He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1705 Bogaman vs. Lucario!

Soon, everyone came to the central dojo of the Curtain Gym.

The wooden floor, the spacious and empty dojo room, at this moment Ali and her Lucario are kneeling and sitting there quietly, waiting for their arrival.

Xiaozhi and the others naturally understood. After entering, they quickly walked to the seats next to the arena, sat down one by one, and completely handed over the stage to the two of them.

"By the way, come out too, Riolu!"

Xiaozhi also released his own Riolu with a backhand, wanting the latter to see Lucario's moves.

Hmm, let's see if I can steal another move?


Xiaoguang swallowed his saliva, his eyes were serious, and he walked slowly to the challenger side of the arena.

"come yet...!"

Seeing this, Ah Li also opened his eyes, and walked to the side of the gymnasium owner, full of fighting spirit.

After a day of reflection yesterday, her mentality has recovered a lot now, and she is not as downcast as she was at the beginning of yesterday.

"Then this informal challenge at the Curtain Gym, the rule is 1v1, if one Pokémon loses the ability to fight, the winner will be determined!!"

Even if it is an informal challenge, there is still a fighter referee in training clothes who makes a loud declaration.

Xiao Guang and Ah Li looked at each other. The two had already prepared for it, and they entered the fighting state without saying anything.


First of all, Lucario, who was beside Ah Li, jumped forward and landed in front of her.

With a handsome humanoid posture, he hooked his palm forward, signaling Xiaoguang to attack.

"It looks like a fighter..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but said.

It's completely different from Orudolan's Lucario, that guy is more like an ancient soldier, fierce and meticulous in killing.

"Please, Bogaman!!"

On the other side, Xiaoguang naturally sent her main force, Pogaman.

"Bogaman... If it is it, it is impossible to defeat my Lucario!"

Ah Li's tense mind suddenly relaxed, is it finally her turn now?

"Preemptive strike, Pogaman, use water jet!!"

At this moment, Xiaoguang's fighting spirit also became high, and he took the initiative to attack.


Bogaman was full of energy, without any stage fright due to the difference in size, he immediately condensed and wrapped a layer of energy water flow, and his whole body turned into a sharp water arrow and shot out.

"Block it!"

Ali commanded calmly.

whoosh bang...!!

The jet of water hit Lucario head-on, but the latter crossed his hands in front of his body to block the blow firmly.

Even with a flick of his palm, Bogaman was sent flying backwards.

"Use Bubble Light!!"

But Pogaman continued to attack fiercely, opening his beak wide, and dense foam light bombarded out aggressively, constantly bursting on Lucario's body.

"Don't worry about it, use Fa Jin directly!!"

However, Lucario was directly facing the attack of the foam light, and instead of retreating, he stepped forward, kicked the ground, and rushed directly in front of Bogaman.

The raised palm, with the palm facing forward, was already attached to Bogaman's belly.

Zizi bang! !

The golden-white energy exploded, and the shock wave erupted in an instant, blasting Pogaman into the air, and fell heavily on the dojo arena.

"There is too much difference in strength..."

This made the onlookers shake their heads.

"Not lost yet, Pogaman, use the white mist!!"

Xiaoguang gritted his teeth and attacked again, this time choosing to cover the battle.


Getting up again, Bogaman opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of thick white mist, completely covering Lucario's figure.

"Hey Xiaoguang, this can't work!"

Xiaozhi immediately noticed something, and was about to get up to speak, but when he thought that it was a battle between the two of them, he couldn't say anything.

But at the other end, Ah Li had already spoken.

At this moment, her expression also regained her usual confidence and vitality.

"Lucario, use the waveguide, and then the wave missile!!"


In the white mist, the field of vision was completely blocked, and Lucario simply closed his eyes, spreading out his unique waveguide perception power.

Under this magical power, Bogaman's position has long been invisible.


Immediately, the palms of the hands quickly closed together at the waist, condensing a wave missile, and threw it straight towards the target.

Although this Lucario can't use the power of the waveguide to detect a distance of several hundred meters like Xiaozhi or Riolu...

Pokémon who are born with the power of waveguide, even without the training of the acquired waveguide messenger, if it is only within ten meters, this level can be easily achieved.


In the white mist, a blue energy bomb suddenly shot out, startling Bogaman.

And this time it is not its own "targeted" attribute, but the wave missile itself has the precise aim that must hit.

Boom! !

The next moment, the wave missile bombarded Pogaman's front door, blowing it out, and the power was extremely powerful.

The fierce wave missile wind pressure also completely blew away the surrounding white mist, and the vision returned to clarity.


"Is there a winner...?"

The fighter referee slowly walked up to Bogaman, poked his head out, and checked the latter's condition.

This Bogaman is obviously unable to compete with Ali's Lucario.

"Finally recovered..."

Seeing that Ah Li's expression had become as hot as a flame, the referee fighter uncle felt relieved.

This is Ah Li's normal style of painting!

Just need some novice challengers to give Ali a little more confidence...!

If the kid with the stinking face last time hadn't known that he was Lei Si's younger brother, he would have put a sack on Shinji on the way, and secretly beat him up to vent his anger on Ali.

As the granddaughter of the owner of the martial arts field, it can be said that the junior sister of everyone in the Ali Nei Dojo is the little princess they want to protect.

It's just that they are all martial artists who specialize in fighting skills, and their level of fighting Pokémon is really average.

Human hand-to-hand combat can also help, but Pokémon combat...

I can only watch from the sidelines and worry.

"Bogaman lost the battle..."


However, just as the referee was about to announce the end, Pogaman struggled to get up from the ground, and interrupted the referee's voice by yelling.

His tired eyes fixed on Lucario in front of him, and then he looked back at Xiaoguang.


In the end, Bogaman gritted his teeth, screamed loudly on the spot, and chose to burst out the energy that had been suppressed for a long time in his body all at once.

This also caused a burst of intense and flickering evolutionary light to appear on the surface of Bogaman's body.

In the white light, the body began to continuously expand and become larger...!


(After thinking about it, I still decided to evolve.)


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