"Wu~!" "Wu~!" "Wu~!"

Countless unknown totems floated out of the wall, densely packed together, and many even appeared on the wall behind Team Rocket, who was peeking.

"Ah, what the hell?!"

"What kind of Pokémon is this, meow~!"

The three of them exclaimed, subconsciously moved away from the unknown totem behind them, and accidentally ran to Zhen Xing's position, facing the latter head-on.

Seeing the latter's cold face, the three of them quickly changed their faces and started to smile.

"Haha, I met the big grievance again... the big boss."

"Let's see if you need help~!"

But this time, Zhen Xing didn't get angry directly, but stared at the small cube suspended in front of him, and said leisurely:

"Do you know what this is?"

Hearing a question suddenly, the three of the Rockets straightened their backs reflexively even in this perilous environment, and said sternly:

"Since someone asked the question sincerely!"

"So we have the mercy of telling you... oh, sorry, so what the hell is this?"

The trio found that there seemed to be something wrong with the context, they braked quickly, and carefully asked about this strange cube.

"This is something that can turn the legends of the Sinnoh region into reality..."

Zhen Xing answered such a riddle.

Next, he directly held the cube in his hand, and looked directly at the unknown totem groups around him.

"Listen, our Galaxy team is an organization that wants to change the world. What you guard is only meaningful in the hands of our Galaxy team!"

This group of unknown totems seemed to understand human speech, and after hearing Zhen Xing's boastful voice, they rioted one after another.

The figure of the letter jumped violently in mid-air, making dense noises.

However, Zhen Xing's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he raised his hand and shouted:

"Preemptive attack, copper mirror monster, use the strange light!"

I saw the surface of a copper mirror monster suspended on his shoulder suddenly condensed red energy light and burst out!

Originally, the strange light should be in the form of throwing a ball of energy light, but the way the bronze mirror monster is used is to spread out like red lightning.

Zizizi! !

The strange light fell on a pile of unknown totems in front of him, and then it spread rapidly towards the surroundings as if conducting electricity, and the strange electric light fell on all the unknown totems in the blink of an eye.


Seeing this, Zhenxing sneered, this group of ancient Pokémon gathered together, their strength is not weak.

If they don't start first, maybe they really can't get out today.

"White?" "White?" "White?"

When the unknown totems reacted, the strange light didn't do any harm, it just caused a few unknown totems to enter a state of chaos.

This caused the whole scene to become chaotic in an instant.

And the things that have been guarded for generations were suddenly forcibly taken away by humans, which obviously made this group of unknown totems enter a state of abnormal rage.

The body of the black letters gradually turned red and warm, flying in the air, and the one-eyed eyes began to accumulate penetrating red light energy...

But at this moment, the only outsiders who are still here are the Rockets.

As for Zhen Xing and his group, after firing a cannon, they disappeared long ago.

"Wait a minute, we're just here to watch a show..."

"The one who robbed you was that strange alien just now..."

The Rockets trio, who were one step behind, trembled. They didn't expect Zhenxing and the others to run away so decisively before, losing the opportunity.

The surrounding unknown totems also gradually surrounded them, enclosing them in the center, with no way out at all.

Now they finally understood that Zhen Xing was catching them on purpose in order to make them deal with the aftermath and meet the wrath of this group of unknown totems...


At the critical moment, the elf ball on Musashi's waist suddenly bounced off automatically.


However, the blue figure hadn't completely solidified yet. Sure enough, Weng noticed the densely packed unknown totems around him, and they all maintained a red-hot and furious state.

call out...!

The next moment, sure enough, Weng didn't even yell out "Sonas~", but just yelled "Suo", and then automatically returned to the poke ball.

As soon as he went out and in, it turned out that Weng's speed was extremely fast, as if he had never come out at all.

Its mirror reflection moves, but it can't stop this kind of attack from all directions!

Boom! !

Boom! !

The next moment, countless unknown totem faces gathered red energy beams and suddenly bombarded out, aiming at the three people in the center!

The power of awakening!

This is the only move mastered by the unknown totem. According to individual differences, the power of awakening may be transformed into a move of any attribute.

At this moment, dozens of unknown totems jointly exerted the power of awakening, the power is astonishing, and the dazzling energy beam completely engulfed this ruin stone room...!


Random ruins door.

Boom boom boom! !

Hearing the sound of explosions one after another from behind, which was also faintly accompanied by human screams, Zhen Xing, who was evacuating quickly, showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Hmph, the last time you three guys dared to trick him on purpose...

Just stay there this time, and bear the price of stealing the treasure instead of me!

The power of a single unknown totem is not terrible, but if there are too many such Pokémon, it will be very difficult to get together.

But after all, it is a Pokémon with no brains. As long as there are enough scapegoats left, they will naturally attack without brains.

Of course, if there is no Rockets team this time, Zhen Xing's scapegoat candidates will be a few soldiers from the Galaxy team next to him.


It's just that when Zhen Xing ran to the gate of the ruins with four soldiers, he happened to see Wu Song head-on, and Xiao Zhi and his group behind him surrounded him.

There is only this one way out, which is completely blocked by the latter.

"Oh, isn't this the Four Heavenly King Wusong...I didn't expect a big man like you to appear here."

Zhen Xing's expression suddenly became serious, but he still said in a teasing tone.

He didn't have the confidence to fight head-on with an alliance king... not to mention there were a few little ghosts watching.

As for the little soldiers under him, they were all expressionless, as if they were bluffing.

In fact, they are nothing more than brainwashed waste, not even normal people...

"Senior cadre of the Galaxy team, Zhenxing... Hand over the cube in your hand, otherwise you won't be able to leave here today."

Wu Song took a step forward and shouted in a low voice, but he had already fully figured out the details of Zhen Xing.

Once Wu Song entered the fighting state, his tone appeared very tough.

The imposing manner alone forced Zhen Xing and the soldiers beside him to take a step back at the same time, with tense expressions.

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