He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1967 Fried Fish

After some conversation, everyone got to know each other.

It's not far from Lei Si's home, and soon everyone was invited by Lei Si to his wooden house.

"My name is Reiss, I'm a Pokémon breeder, and I'm also the owner of this breeding house~!"

Lei Si once again formally introduced himself.

Only then did Xiaozhi realize that the Pokémon that Shinji doesn't usually use will be stored in his brother's breeding house...Of course, this also includes the Pokémon of other trainers.

There is no Dr. Pokémon in Veil City, the backyard of the research institute...

Many locals regard Leisi's breeding house as their own backyard for storing Pokémon.

"This Scorpio King is the Pokémon that Shinji just sent over yesterday, but it's very disobedient..."

Leisi took out the elf ball and smiled wryly.

If you think about it, you can also know that the method of subduing your younger brother is completely violent and forcible.

And the aptitude of this Scorpio King just met Shinji's expected threshold... But afterward, Shinji became more and more irritable, and it was a pity that he was released directly, and it seemed a little worse for training.

In the end, Shinji directly threw the Scorpio King to his brother.

"Hehe... It really looks exactly like that guy's painting style."

The three of Xiaozhi couldn't help laughing dryly, with an understandable expression.

"And this one is the owner of our Curtain Gym, Miss Ah Li~!"

Reiss introduced with a smile.

This made Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang look at each other. They didn't expect to find the target so quickly this time.

However, before the two of them issued an invitation to fight, Ah Li lowered his head and waved his hands with a lonely expression.

"Fangzheng, I have decided not to be the owner of any gymnasium..."


These words immediately made Lucario next to him angry, and when he raised his hand, a fierce wave missile hit him.

Boom! !

However, this time Ah Li's expression was obviously more serious, his fist was clenched, and he punched the wave missile directly in front of his fist.

This incomparably violent scene shocked everyone to the point of being speechless.


Xiaozhi was secretly puzzled.

Ah Li is not a muscular girl, but her figure is very slender and thin.

Being able to easily smash the wave missile with one punch is not relying on strange force... but relying on the effect of the same source of the waveguide, completely ignoring and smashing the wave missile.

If it was replaced with a genuine energy bomb, it probably wouldn't be able to shatter it so easily.

But generally to use this power, you need to guide your waveguide power in advance, right?

And Ah Li's aura didn't change at all, he shattered the wave missile with a single punch, retracting and releasing as freely as breathing.

However, looking at Ah Li with a lonely face, Xiaozhi still forcibly suppressed the idea of ​​discussing the power of waveguide with the latter, and temporarily shifted the focus to the matter of the gymnasium owner.

As a Pokémon inspector, it is not only about checking whether the gym owner is qualified...

Encountering such a situation where the museum owner gave up on himself, it is even more necessary to investigate deeply.

Is it simply the owner of the gymnasium who messed it up?

Is there something wrong with the management mechanism of the Sinnoh Alliance that caused these gym owners to become slack and depressed...?

Or is there something wrong with the modern environment?

"Miss Ah Li, can you tell us what happened?"

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi asked.

It seems that the latter is not like the vegetables in EMI Gymnasium, who recognize their identity when they see themselves.


But Ah Li obviously didn't want to discuss this issue, and this dejected look made Lucario beside him extremely annoyed.

Obviously, the previous attack was not for any training, but more of Lucario's attempt to use fighting methods to forcibly arouse the flames of war among his trainers.

"Is it because of my brother?"

At this time, Lei Si came over, couldn't help but smiled wryly and said.

This made Xiaozhi and the three of them interested, why did they have something to do with Shinji again.

"Uh, Shinji went to challenge the Curtain Gym a few days ago, and I was also watching... That guy used the newly evolved crow head, and used two moves to kill Ali's two Pokémon."

"Then facing Lucario at the end, Shinji's duck-billed Charmander also used an extremely crushing advantage to easily decide the winner..."

Three-on-three battles are all crushing situations.

As a rookie trainer who has just taken office for less than two months, Ah Li doesn't have the background of those veteran gym owners, so he encountered a big hand when he came up.

Simply put... was broken.

He even planned to retire on the spot.

Lei Si's words seemed to be calm memories, but every word was piercing, piercing Ali's heart like a sharp arrow.


The latter's expression also became embarrassing, but he lowered his head and never refuted.

Because...it is.

Subconsciously, Ah Li recalled what Shinji said to her with a look of disgust and sarcasm after the battle ended that day.

"Hmph... The first gym battle was so boring, I want to throw away this kind of badge."

Until now, thinking of Shinji's face makes Ah Li feel dizzy and tremble all over.

The three of Xiaozhi: "..."

It really is what that fellow Shinji would say.

"Ah Li, don't take it to heart, Shinji's mouth is like this... and he is not an ordinary trainer, there is no shame in losing to him."

Lei Si tried to comfort him, but these words made Ali's expression even more lonely.

This made Xiaozhi secretly remember it...

It seems that the authorities still need some psychological intervention for the novice gym owners.

Every year, there are trainers who come to fry fish to challenge the gym... When encountering a more aggressive and experienced gym owner, just ignore it.

And those owners with average mentality may really retire on the spot...

The journey of collecting badges is not just the gym owner taking care of the novice trainers.

Similarly, experienced trainers also need to take care of novice gym owners in turn.

But according to the description, Shinji uses a crow head and a duck-billed fire dragon.

Is the head of the crow evolved from the previous dark crow?

Also, the duck-billed Charmander is a Pokémon that Shinji has just conquered, so he can defeat this Lucario with an absolute advantage so quickly... Even with the advantage of attribute restraint, it is still very unbelievable.

But it seems that it is more likely that Lucario was easily defeated because the first two were killed in seconds, which made the owner with a bad attitude mess up.

Judging from the short fight just now, this Lucario is definitely not weak.

This made it difficult for Xiaozhi, should he record Ah Li?

On the one hand, there is indeed an external problem that Shinji deliberately fried fish to provoke...

But Ah Li, as the owner of the gymnasium, is obviously completely unqualified.

"Xiaozhi, let me fight Miss Ah Li first!"

But at this time, Xiaoguang who was beside him seemed to see Xiaozhi's entanglement, and suddenly asked.

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