He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 155: 6V Ghosts Everywhere

“It seems a bit noisy outside...”

In Team Rocket's secret basement, somewhere in a lobby, Chi and Zeus are still confronting each other.

Although Chi didn't know who this person was, but just because the latter and its duck-billed flaming dragon just stood still, and the powerful aura emanating from their bodies, he naturally knew that this person was not weak.

At least they are much better than those half-hearted core cadres.

"Boy, do you know who I am?" Zeus asked.

Chi remembered that Xiaolan, the miscellaneous soldier, seemed to have mentioned his name before leaving, so he replied seriously:

"One-eyed dragon."

Zeus: "..."

It seems that not only the plaster soldier is an insider, but even the bodyguard in front of him is also an insider. How can there be any reason why an employee doesn't know his boss?

Could it be that Team Rocket has been invaded by other forces?

Is it the Pokémon League? Or the water fleet next door or the fire rock team?

But no matter what, the inner ghost must die.

As Zeus focused his gaze, the duck-billed Flame Dragon next to him slowly came out, the flames on his shoulders sprang up with a "bang", and the temperature rose sharply. Lips, a dark face, and a pair of sinister eyes.

The flame cannon barrel in its hand exudes a penetrating aura.

This is a Pokémon with an absolute combat power of tens of thousands, even if the king of the alliance comes, it will not be easy to deal with!

Seeing that Akamoto is at a disadvantage since he has already entered the fighting state, he naturally stopped talking nonsense with Zeus, and directly opened his mouth to instruct:

"Little Rada, make a quick decision."


Although little Lada was taken aback by the terrifying appearance of the cigarette holder Yanlong at first, but today's master's words are extraordinarily powerful, which makes it muster a huge surge. Although there is a huge difference in size, it growls on the spot , the body exploded with a burst of dazzling red light energy, and his eyes were red, as if he had entered a certain state of rage.

What is the skill of Quick Fight?

Zeus didn't pay much attention.

Little Lada is just an ordinary, bad street Pokémon, Zeus didn't take it to heart at all, and with a wave of his hand, the cannon-barrel-like arm of the duck-billed Yanlong smashed out.


Little Lada suddenly kicked his feet, resisting the blazing hot air waves rushing towards his face, bypassing the enemy's barrel arm, and then bit the duck-billed Yanlong's belly, and suddenly the terrifying red light energy was like a torrent The endless flood poured out, and a terrifying burst of energy burst out on the spot.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the gap between the two Pokémon opened up, and a surprising scene appeared.

The originally mighty duck-billed Yanlong knelt down on the ground with half of its legs, and the flames on its body were much smaller, as if it was about to go out at any moment. The forehead was sweating profusely, and it was panting heavily. Obviously, it was just a blow. Let it enter the appearance of a candle in the wind.

Zeus: "?"

Seeing this scene, his red brow twitched a little. He saw the strangeness on little Lada, and couldn't help but shook his head, secretly thinking that the situation was settled.

Without waiting any longer, he instructed again lightly:

"Finish it with a flash of lightning..."


Little Lada understood, and with a flash of white light, ignoring the difference in speed between the two, he used a preemptive flash of lightning to gradually enlarge the inconceivable eyes of Yabi Yanlong, and finally successfully took the latter's head.


The huge figure of the duck-billed Yanlong fell straight to the ground, which shocked the little Lada who launched the attack. It had never thought of such a high-ranking Pokémon who looked like a demon god in its eyes. Beaten by it?


Just the next second, a burst of flames erupted from Little Lada's body for no reason. After the scorching heat, it successfully took away the last bit of its HP, causing it to faint on the ground.

Flame body, this is the characteristic of the duck-billed phlogiston. Touching skills has a chance to put the enemy into a burn state.

It was Chi who noticed a ray of sparks on the back legs of the reckless little Lada after using it, which made him quickly use lightning to harvest the heads.

The quick battle and quick decision he mentioned before is naturally a strategy of reckless and flashing light. Previously, Xiaolan's Pixie stopped fighting after maintaining Xiao Lada's HP at a limit of 1 point. It can be said that reckless is perfect. trigger timing.


Even so, Chi sighed.

After all, the level difference between Little Lada and the enemy was too great. Apart from being reckless, he couldn't think of any other strategies to deal with this duck-billed flaming dragon.

Maybe if the opponent is a little bit stronger, recklessness may directly fail.

Of course, this can only be caught off guard. When the enemy has experience next time, he will naturally not let a set of reckless people who ignore the level difference be free. That's why Chi didn't name "reckless", but said " quick fix” reason.

Zeus: "?"

With a hulking back, he couldn't help scratching his head, looking at the duck-billed Yanlong that fell like a mountain of meat in front of him, he was a little suspicious of life.

"Exhaust my HP to the last point, use brute force to assimilate, and finally harvest first with a flash of lightning?"

Is this really a tactic that humans can imagine?

Why doesn't he seem to have heard it anywhere.

It's too dirty!

This seems to be a tactic from another world. It seems to be a tactic developed by a group of people who specialize in how to fight. It seems to be a kind of mentally unclean, which is completely different from the style of their world...


Thinking of this, Zeus couldn't help but his face became furious, like a volcanic eruption, his eyes looking at Chi were faintly seductive.

One of his aces, the Flame Duck-billed Dragon, was defeated so easily by a little Lada. This was undoubtedly a great shame for him. He immediately retracted the Flame Duck-billed Dragon, which was fainted, and threw another poke ball backhand.


A red light flashed, and this time it was replaced by a purple-black fat Pokémon, with a pair of blood-colored pupils and a wide mouth, with a sinister and terrifying expression, floating in mid-air like a ghost, and the temperature of the entire hall suddenly dropped A lot, and the wind is blowing.

"Gen Li Li!!"

Geng Gui.

old acquaintance.

Chi swept this Geng Ghost, it's not as soft as Xiaozhi's jelly, but this one seems to have some violent ghost-type Pokémon, and its body shape is more symmetrical than Xiaozhi's, obviously. Professionally trained.

Chi intends to play a few rounds with this Geng Ghost, but right now he doesn't have any extra Pokémon in his hand, so if he wants to call Chaomeng over, he will be bullying the small.

"Geng Geng Geng ~~"

As soon as he thought of this, Chi suddenly heard a familiar cry from behind his head, with some ghosts.

Turning his head, he saw another fat purple-black man picking his teeth, lounging lazily, and drifting past everyone's heads.

As a ghost-type Pokémon, there is no wall in the world that can stop it, and it floats to the basement when it floats.

It's Xiaozhi's Geng Ghost who hunts for beauty everywhere!


Geng Gui greeted Chi. Although Chi is the body of a bodyguard at the moment, after all, it has surpassed Chi once, and he is no stranger to Chi's soul.

Even in his little head, he was still thinking about whether Soul Chi was Xiaozhi's second personality.

"Good job, come down and help me fight..."

Chi's eyes lit up immediately, and with a thought, he spread his will to fight away.


Sensing the incomparably powerful fighting spirit, Geng Gui suddenly shook his body, landed in front of the bodyguard Chi, and stood at attention on the spot.

Although it is always looking for beauty in the city, it also desires to fight and become the strongest in its heart.

And Chi, as a fighter, can convey his fighting spirit to his Pokémon, which is the basic method.

"Is it actually a Geng ghost..."

Zeus raised his eyebrows. He didn't believe that Geng Gui was passing by. It seemed that this kid had planned for a long time to ambush a Geng Gui here in advance?

Vicious Heart!

But Zeus quickly dismissed the smile, because the strength of the Geng Ghost in front of him was obviously much lower than that of his Geng Ghost, he was used to being lazy, and had no power at all.

If it is said that his Geng Ghost's combat power is more than 30,000, the one in front of him has just reached the threshold of 10,000, which is not at all evidenced!


It's just that when Zeus was still complacent, the Geng Gui in front of him suddenly swayed its body a few times coyly, then with a flash of red light, it got back into the poke ball around his waist, as if very ashamed .

Zeus: "?"


Xiaozhi's Geng Gui raised a big crescent moon at the corner of his mouth, his body trembled with his hips crossed, and he let out a ghostly laugh.

Is it true that its urban beauty is just a legend?

It arrived in Yuhong City five days earlier than Xiaozhi and his party. Which female Geng Gui in the city could escape from his Wuzhi Mountain?

In another ten months, Yuhong City will be full of 6v ghosts.

Seeing this scene, Chi couldn't help laughing wryly, looking at Zeus who had a puzzled face on the opposite side, he couldn't help but said:

"Your's is female, mine is male, and if the female's meets the male's, it won't work..."

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