He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1727 Evolution, Fire Monkey!

"Oh, this is Huayan Monster, I don't like to come out during the day."

Seeing Shinji staring straight at Shidun, Xiaozhi wiped the curry soup from the corner of his mouth and explained casually.

Shinji didn't answer the question. He is a local trainer in the Sinnoh region, and the local Pokémon were firmly in his mind before he officially became a trainer.

While eating, this time Shinji's eyes fell on the little flame monkey not far away.

The guy's expression seemed to be much more relaxed than before.

This made Shinji subconsciously furrow a stern frown, which is not his style...but it soon unfurls.

That's right, this guy is no longer his own Pokémon.


Little Flame Monkey also noticed the eyes of his former master, and sat opposite the circle bear, whispering something.


The circle bear was chewing food, it was tamed by Shinji after the little flame monkey left the team, and he didn't have much impression of the latter.

"Hey~ Now my little flame monkey is very strong!"

Noticing the direction of Shinji's gaze, Xiaozhi immediately opened his mouth and said, not forgetting to emphasize the "my" prefix.


Shinji growled and ate the food, not knowing what he was thinking.


"thanks for treatment."

After lunch, Shinji put the tableware neatly in front of him, nodded slightly to Xiaogang.

This made Xiaogang quite satisfied. It seemed that this guy was mean to his Pokémon, but he was still polite sometimes.

"Let's go, Circle Bear."

Immediately, Shinji took out the poke ball, and made a gesture to put away the circle bear and leave.

"Wait a minute Shinji, it's rare to meet here... Do you want to have a Pokémon battle next?"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly invited, and his eyes fell on the circle bear.

He wants to try the strength of this circle bear.


Hearing Xiaozhi's voice, Little Flame Monkey immediately landed on Xiaozhi's shoulder with a few brisk steps, with a high-spirited appearance of applying for the battle.

The confidence inspired by Xiaozhi made him want to show his strength on Shinji's expression!

"A meaningless fight, I refuse."

However, Shinji just glanced at the little flame monkey queen, and did not intend to fight, and was still ready to leave.

"Then let's make a bet."

Xiaozhi suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, and said slowly:

"If your circle bear wins, then I will tell you a secret about the circle bear... This secret may greatly enhance the power of the circle bear, and it is estimated that few people in this world know about it."

"If my little flame monkey wins, well, I won't tell you the secret."

Xiaozhi's trickery + provoking Dafa really made Shinji turn his head, with a look of interest in his eyes.

He knew that Xiaozhi, like him, was an "old trainer" who had traveled to many regions.

Shinji is indifferent to Xiaozhi, more because he disagrees with Xiaozhi's way of cultivating Pokémon...

It doesn't mean that he doesn't recognize the strength of the latter.

"The secret of the circle bear...?"

Traits, skills, habits... He has studied them in depth.

Shinji thought for a while, and didn't think there could be any other secrets.

But such a master may really be able to know some information that he does not know.

"In that case, let's fight."

After thinking about it, Shinji nodded and walked to the end of a relatively flat lawn.

"Bear Roar~!!"

After eating, just need to vent the excess energy, at this moment, the circle bear also tacitly brushed his hands, and stood in front of Shinji imposingly.

"Then it's up to you, little flame monkey!!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi raised his fighting spirit, raised his hand and pointed.


Hearing the words, the little flame monkey jumped several times and landed in front of Quanquan Xiong, clenched its fists tightly, and the flames on its tail began to burn blazingly.

"A fight after dinner...?"

"It seems that there is a good show to watch."

Seeing that there was an after-dinner show, Xiao Gang and Xiao Guang moved up the small bench curiously, sat beside them and picked their teeth to watch.

Compared with the huge and menacing circle bear, the small flame monkey is undoubtedly much weaker.

"The level of this circle bear is not low..."

Xiao Gang narrowed his eyes and commented.

Although he has just been subdued, he is obviously a big bully who has been running in the forest for many years.

Unless it is to draw out the power of the mutated fire of the little flame monkey, there is no chance of winning this battle at all.

"Even if you don't use the fire, I will defeat you!"

But Xiaozhi suddenly roared loudly:

"It's time to unleash your flames with all your strength, little flame monkey!!"

Hearing this, the little flame monkey began to tense its whole body, opened its mouth wide, and took a deep breath.

But immediately after, the little flame monkey didn't spit out fiery flames from its mouth.

Boom chi chi...!

But the flame on the butt of the tail burst into flames like a fireball rat!

Even the scale of the flame is still rising, and the height of the flame at the tail is already higher than the head of the little flame monkey.


Quanquan Xiong looked confused, wondering what the little monkey was doing.

"Don't slack off! Circle the bear, look at the target seriously!"

Shinji reminded with a low drink, and similarly, his eyes were also closely watching the little flame monkey.

The next moment, the soaring flame rose and rolled, covering the body of the little flame monkey, and the flame continued to spin like a yo-yo.

"Flame wheel? No, this is...?"

Shinji frowned, and at the next moment, in the turbulent firelight, a layer of strange and dazzling white light bloomed on the surface of the little flame monkey's body.

The entire small figure is also constantly expanding and growing in the white light.

As the white light completely broke through, the little flame monkey also showed a brand new posture in front of everyone!

Evolve, Fire Monkey! !

"Did you make it!?"

Although it had been expected, Xiao Zhi still looked surprised.

Under Shinji's high-pressure training, Little Flame Monkey has actually reached the threshold of evolution, but the tight spirit makes it difficult to arouse all his strength.

Now that the trainer has been replaced, after a period of relaxation, the evolution of the little flame monkey has naturally completed naturally.

The sudden scene made Xiaoguang next to him subconsciously take out the illustration book.

Didn't expect such a change in the entertainment performance after dinner?

"Hey. Flame Monkey, fire and fighting attributes, the evolution of Little Flame Monkey, the deeper the blue lines on the face, the more powerful it is, it can flexibly jump up and down around, and slam the opponent with the flame on its tail. By pulling The flames at the end of its long tail make it appear taller and intimidate incoming enemies."

After the evolution, the fire monkey has a body shape of about one meter, and its arms and lower limbs have become stronger, allowing it to perform powerful punches.

There are blue patterns around the eyes on the face, and a slender tail with the same length as the body behind it, with a hot flame burning at the end.

"If the little flame monkey can't beat you... the current flame monkey is enough!"

Xiaozhi let out a low snort, and looked straight at Shinji.

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