He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1761 Sword dance, take over!

The body of the orange weasel is creamy yellow, and there is a thick and long yellow pouch around the neck, like a decorative shawl.

"Is this Pokémon an evolution of the Swimming Weasel?"

Xiaoguang blinked. This Pokémon looks similar to Xiaozhi's Swimming Ring Itachi, but it is much bigger in every respect and looks more mature.

Especially the raised head, with a bit of arrogance similar to his own Prince Bo?

"Hey. Snorkeling weasel, water attribute, evolution of swimming weasel, proud temperament, long-term swimming makes its floating bladder more developed, it can be used like a rubber boat, and often helps rescue drowning humans or Pokémon."

Xiaoguang's illustration book introduced.

The snorkeling ferret, which is as tall as a person, stands upright, which is still very oppressive.

"Snorkeling itachi, then the decision is up to you!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi released his swimming ring itachi backhand, to see if he could steal any good moves from this senior.

"Wow, does the boy have a swimming ring itachi? It looks very aggressive~!"

Ji Xian on the stage noticed the situation in the stands, and shook his hands loudly towards Xiaozhi's side.

But soon, he put his gaze in front of him and put away his mind.

Although he doesn't care about the outcome of the battle, it is enough to have fun

However, if it is worn twice, it will still be somewhat embarrassing.

Let alone 2v2, it is 6v6, which is also the most concise sentence for Ji Xian.

Killing one is a victory!

Da da da!

In the sky, there was still bean-heavy rain, and the extremely humid environment made the effect of praying for rain here very obvious.

"Yebu, strike first, use the Flying Leaf Knife!!"

The battle started again, and Xiao Guang attacked Dao first, showing a confident expression.

Whoosh! !

With Ye Yibo's head flick, the Flying Leaf Knife flying out was extremely sharp, piercing the air with great force!

At this moment, Ye Yibu is still in the state of increasing the sword dance, which makes the power of Feiye Kuaidao surpass the usual.

"Snorkeling Itachi, get out of the way!"

However, Ji Xian commanded unhurriedly.

The snorkeling ferret slightly lowered its figure and jumped sideways. There were slippery splashes where its feet touched the ground, making the snorkeling ferret's movements extremely nimble and fast, and it easily dodged the flying leaf sharp knife.

"Is it the characteristic of Youyouzi?"

Xiaoguang quickly realized that, after all, Xiaozhi's swimming ring ferret had this characteristic, and it could double its speed in rainy weather.

Looking up at the sky, I don't know how long the rain will last

"Yeb, use Sunny Day!!"

Xiaoguang intends to take the initiative to interrupt the weather.

After all, according to the speed, Ye Yibo is at a disadvantage, but in terms of weather priority, his own Ye Yibo is at an advantage!

"It's not that easy to use water jet!!"

However, just when Yeib was about to communicate with the weather, the snorkeling weasel wrapped itself in the water and rushed out as a bunch of water arrows.

Whoosh! !

The sharp impact of the water crashed into Ye Yibu's body, knocking the latter back again and again, interrupting Da Qingtian's moves.

After a successful blow, Ji Xian's attack also began to become hasty.

"And then Frozen Tooth!"

The snorkeling ferret jumped up in mid-air, opened its mouth wide, and the chill began to flow between its teeth.

Immediately afterwards, the icy blue electric light condensed on the mouth of the snorkeling weasel and turned into two rows of icy light sharp teeth, biting away in the direction of Ye Yibu!

Similar to frozen fangs, flame fangs, and even crushing moves, although it sounds like they have to be at close range, the bite can only be effective on the target.

But in fact, the energy of these moves can also be thrown out of the body to achieve long-range effects.


This move was so powerful that Ye Yibu could only rush to the nearby stone platform to dodge the extremely effective move.


The soaring chill not only froze the air and rain along the way, but also directly froze the stone platform on the water into an ice platform.

"Don't let it get away, keep freezing your teeth!!"

With the advantage, Ji Xian attacked frantically.

With the cooperation of the rainy day, the snorkeling Itachi completely surpassed Ye Yibu in terms of speed, and even shot out energy-like frozen teeth from his mouth to bite away!


Ye Yibu could only be forced to flee again and again, jumping and dodging on many stone platforms, a little exhausted.


It's just that every shot of the freezing teeth can completely freeze a stone platform, and after a while, the snorkeling itachi will freeze all the stone platforms on this field into ice platforms!


Ye Yibo, who landed again, let out a low cry, and felt extremely uncomfortable with the cold touch of his feet.

In the environment of the large wetland, it can move freely even if it stands on wet stones.

But the smooth ice surface will interfere with its flexible movements

"It's now, Frozen Tooth!!"

Noticing the disordered movement of the latter, Ji Xian immediately raised his finger and launched an attack!

This snorkeling weasel even opened its mouth wide, and flew out a huge sharp tooth of frozen energy, which was about to bite the target fiercely.

The perfect timing made it impossible for Ye Yibu to dodge!

At the critical moment, Xiaoguang suddenly shouted:

"Yeb, use the trick of taking over the baton!"

This voice also made Ye Yibo's eyes clear in an instant, and his figure turned into a red light out of thin air, and he returned to Xiaoguang's elf ball on his own initiative.


At the same moment, Xiaoguang's other poke ball was opened, and Prince Bo's figure seamlessly appeared in Ye Yibo's position.


Facing the biting frozen teeth, Prince Bo waved his wings and tore them apart with powerful force!

For Ye Yibo, it is a deadly ice-type move, but for Prince Bo, it is not a dangerous move.

"It's used, let's take over the trick!"

Under the stage, Xiaozhi also spoke enthusiastically.

This is a move that I only found out during the previous training. It is estimated that the moves that Ye Yibo mastered in the Ibrahimovic stage before he evolved have been retained until the Ye Yibo period.

This general attribute move with weird effects is more like Ibrahimovic's unique move.


The frozen teeth broke open, and then the whole body was filled with cold air. Prince Bo raised his head and looked directly at the snorkeling itachi on the ground with a haughty attitude.


On the other side, Jixian's snorkeling itachi also stood upright, looking back at Prince Bo with the same haughty eyes.

It noticed that the other party was an existence similar to it, which also made the two of them just meet, and the flames of war were completely ignited.


However, Prince Bo's body still had a sharp red glow.

This is the energy of the baton-taking move, and the boost effect of Ye Yibo's sword dance is also passed on to Prince Bo.

In the sky, the rain finally stopped falling.

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