He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1810 Little girl, we can communicate..

"Come back, Forretos."

On the other side, Donggua took back the defeated Fritos with a helpless expression.

Normally, this Pokémon will only appear when he defeats the Fire Pokémon specially prepared by the opponent... Unexpectedly, Batou made an early appearance today.

"Let Fritos learn the move of rapid return next time..."

Winter Melon thought to himself.

If there is a move of rapid return, even the gymnasium owner can actively switch Pokémon.

"Little girl, there are two more... Come out, Bronze Mirror Monster!


Winter Melon calmed down a little, and sent the previous Bronze Mirror Monster on the stage again.

"Come back for now, jackrabbit."

On Xiaoguang's side, he took the initiative to replace the long-eared rabbit, then flipped his palm and threw another elf ball.

"If only I had a ghost-type Pokémon..."

At this moment, there is nothing very good to restrain the Pokémon, Xiaoguang simply launched a head-on challenge.



This time it was Xiaoguang's trump card—Prince Bo, who appeared on the stage, raised his head and let out a haughty cry.

Steel attribute to steel attribute...half a steel attribute.

Has not yet evolved to the final stage, Prince Bo is still a single water attribute.

"Oh, do you want a head-to-head confrontation...Bronze mirror monster, use hypnotism!"

At the beginning of the game, Donggua took the lead in attacking.

Seeing the hypnotic fluctuations hit, Xiaoguang raised his hand and pointed:

"Prince Bo, try that new move... use the water flow ring!


"Bogu!" Prince Bo nodded, raised his head vertically, opened his beak slightly, and sprayed out a slender stream of water.

Hugh huh huh...!

The next moment, the slender stream of water began to flexibly wrap around Prince Bo's body like a fluttering ribbon, gradually forming a water ring.

Under the thin water ring, this made Prince Bo's figure look quite dreamy and gorgeous.

Even the aperture fluctuations of the hypnotism were blocked, unable to affect Prince Bo in the water flow ring.

"Have you actually learned the water ring?"

In the audience seats, Xiaozhi said in surprise.

This is Master Mikri's signature trick, it's a move that is very suitable for the stage of the gorgeous competition...

It seems that Xiaoguang is still an amphibious player now, and the gorgeous fighting style has not been forgotten.

The ring of water flow also has the effect of continuously recovering stamina, which is a good move for protracted battles.

On the field, Xiaoguang's intoxicated and gentle expression changed instantly to a fierceness full of fighting spirit.

"Now, use the water cannon trick!


Prince Bo adjusted his head, this time the bird's beak was opened to the maximum.

Puff boom boom!

The next moment, a thick stream of water gushed out of the mouth, with an unstoppable impact, straight towards the bronze mirror monster!

Even with the help of the "water flow slate" carried by Prince Bo, the power of this water cannon has been greatly enhanced.

"Bronze mirror monster, use the top ball!"

Seeing that there was no way to dodge, Donggua could only bite the bullet and resist.

The Bronze Mirror Monster repeated its old trick and spun again in the air, trying to smash the water cannon completely.

However, the Bronze Mirror Monster obviously miscalculated the power gap between the two, and the water cannon used overwhelming force to completely disperse the Bronze Mirror Monster's spinning tendency.

Boom boom boom!

The momentum of the water burst out, sending the Bronze Mirror Monster flying violently, causing quite good damage.

Da da...!

After the move fell, the Bronze Mirror Monster was suspended in the air with a shrug, and the Bronze Mirror's body was still dripping with embarrassing water droplets.

Seeing that the opponent has entered the state of a candle in the wind, Xiaoguang continued to attack and said:

"Prince Bo, use the water jet!


Hugh whoosh!

The next moment, Prince Bo's whole body was entangled in the water, turning into a bunch of sharp water arrows, and rushed out!

"It's not that simple, use magical powers!


However, at the critical moment, the bronze mirror monster's eyes glowed with blue light, but its small body burst out with strong spiritual power, and it was the limit to catch the rushing Prince Bo.

Buzz buzz...!

The supernatural power exploded, completely restraining Prince Bo and freezing him in mid-air, making it difficult to go any further.

Seeing that the water was about to fall completely, Xiaoguang suddenly commanded loudly:

"It's now, use the wave rush!


Prince Bo understood, with a haughty look in his eyes, the moves he had practiced for a long time finally came in handy!


The body was completely restrained by the supernatural power, and Prince Bo, who was in the state of jetting water, suddenly flashed a burst of metallic silver light on his head.

iron head!

With the blunt force of the iron head move, fully integrated into the peripheral water jet...

Hugh boom boom!

In the next instant, the size of the surrounding water arrows soared several times, and Prince Bo even broke free from the shackles of supernatural power with overwhelming force!

Immediately, it turned into a huge powerful stream of water, rushing towards the target again!

But this time, the Bronze Mirror Monster couldn't dodge...


The undulating charge hit the mirror surface of the Bronze Mirror Monster head-on. The terrifying force made the Bronze Mirror Monster fly backwards like a cannonball.

It shattered several stone pillars on the field in a row, and finally smashed hard on the wall, and the body of the bronze mirror was deeply embedded in it.


The eyes are also in the shape of swirls, and it is impossible to fight completely.

But Prince Bo dissipated the water flow and landed again.


Although the anti-injury damage caused by the wave charge caused electric arcs to appear on its body surface, causing it to go numb for a while, but Prince Bo still raised his head proudly and his eyes were firm.


"What the hell is this move...?"

As the referee, Piaotai was frightened by Bobo Chong's violent blow.

He also has a war hammer dragon who is good at the head hammer move. This move of Wave Chong is somewhat similar to the double-edged head hammer...

It's just water attribute, when will there be such a violent new move! ?

"This Prince Bo, uureading www.uukanshu.com uses an iron head...?"

As an expert in steel attributes, Winter Melon focused on this.

The local Yusanjia Emperor Nabo has the steel attribute...Winter Melon is naturally very familiar with this kind of Pokémon.

But as far as he knew, it should be difficult for Emperor Nabo's lineage to master the iron head move.

And not only did Prince Wave come out, but after using it together with the water jet... it directly turned into a new move that looked like a double-edged head hammer? !

Dong Gua's eyes lit up, and she suddenly became very interested in Prince Bo in front of her.

Thinking of this, after taking back the bronze mirror monster, he beckoned to Xiaoguang from a distance, and said with a smile:

"Little girl, I also have an Emperor Napoleon here, if you don't mind, we can communicate later..."

Xiaoguang blinked, not knowing what was going on, but just nodded in a daze.

But Xiaozhi in the auditorium reacted suddenly.

He is too familiar with the expression of Mr. Donggua. When he was traveling in the Chengdu area, almost every gym owner had this expression after the end...!

He fell in love with genes again and wanted to hatch eggs!

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