xiaoguang also showed a wave of presence.

Pachilitz, who was small and flexible, turned into a flash of white light and hit the electric shock beast's waist.

Although it didn't have much power, it also made the latter's movements messy, making it difficult to hit the little flame monkey.

This also allowed the latter to seize the opportunity. At this moment, whether it is Electric Shock Beast or Shinji, it must be defeated.

"Little flame monkey, unleash your power with all your strength, use jet flames!!"

Xiaozhi's excited voice sounded again, giving the little flame monkey great courage.

At this moment, he is fully releasing the power of his fetters.

Although no one taught him to use this power, Xiao Zhi, who has been trained with the power of waveguide, can still control the other power in his body to some extent.

Especially at this moment, the two are completely unequal. Once the bond is connected, the low-level little flame monkey can get more powerful power from his side.


The little Flame Monkey, bathed in the red light, nodded, his eyes burst out with fighting spirit, and the penetrating red light once again accumulated in his mouth.

Boom boom boom! !

In the next moment, the pillar of flame blasted out like a crimson laser beam, piercing through the air!

In terms of appearance, it doesn't look like a flame jet at all...

More like destroying the death ray? !

This made the Electric Shock Beast not even have time to use its protective defense, widening its eyes, allowing the flames to magnify infinitely in its eyes!

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