He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1792 Defeated, Pokkisi

Remember [New] in a second!

It has to be said that this Pokkisi bird's attack is extremely powerful, and the surrounding air is quiet because of this move.

However, the self-explosive Magnetomon has a terrifying quadruple resistance to flying attribute moves!

There is even an iron wall move with max defense.

Bang Bang...!!

The divine bird's slam hit was a complete hit, although it still pushed the self-explosive magneto back again and again.

The beak at the tip of the divine bird was still pierced through a deep gap in the face of the self-explosive Magnetomon!

But in the end, the self-explosive magnetite managed to withstand the blow.

At this moment, the distance between the two is absolutely zero...

Chi Ri's face turned cold, and he suddenly said indifferently:

"Magnetic self-exploding, use Big Bang!


Hearing the sound, the self-explosive Magneto didn't hesitate at all, and the metal body suddenly became violent, and beams of dazzling white light shot from the body to the outside world.

Then came a coercive aura that enveloped the surroundings.

Before Pokkisi could react, he was about to run away.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the self-explosive magnetite exploded on the spot, triggering a burst of extremely terrifying energy blasts!

The raging flames completely engulfed Pokkisi, who was close at hand, in an instant!

Big bang, full hit!

The blasting power that seemed to be able to destroy everything hit Pokkisi's whole body hard!

The power of the big bang was almost equivalent to launching two beams of destructive death light at the same time!

Boom boom boom!

The violent explosion set off a mushroom cloud of smoke and dust in the air, and Pokkisi's figure also fell powerlessly from the explosion the next moment.

At this moment, the white body became incomparably scorched black, covered with scars, and the eyes also turned into whirlpools very simply...

Pokkisi couldn't fight and was defeated on the spot!

Faced with a big explosion at zero distance, it is estimated that only Zhulan's biting land shark can barely hold on.


Even the Scorpio King was taken aback by the terrible movement,

Frozen in place, at a loss.


Chiri, on the other hand, was still standing in the cabin, his expression unchanged.

A self-exploding Magneto, in exchange for a main Pokémon of the league champion... Then he can continue to use five big explosions!



At the same time, the explosion on the roof also caused the buildings below to tremble violently.

The incomparably strong force made Zhulan and Xiaozhi raise their heads subconsciously.


The next moment, a figure broke through the roof and ceiling, fell vertically, and fell heavily in front of the two of them

Taking a closer look, it was the Pokkis who couldn't fight.

And looking at this injury, it must be sent to the elf center for treatment in time, otherwise even life may be in danger.

"Bite Lu Shark fiercely, help take care of the situation!"

Zhulan let out a low cry, her face was tense, she quickly bent over and sat beside Pokkisi, and performed an emergency treatment in the wild.


Seeing his companion fall, the biting land shark was also very angry, and roared into the air.

Although it really wants to vibrate its wings, fly into the air, and kill all enemies...but at this moment, the biting land shark must stay by Zhulan.

"Galaxy guys...!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi's expression also changed, and he couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

But even the main Pokémon of the league champion has been killed, this group of Galaxy team members are much stronger than he imagined!

"Scorpio King...!"

This made Xiaozhi raise his head, and his expression became tense. He had just completed his evolution, and the current Scorpio King is not very suitable for air combat yet.


And at this moment the sky above the building.

call out...!

Chi Ri took back the scorched black self-destructing Magneto, and his eyes fell on the trembling Scorpion King standing on the eaves.

Don't look at the fierce and tall Scorpio King, but in fact he is still a playful baby. He has never seen such a big scene.

"Hmph...Nose up, use triple attack!"

Chi Ri snorted coldly, thinking that he could easily kill this guy.

A white light energy cannonball condensed in front of Da Chao Beibi again, flying and bombarding it.

However, the golden eyes of the Scorpio King, who had been standing still and at a loss, suddenly lit up!



The timid and cowardly appearance before also disappeared in an instant. With the wings propped up, the gray-purple body was instantly covered with a layer of blue light.


The next moment, the Scorpion King took off into the air, and with his flexible flying movements, he easily dodged the triple attack completely!

Even his aura became fierce and courageous, and he rushed straight in the direction of Da Chaobei's nose.

"Big nose, use rock crit!"

Although Chi Ri didn't know what happened, he responded quickly.

Although his big nose also possessed the unique move of "Big Bang", it was obviously a bit of a waste to use this move against a Scorpio King.

Boom boom boom!

Da Chao Beibi looked calm, and huge rocks continuously condensed in front of him, throwing them at the Scorpion King in unison.



However, at this moment, the Scorpion King's flying movements were extremely sensitive and fast, easily dodging all the critical rock attacks, and even had enough energy to fly in the direction of Da Chaobei's nose.


Relying on this flying attribute move that has been practiced for a long time, Scorpio King can complete many flexible movements in the air.

"Use Iron Wall!"

Chi Ri quickly changed his strategy, preparing to block this flying move.

Seeing that the whole body of Dachaobeibi has been covered with a layer of metallic silver light, it is obvious that the defense power has been greatly improved.

However, the Scorpio King also changed his moves in an instant, dissipating the brisk light from his body.


In the same instant, the Scorpio King opened his mouth wide, but a hot flame was ignited between his teeth.


With the last bite, he bit hard on the big red nose facing north!

Flame teeth!

The blazing flame broke through the iron wall defense in an instant, and the sharp teeth were even embedded in the red nose magnet.

As the flames exploded, uureading www.uukanshu.com separated the two people, and the Scorpio King flexibly flew into the distance.

"Wu, Wu...?!"

But the nose with the big nose facing the north was bitten crookedly, which caused the magnetic field in its body to instantly become disordered...

The whole body can only be bumped up and down in mid-air, stumbling around, as if it is difficult to maintain flight.

"What exactly is going on...?!"

Chiri's expression finally changed. Why did this Muggle Scorpio King suddenly become as if divinely assisted, judging the situation, and performing his moves so perfectly...?

"Good job, Scorpio King!"

But at this moment, Xiaozhi's praise suddenly came from Scorpio King's head.

It is the power of Xiaozhi's waveguide? Telepathy!

Using the power of waveguide to forcibly connect the Pokémon's mind, Xiaozhi can even command his Pokémon to fight remotely from a distance of tens of meters!

Although the Scorpio King is timid, once he hears Xiaozhi's voice, he will be fearless!

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