He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1682 Subdue Little Flame Monkey

The doubles conference officially ended, and the time came to dusk.

As the sparse crowd left, the entire sports venue became empty and quiet.

"The Feather of the New Moon..."

Xiaozhi carefully put the prize feather into his backpack. It was not just a feather from Cresselia, it also contained the power of the latter.

He has collected quite a few tokens of God, and he is quite familiar with them.

After collecting Diya Luka's nails and everything else, I have to go back to Zhenxin Town.

Or call the red brother remotely...

Pack everything up, and everyone will leave together.


It's just that in the dusky evening, Little Flame Monkey was half-standing alone in a remote meeting place, and the setting sun stretched its shadow long, making it look very lonely.

After this period of treatment, the little flame monkey's physical strength has temporarily returned to the level where it can move freely.

It's just that after being abandoned by Shinji at this moment, it makes it lonely.

"Go quickly."

This made Xiao Gang couldn't help pushing Xiao Zhi who was standing not far away and staring quietly.

"I got it..."

Xiaozhi nodded, put his mind away, and walked over slowly.

He originally wanted to give Little Flame Monkey more time to think alone, but judging from the latter's appearance... it seems that he needs his help more.

Walking gently to the side of the little flame monkey, Xiaozhi's palm fell on the latter's little head.

"How about Little Flame Monkey, you've decided, will you travel with me next...?"

The previous cooperation between the two had nothing to do with it.

While speaking, Xiaozhi stared straight at the latter, showing a look of expectation.

The power of Mutated Flame is indeed powerful, so that the little flame monkey in the first stage can resist the water cannon trick of Emperor Nabo in the third stage.

Once the little flame monkey has also completed its evolution, it will fully grasp this power.

Cooperating with your own bond power, it already adds to the power of Pokémon, especially the characteristics such as "fire" and "torrent", which will become much stronger than normal under the bond force.

The most important thing is that Xiaozhi saw the appearance of Little Flame Monkey gritting his teeth in front of Shinji before...

No matter what happens to this Pokémon, he doesn't want to miss it.


Little Flame Monkey turned his head, and Shinji's appearance flashed in his mind, but it quickly drifted away.

It will follow Shinji's order in this way, no matter how severe and assiduous the training will be, it will finish it with gritted teeth. On the one hand, it also has the purpose of expecting to become stronger with Shinji.

But the human being in front of him is completely different from Shinji.

Whether it's character, or letting your own power be released...


Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder also hooked his hands, looking welcome.

The picture of Pokémon randomly stepping on the trainer's head is absolutely invisible to Shinji...


In the end, Little Flame Monkey nodded heavily, and stretched out his small fist towards Xiaozhi.

chi chi...!

The flames at the tail also blazed up, and the confusion in his eyes disappeared, leaving only a fiery fighting spirit full of energy.

"Then teach me well in the future!"

Seeing that the other party agreed to his invitation, Xiaozhi immediately took out a blank poke ball.


As the latter's fist touched the Poké Ball button, the red light sucked it into it... After that, it didn't shake much, and stopped immediately.

"I subdued the little flame monkey!!"

This made Xiaozhi couldn't help holding up the elf ball and shouting loudly, his face in the dusk was still full of vigor.

The Pokémon he was carrying at this moment, except for Pikachu who had been slashed twice, as well as the veteran flower rock monster and hammer dragon brought from his hometown, and a Leolu with extremely powerful waveguide power.

There are already quite a few elves subdued in the Sinnoh area.

Under the mossy rocks in the EMI forest, the grass seedling tortoise whose grass attribute strength has been enhanced... no, it is already a forest tortoise, and has just completed evolution.

Together with the little flame monkey who has just been tamed, he already has the second of the Yusan family in the Shen'ao area.

There is also a swimming ring Itachi who is very keen on fighting and willing to take the bait...

A few days ago, Mukle also suddenly evolved into a Mukle bird on the side of the road.

But on this point, there is nothing worth mentioning.


Even Rotom, who lived in the illustration book, suddenly jumped out, his orange-red ion body suspended in the air, and a pair of lightning-like gaseous ion arms grew on both sides.

The way it swayed around Xiaozhi seemed to remind him not to forget it.

This made Xiaozhi also take out a blank poke ball.

At the mansion in EMI Forest, he did not formally subdue Rotom.


This is a Rotom who likes to join in the fun. After seeing the little flame monkey being subdued, he immediately imitated it anxiously.


Next, he didn't press the button on the poke ball, but his body directly penetrated the poke ball and entered it.

shake ~!

However, this seems to have triggered the subduing function of the elf ball, and it began to tremble with a red light.

It didn't have much sense of struggle, and Rotom was quickly and completely subdued.


But the elf ball couldn't trap it at all, with a thought, Rotom flew out through the elf ball again, completely treating the latter as a decoration.

In the end, his figure sank, and he got into Xiaozhi's illustrated book again.

Compared with the Poke Ball, it is still more comfortable to live here.

The illustration book was not burned, so Xiao Zhi let the latter go.


"By the way, where are we going next...?"

After the matter came to an end, Xiaozhi looked at his two partners.

The owner of the Jiayuan gymnasium sneaked out to work part-time, and he had already recorded this in his notebook... There is basically nothing left to stay in this city.

Xiao Gang took out the map booklet and began to look it up.

"If the Jiayuan gymnasium is temporarily unavailable...the nearest gymnasium is the Curtain Gym in Curtain City."

After a while, he spoke.

Veil City is still a big city.

It can be said that the Sinnoh area is a well-developed area, and the cities they arrived in before are very modern in scale.

"However, you need to pass through a place called Random Town... It is said that there are incredible ancient ruins hidden there—Random Ruins."

Xiao Gang said slowly.

The Sinnoh area is not only modern and developed, but also the historical relics of ancient theology are everywhere, and the cultural atmosphere is very strong.

Just like EMI City, it is a place where ancient history and modern technology are mixed together.

"A random ruin...!"

Xiaozhi recited it silently, as if he had heard this place not long ago.

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