He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1716 Pokémon's Stomach

Everyone returned to the elf center.

Due to the sudden activity of the Galaxy team, the elf center in Veil City is quite restless even in the middle of the night, with many tourists and trainers coming in and out of the gate.

"You can come down now, Yuanlu Shark~!"

Xiaozhi shook his arm, motioning for Yuanlu Shark to jump down.

The little guy was obediently lying on his shoulder at the beginning, and bit Xiaozhi's fist on the way.

However, the round land shark's teeth haven't fully grown yet, so it should be called Xiaozhi's fist in his mouth, which made his palm feel wet, so he just hung in that position.


Yuanlu Shark paused, then let go of his teeth and jumped to the ground.

Then he poked his head out fiercely, and looked at the center of the elf in front of him.

Sensing that someone was approaching, the glass door of the Elf Center opened automatically, which also shocked the round land shark.

Immediately afterwards, the cold air from the air conditioner hit the face, which made Yuan Lusha shiver.

The land shark, which is four times restrained by the ice attribute, does not like to stay in the air-conditioned house, but prefers to live in the cave warmed by the geothermal heat.

"Then I'll go first, good night everyone~!"

After sending everyone back, Lei Si also made a gesture to leave.

Seeing that even though the round land shark didn't like the surrounding environment, he still followed Xiaozhi's trouser leg and didn't seem to run away, he could only smile wryly.

This young man is not only superior in strength, but also has nothing to say about luck.

Passing by Tianguan Mountain, I made friends with a wild land shark.

Isn't this probability outrageous?

"Why don't you go back and persuade Shinji to change your opponent..."

On the way, Lei Si was still thinking secretly in his heart.

As for the Elf Center, Xiaozhi put the round land shark on the dining table, helped the latter wipe off the rock residue from the corner of his mouth, and reminded:

"Round land shark, these meteorites can't be eaten casually."


The round land shark opened its mouth wide, and immediately showed a distressed expression.

Those meteorites not only have excellent taste, but also contain unique energy, just like eating them to become stronger for nothing, and they are still very attractive to the round land shark.


Thinking of this, Yuan Lu Shark's stomach growled suddenly.


This made Xiaozhi open his mouth wide. You just ate several meteorites that were bigger than your own body, right?

It's been less than an hour, and the stomach growled again? !

Leaving aside the ability to digest, I didn't see anything coming out!

"Then try this?"

However, Xiao Gang next to him quickly came up with a large bowl of Pokémon food, brown and black particles piled up like a hill, exuding a strong fragrance.

"and this."

Immediately, Xiao Gang took out a small jar from his arms, and shook off a layer of flavor powder on the food hill.

Xiao Zhi didn't notice the Ming calendar, and even Pikachu didn't respond.


However, after smelling the powder, the round land shark's eyes lit up, and it immediately flew into the food block, grabbed it and stuffed it into its mouth, and began to feast on it.

"it is as expected...!"

Seeing this, Xiao Gang nodded as expected.

This is a special flavor-enhancing spice that he specially configures for his rock-type Pokémon, and the land shark, which also feeds on rocks, really can't extricate itself from this taste.

"As expected of Teacher Gang!"

Xiaozhi was naturally amazed, Xiaogang's level has not dropped at all, and he has completely grasped the stomachs of all kinds of Pokémon.

Now, at least there is no need to worry about this round land shark sneaking out in the middle of the night and ruining the Meteorite Park again.

Xiaozhi yawned, resting his palm on his chin, quietly watching the round land shark's overeating.

"We'll see if we can find a few natural meteorites in the future..."


The next day, early morning.

Xiaozhi and his group get up early and take action, they have always maintained the good habit of getting up early when they are traveling.

Of course, this good habit will disappear instantly when Xiaozhi returns to Zhenxin Town.

"Prince Bo, use salt water, then freeze light!!"

In the training ground behind the elf center, Xiaoguang was commanding loudly, and he was full of energy early in the morning.

Prince Bo in front of him understood, spewing out a large puddle of impacting water, and then changed his move instantly, switching to an icy current pulse, completely freezing the splashing water into ice.

Immediately, his broad lower limbs stepped on the ice, gliding steadily on the ice, with elegant movements.

Walking on the ice, Prince Bo, a penguin, has a racial advantage.

"And then came the blizzard!"

While gliding, Prince Bo stabilized his figure while exhaling ice-blue ice mist breath from his mouth.


As the figure of Prince Bo reached the highest point of the ice, the blizzard also spread in mid-air, turning into gorgeous ice crystals and falling down.

Clap clap!

A gorgeous display made many trainers passing by for morning exercises all around applaud in the distance.

You can see the beautiful moves when you wake up together, and the mood is still very pleasant.

"You're in pretty good shape, Prince Bo!"

Xiaoguang bowed politely to the passers-by from a distance, and then came to Prince Bo's side and praised him.

Sure enough, after the evolution, Prince Bo's quality in all aspects has improved a lot, and the movements that were difficult to complete before are now a matter of course.

Prince Bo, who is in the second stage, has not yet obtained the steel attribute like Emperor Nabo, and belongs to the pure water attribute Pokémon.

But whether it's steel attribute, or ice attribute...even flying attribute moves, they all have a good comprehension.

It can be said that it is very suitable for the display of gorgeous contests and the challenge of amphibious Pokémon in gymnasiums.

"The next gorgeous contest should not be a big problem."

Xiaoguang has bright eyes and is full of confidence.

After the events in Veil City come to an end, they will head to the vicinity of Lizhi Lake, where a grand and magnificent competition will be held.

"Riolu, hit with a bone stick!!"

On the training ground next door, Xiao Zhi was also directing his own Leo Lu to train.

After only one day, Riolu had fully mastered this move.


Not only that, the light blue bony stick that Riolu condensed was slightly bent in the middle.


There was a crisp breaking sound, and the slender bone stick in his hand directly turned into a pair of sticks, held in his hands separately, waving and turning.

Swipe! !

Every time he whipped and waved, he could hear a sharp sound piercing the air.

Riolu added the power of waveguide to his bone stick attack, making this attack far more powerful than ordinary bone stick attacks.

A bone stick routine was done, and Xiaozhi nodded in satisfaction.

"He's in good shape. There shouldn't be a big problem in tomorrow's game."

The game time he agreed with Ah Li is tomorrow morning, and there is still the last day for training.

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