He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1689 Get it, two slates!


Faintly understanding the meaning of this group of unknown totems, Xiaozhi and the others looked at each other and remained silent for a long time.

But it's good...at least this group of unknown totems don't need to appease the aftermath.

"Try not to tell unrelated people what happened here..."

Thinking of this, Wu Song still turned his head to remind everyone.

After all, no one has come to the random ruins all year round. If it weren't for the arrival of the Galaxy team this time, it is estimated that the secrets will have been kept here forever, and no one cares about it.

Next, there is no need to set up any protection zone for this group of unknown totems...

As long as a few of them don't speak out, the unknown totem will naturally sleep forever, which is the best protection.

"Everything has been taken away, the guys from Team Galaxy probably won't come back."

Xiaozhi nodded, not dealing with it is the best way to deal with it.

But speaking of it, it seems that the villains always know the secrets of all kinds of weird relics, or master some powerful black technology.

And as the official Pokémon League, it seems that it will always be one step behind?

Like the current behavior of the Galaxy team, the Sinnoh Alliance has no idea what the former is going to do, and can only follow behind to decrypt.

Faintly aware of Xiaozhi's malicious thoughts, Wu Song turned his head and pushed his glasses.

"No way, after all, no matter what the league does, it can't be too extreme, and needs to take the consequences into account... But for the Galaxy team, no matter what, it can be carried out directly and to the extreme, and there is no need to be responsible for the consequences."

Wu Song shrugged and explained helplessly.

Just like the random ruins this time, Zhenxing ran away after grabbing the things, and the furious unknown totem was not in their consideration.

"Mr. Gosong, I didn't say anything."

Xiaozhi just looked at the former with an honest look.

Wu Song: "..."


The matter of the unknown totem came to an end, and the three of them set their sights on the murals in this stone room.

It is still the ancient pattern of the inverted triangle, and the upper two corners depict the key structures of Palkia and Dialga respectively.

And the triangular edge, the special slate inlaid on it.

"The members of the Galactic team don't plan to take back these three slates...?"

Wu Song frowned, not knowing where this group of people got the three stone slabs.

I don't know if the thing on the legendary creation god Arceus is true or not...

After all, according to the murals on other ruins, the size ratio of Arceus to the surrounding stone slabs... It is inferred that the size of the stone slabs should be about half a meter to one meter.

The three stone slabs in front of me are only the size of two mobile phones, which do not match the recorded size at all.

However, it can take effect on random ruins, and it is impossible to really see the bricks everywhere on the roadside...


Thinking of this, Wu Song buckled the silver-black stone slab in the upper left corner—the steel slate—from the groove on the rock wall.

"Well, this steel slab, I need to bring it back to the Sinnoh Alliance for inspection..."

The implication is that it doesn't matter if the other two stone slabs are of course.

After all, this is something brought by the Galaxy team from the outside, not an antique that exists in the random ruins itself, but it does not need to be handed over to the official.

Of course, Wu Song was a little cautious.

If it is a steel slab, his main bronze bell has matching attributes.

According to legend, the slate also has a certain effect on improving the power of Pokémon, but you can give the bronze bell a try along the way.

"So the other two slabs belong to us?!"

This sentence immediately made the eyes of the three of Xiaozhi shine.

What is left on the rock wall now is a slate of water drops and a slate of dragons.

The three looked at each other again, but soon, Xiao Gang chose to give up.

Needless to say, the water drop slate perfectly fits Xiaoguang's Pogaman attributes.

As for the Dragon Tablet, he doesn't have any dragon-type Pokémon on him.

Besides, these two stone slabs belong to the legendary Pokémon, so maybe it will help the two of them to reshape the souls in their bodies?

Speaking of which, Xiao Gang was more interested in the steel slate in Wu Song's hand.

Whether it is his big steel snake or the shining Boss Cordora, it can be used.

"Hey, it would be nice if there was a boss from another world, Xiao Gang, in my body..."

Xiao Gang secretly sighed.

No, don't want a different world Xiaogang... It's better to have a different world big sister!

At that time, he has gone through untold hardships to help the eldest sister reshape a perfect body... Hehe~!

"?" "?"

Xiao Zhi and Xiao Guang looked at each other, originally they wanted to say thank you to Teacher Gang, but the latter's expression suddenly became flushed and ambiguous, weird...

The two simply turned their heads and looked at their respective stone slabs.


Although he also has a water-type Pokémon, Xiaozhi looked directly at the Dragon's Tablet below, and pulled it out with his hand.

As soon as you touch it, you can feel a majestic and majestic atmosphere...

This feeling is like holding the dragon scale that was given to him by the black cracked empty seat. It is small in size but majestic, giving people a sense of shock that makes the scalp tingle.

Speaking of which, since he came to the Sinnoh area, he hasn't tamed any dragon-type Pokémon yet.

"Damn it, it's Team Galaxy again!"

This reminded Xiaozhi of the wild land shark he met in the cave of Tianguan Mountain last time. If it wasn't for the red sun of the Galaxy team that suddenly appeared in the middle, the land shark would already be his partner now.

I don’t know how long it will be until the next time we find a wild round land shark!


On the other end, Xiaoguang also snapped the dripping slate off the wall. It was about the size of a picture book and could be held with one hand.

The smooth surface is engraved with strange lines, and there will be an icy cold feeling when touched, as if being entangled by water.

"Bogaman, would you like to touch it?"

Xiaoguang handed the droplet slate to Bogaman, who tentatively stretched out his small wings to touch it.


The next moment, Bogaman felt that his strength seemed to be getting stronger, and he immediately called out excitedly.

But Bogaman quickly retracted his little wings, heaved a long sigh of relief, and calmed down.

It's so dangerous, it's almost going to evolve again...!

Seeing that the stone slab was indeed effective, Xiaoguang cheerfully put it into his backpack for the time being. He didn't expect to find good things when he went to the theater this time.

"Dragon Tablet, Lightning Tablet..."

Xiaozhi also put the Dragon Slate he had just obtained into his backpack, and put it together with the Lightning Slate given by Xiaomao earlier.

Is such a slate really related to the legendary gods?

"I don't know if something terrible will happen if all the slates with all attributes are collected?"

Xiaozhi muttered secretly.

Could it be that Arceus was summoned directly...?

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