He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1775 Evolution, Jackrabbit!

"Damn so powerful."

Completely at a disadvantage, Xiao Guang and Juan Rabbit fixed their eyes on the opponent in front of them.

At this moment, on the big screen, even Xiaoguang's character's blood bar has reached the position of half a tube of blood.

"Elegant cat, use electric shock wave!!"

On the other hand, Lily continued to launch fierce attacks.

This elegant cat even put on a teasing look as a high-ranking person. It seems that this is the gesture that every cat will show after gaining an advantage.

Sizzling! !

The current laser is flying, and it is still beyond the power of ordinary electric shock waves!

"Curly-eared rabbit, use Thunder Fist!!"

The electric shock wave with the "sure hit" effect is hard to dodge at all, and Xiaoguang can only choose to block it with head-on moves.

The curly-eared rabbit used ears instead of fists, burst out an electric current, and met the incoming electric shock wave with one punch!

Sizzling! !

The berserk electric current scattered all over the place, barely offsetting it.

But since the resistance is already at the limit, it is impossible to do any gorgeous counterattack, and the blood bars of the characters on Lily's side are still in a healthy state.

"There is only half of the progress left. It is already impossible to use the blood bar to defeat the opponent. Only by making the opponent unable to fight at once can we win!"

Xiao Gang in the audience touched his chin and said seriously.

"Teacher Dagang, what does it mean to use the blood bar?!"

Mingyao next to him asked questions one after another like a new baby.

Although he temporarily understands the battle of the gorgeous contest, the mechanism of the character's blood bar is still unclear.

This kind of electrical health bar mechanism is still too advanced for an ancient person like him, and it is difficult to understand.

Xiaogang could only patiently introduce to the latter what the blood bar on the big screen behind him meant.

On the stage, at this moment, Xiaoguang is obviously in a desperate situation.

"It is only possible to defeat this elegant cat with a fighting attribute move!"

She naturally also saw the only way to go now.

It's just that its curl-eared rabbit lags behind this elegant cat in terms of movement and strength, and it can't play key fighting moves at all.

"So this is a desperate situation, right? Curly-eared rabbit, come on!!"

Xiaoguang looked fixedly, and suddenly shouted loudly.

The curl-eared rabbit in front of him nodded his head hard, his eyes became firm, and he clenched his fists tightly on the spot.

He even tensed his whole body, trying to recall the appearance of the jack-eared rabbit he saw in the Seven Stars restaurant, and released all his strength.


At this moment, the level of the rabbit has reached the threshold of evolution. As long as the evolution can be completed, both movement and speed can be greatly improved!

"If you enter a desperate situation, Pokémon will unleash all its potential, and it will be more likely to complete evolution!"

Xiaoguang's mind recalled Xiaozhi's words before.

Facing such an elegant cat, now is the best time!


Finally, with the rabbit's high-pitched cry, dazzling white light began to appear on the surface of its body.

The appearance of the light of evolution made the curly-eared rabbit several times taller in an instant. From the original height of Xiaoguang's knees, it directly grew to surpass the height of Xiaoguang's entire body.

"Wood drink!!"

Finally, with a rather loud low shout, the light dissipated, and the curl-eared rabbit showed a new posture!

It has a slender humanoid proportion, with flexible and slender limbs and a waist. On the rabbit's head, there are two raised yellow eyebrows.

The most special thing is that the previously rolled ears have now become wide and long ears that are almost longer than the whole person, bending and hanging down in the first half.

If it was called a rabbit with curled ears before, should it be called a rabbit with folded ears now?

"Finally finished evolution! Long-eared rabbit!"

Witnessing the evolution process, Xiaoguang excitedly looked at the humanoid rabbit in front of him.

"Wood drink~!"

The long-eared rabbit turned his head and nodded towards Xiaoguang. Both his expression and his voice seemed to have matured a lot.

This appearance made Pikachu in the audience shiver.

The long-eared rabbit is about to pounce on it, crushing it and killing it!

"So it took this opportunity to evolve. Now that's the case, let me see the power of the jackrabbit now!"

Lily's eyes didn't retreat but moved forward, becoming more and more fiery.

Now she has fulfilled her previous dream of becoming a great designer, and she can do whatever she wants in the future.

Since the coordinator of the Gorgeous Contest has a continuous upward challenge, this is her new battlefield!

It can be said that Lily is the first batch of old-timers who end up frying fish after the reform of this gorgeous competition.

"Go all out, jackrabbit!!"

Xiaoguang also put away his excitement, and put his focus completely in front of his eyes.

At this moment, the game time has been delayed by evolution, and there is no extra time for them to waste.

"Wood drink!!"

The long-eared rabbit's eyes were fixed. After completing the evolution, the usual playful things were a little less, and now he was full of fighting spirit.

Before waiting for Xiaoguang's command, he rushed up first.

Da da da!

With long and slender legs, the rabbit's movements are more than a little faster, and each leg can stride nearly 2 meters.

The flexible speed even made the figure of the long-eared rabbit surround the elegant cat, like multiple phantoms, making it difficult to distinguish the real body.

"Have you mastered the moves of high-speed movement?!"

Xiaoguang's eyes brightened.

But Lily on the other side was not a weak hand either, and responded immediately:

"Elegant cat, use the wave of water on the audience!!"

The elegant cat jumped up, and a water bomb condensed, hit the center of the ground fiercely with its forelegs.

Hush! !

The enhanced version of the wave of water hit the opposite side, rebounded instantly, set off waves, and rushed towards the jackrabbits covering it in all directions!

"Jump up, use a double kick!!"

The long-eared rabbit put away its high-speed movement in an instant, and also jumped up with vigorous steps. Its amazing jumping ability made it leap to the same height as the elegant cat in an instant.

Immediately, the long legs spun in the air and kicked straight up.

"Use the iron tail to block it!!"

The elegant cat in the air quickly changed its shape, and condensed its steel tail to meet the blow.

Bang bang! !

Iron Tail's strength was stronger, blocking the jackrabbit's flying legs back.

"It's not over yet, the double kick is two kicks!!"

However, as Xiaoguang's voice fell, the long-eared rabbit put away his left leg, spun around in a circle, and then kicked out again with his right leg.

The huge difference in height made Ya Mao not even have time to react before being kicked hard on the back.

boom! !

The whole body immediately flew upside down, the effect is outstanding!

"Damn, have you matured so much in action? Then try this trick!"

Lily showed a ruthless expression, and raised her hand to attack again:

"Elegant cat, use the strongest sacrifice to charge!!"

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