He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1965 Ali and Lucario


Being rearranged by Xiaozhi and placed on the ground, the scorpion stuck out its tongue and greeted Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi naturally also guessed the latter's intention, and immediately pulled out a poke ball to Scorpio in high spirits.

"How about Scorpio, will you travel with me next?"

Although he has only been in contact with it for a short time, he has a good impression of this Scorpio and likes it quite a lot.


Naturally, Scorpio nodded abruptly, then stretched out his pincers with a smile, and touched the elf ball.

It and the group of scorpions only accidentally fell into this valley, and they formed a group temporarily.

Compared to being their leader, it still prefers to stay with Xiaozhi.

call out...!

The red light of the poke ball absorbed it, and because it was completely voluntary, the poke ball didn't jump, it just stopped shaking.

Scorpio, successfully conquered!

"Come out, Scorpio!!"

Xiaozhi immediately threw the elf ball again with excitement, and the Scorpio that appeared from the red light glides in the air for a circle, and finally landed on Xiaozhi's other shoulder.

The weight is significantly higher than that of Pikachu, which makes Xiaozhi's shoulders tilt slightly to one side.

"Then I'll teach you well~!"

Xiaozhi held Scorpio's forelimb and shook it, feeling very satisfied.

And just after the high-intensity display of the strong wind, and then led the way for several people, the Muke bird also circled in the air for a week, and was about to land on Xiaozhi's shoulder to rest.


Muke Bird found that Xiaozhi's two shoulders had already lost their place.

Unable to settle down, he was silent in the air for a long time.

As dusk approached, no one paid attention to the Muke Bird, and everyone officially left this labyrinthine valley, talking and laughing...



After a few days.

Standing on a high slope in the wild, Xiaozhi and the others could already see the big city in front of them from a distance.

Curtain City!

It is said that this city was dug out of a steep mountain, but with the modernization, looking down from a height at this moment, there is no sign of any mountain at all.

"It's also a big city..."

Xiaoguang couldn't help sighing.

The only pity is that although there is a Curtain Gym in Veil City, the gorgeous contest was held the day before yesterday, and a few people fell behind by a day and missed it.

"It's okay Xiaoguang, you can get the ribbon next time!"

Xiaozhi comforted that the progress of their trip was not too slow.

However, just as they were about to enter the city.


A poke ball around Xiaozhi's waist suddenly bounced off automatically, but Riolu suddenly landed beside him.


And with a fixed gaze, he looked at a certain position in front of him.

"What's wrong?"

Xiaoguang and Xiaogang blinked, not knowing what was going on.

But Xiaozhi's expression was like Riolu's, and he looked in that direction seriously.

He felt it, this majestic and strange aura...it was Bird! ?

Boom...! !

Before he could speak, a light blue energy bomb shot out from the jungle in front of him.

This time, even Xiao Gang and Xiao Guang, who were passers-by, recognized it as a wave missile!


It was rare to see someone who could also use wave missiles, and Riolu immediately became eager to win, and his petite figure jumped up, smashing the wave missile in the air with a punch.

Da da da...!

After landing, he quickly ran towards the source of the wave missile.

"Wait for us!"

The three of Xiaozhi could only keep up quickly. It seemed that there was a courtyard open on the edge of Curtain City ahead?

There is even a two-meter-high wooden fence around it, so that outsiders cannot enter, and it is difficult to see what is going on inside.

bang bang...!!

However, the next moment, another wave missile bombarded from the inside, directly blasting a big hole in the fence wall, and threw it far away.

With a gap, the three of them and Leolu turned to the gap and looked inside...


Inside the fence is a flat grassland, which seems to be a place regularly trimmed by humans, and the lawn grows very neatly.


But he saw a Lucario in the grassland, with his palms folded around his waist, he quickly condensed a wave missile and threw it out.

And the attacking direction of the wave missile... was a girl with short pink hair?

She was wearing a dark blue sleeveless sports vest and a pair of sports trousers, with boxing bandages wrapped around her hands, a combat athlete's attire.

"Wait a minute, Lucario!!"

But the pink-haired girl was dodging Lucario's wave missile in a panic.

Although her expression was panicked, her movements were extremely sensitive and fast, completely avoiding wave missiles one by one.

Even one of the wave missiles that couldn't be dodged, the pink-haired girl directly threw her body upside down and threw the wave missile directly into the air with one kick.

Boom...! !

The wave missile caused a violent explosion in the air, proving that this is not a light balloon, but a truly powerful energy bomb!

"Turtle, what a powerful force..."

"This girl seems to be more powerful than Xiaozhi..."

The cat was at the gap in the fence, Xiao Gang and Xiao Guang were silently stunned, their expressions surprised.

Boom! !

This pink-haired girl even punched a wave missile with her bare hands...

Hell, are humans really able to fight trainers directly now?

"It's the power of waveguide...!"


As the envoys of Bird, Xiaozhi and Riolu naturally recognized the reason for Ah Li's actions.

It's not just pure strength...every time this girl punches and kicks, she uses the power of the waveguide, so that she can successfully resist the dangerous wave missile.

So is the per capita waveguide envoy in the Sinnoh region? !

What Xiaozhi saw was also inexplicable. Last time, Mr. Wu Song mentioned that the waveguide messenger should be a man...?

Although Xiaozhi is confident that he can explode a wave missile with one punch...but he can't do the opponent's upside-down leg swing.

Look like a professional martial artist?


Seeing that his moves hadn't worked, this Lucario finally got really angry this time, and jumped up abruptly.

The two palms were first brought together, and then they swiped to the sides...

A light blue slender energy bone rod appeared in its hand out of nowhere, and then it lifted the bone rod and lashed at the pink-haired woman.

Bang Bang!

"Riolu, block it! Use metal claws!!"

Seeing that the girl obviously had no desire to fight, this time Xiaozhi made a decisive move and commanded.


Riolu nodded, and immediately leapt up, his movements also fast.

Several metal claws protruded from the back of the two small palms, and then crossed, blocking the falling track of the bone rod.

Bang bang...!!

The metal claw collided head-on with the bone rod, and there was a violent explosion!

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